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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen


    8 minutes ago, God said:

    all of bts’s songs sound like generic radio music.  i don’t necessarily have anything against them, but i don’t get why they’re so popular.

    Agree. Usually the bigger labels like YG literally make the same shit over and over

  2. On 7/12/2019 at 7:03 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    Can we bring back more variety on popular radio stations?

    I'm tired of hearing the same 5 songs every hour, and would like to hear a nice up and coming artist like it used to be. Maybe radio is a dying market and I'm just talking to the wind, or my tastes are getting too stale for the in-crowd.


    Oh btw, Denver's radio stations suck compared to Chicago. Fight me.

    I have that Sirus XM thing on my phone and in our car and I always turn on either the 80s, 90s and 2000s music stations to get my jam on.


    Most Top 40 stations lack variety anyway and even some of the artists that I like that they play, those songs get annoying as fuck after a while. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Oof, that's my favourite food 😕 on the subject of food/drink though, I don't like milk. Or cream, actually. I love ice cream but not cream. I also don't like cheesecake, tea or coffee.

    Iced Coffees from Tim Hortons (Canadian over here) are where it’s at. Tea is gross. Cheesecake tastes like ass

  4. 22 minutes ago, God said:

    tbh your lie in april had a lot of things in it that were in extremely poor taste.  i don’t mind predictability.  that’s a non-issue for me.  but god that show was sort of gross in some aspects.  tbf, i usually end up not liking the “feels” anime.  most of them seem like extreme pandering.  but your lie in april is trash.  

    Is it bad that I actually got emotional at the end of YLIA. When i first watched it honestly, I wasn’t expecting anything. 


    I didn’t think people hated it THAT much lol

  5. 3 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Actors, public figures, famous people, or whatever we call them now, should NEVER step outside their little palace of fame and fortune to try and influence their ideas onto their fans, especially politics

    I will agree there. If an actor starts pushing an opinion and forces it onto others, that’s where I’m like shut the hell up. The only part where I disagree is if they are just raising awareness for something. (Ex. Leonardo Dicaprio) 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    The Greatest Showman was terrible. I get that it's a musical, but did every little thing have to be conveyed through song? They'd literally made a song and dance out of it and I was so disappointed because my hopes for it were sky-high. The acting/casting was good, the plot was promising and the visuals were fantastic, but the delivery sucked. It sacrificed any potential emotion for "a MiLlIoN dReAmS iS aLl It'S gOnNa TaKe" and the effect it had on me suffered as a result. I might as well have just watched a load of glitzy music videos back-to-back.

    If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t like PT Barnum like a racist or something? I feel like I’ve heard that some where?

  7. 37 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    Marvel hasn't done a good movie since X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) apart from the X-Men installment itself and Wolverine. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is pandering so heavily towards the millenial meme-generation with its constant usage of comic relief, 4th wall breaking and lightheartedness, and has little respect for the original comics. I'll take DC over Marvel any day. 

    I think the problem that I have with DC movies is that I find the early films, like Man Of Steel and BvS, they we’re TOO serious, which is why I didn’t like those movies. Same thing with Suicide Squad AKA “Soundtrack the Movie”. Although, I have been liking the more recent films like Shazam and Aquaman.


    Also, I disagree with your point about Marvel films being too lighthearted. I find that to be a good thing, as I love a little humor. Sure some of it can be a little “Fellow Kids”, but I don’t mind it. No offence, but not everything has to be serious. It’s good to have a little humor. 


    Honestly, I love both Marvel and DC, but I will always love Marvel! Lol



  8. 2 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    For another thing, Antifa are actively looking to stir up drama where there isn't. If I remember correctly there have been at least five black metal bands in the past few months who haven't been able to finish their tours or been refused playtime during festivals and the like because these liberals think it's either necessary to threaten the venue or bands personally and thus gigs have been cancelled out of safety, or they've gotten the venues and / or municipalities to believe the bands have racist / national-socialist intentions whereas most black metal bands don't give a damn about political leanings and want to be left alone on the subject. It's just disgusting. 

    Lol. Isn’t like every black metal

    band controversial to some extent? 


    Regardless, as someone who’s pretty left leaning, I often live and let live for an actors political opinions. Hell, most of the time they rarely announce them unless something shitty happens.


    7 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    social justice warrior 

    I don’t mean to be rude or harsh in anyway but I feel like that word is overused wayy to much. I agree that some SJW’s can be extreme, but I feel like that word is used wayyy to much to describe someone who is just wanting equal rights even if they are not crazy SJW’s


    “You’re pro gay? SJW LIBTARD!!”. I’ve seen it many times


  9. We have an Unpopular Opinions thread for VK but I realized we don’t have one for general topics. Post em here!


    Also just to clarify: No racist, sexist or homophobic opinions. Saying “i hate black people they should die” doesn’t constitute as an unpopular opinion.


    I’ll start: Billie Ellish is overrated and her music is subpar at best


    EDIT: Feel free to disagree with these opinions as well but keep it respectful 


    Also. NO POLITICS! I don't want this to become a shit show. Yes, I have made political opinions on here, but regardless, politics is now barred from this discussion 

  10. 18 minutes ago, suji said:

    I personally don't give a fuck about anyone's politics anymore, especially when most people I follow are probably leftist libtards, but as I said before, I want to keep enjoying the thing they're doing rather than focus on them as a person.

    I think most people in the entertainment industry are pretty left leaning. Regardless, I couldn’t care if someone had some interesting opinions. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    You make this statement out of fear of the repercussions of not being clear, and I'll tell you right now (and for those who don't want to hear it but need to) that in a perfect world, these types of people need to exist. Part of having people with their own identity is being proud of it, even if it is the worst thing in the world like murdering or racism. It's what keeps the balance/order in society, and always has been since the dawn of time.

    I agree. As much as I don’t like these people, I definitely agree that to an extent, they sort of HAVE to be around. I’m not defending them, but injustice and bigotry has been around for a while and we can’t end it no matter how hard we tried.

  12. 58 minutes ago, suji said:

    I've listened to plenty of black metal/dungeon synth artists who are self-proclaimed murderers and Neo-Nazis

    I’m a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan has said some...interesting opinions over the years. While some of them are...stupid, I’ve never really cared. He’s mellowed out his political opinions since then.


    I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour.


    Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist.


    NOTE: I’m only saying this to people who are ACTUALLY saying these kinds of things out loud and proud of being those kinds of people. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    Michael Jackson was a kiddy diddler. 

    I’m gonna say this as someone who has liked MJ’s music since I was little.


    Obviously, I’m not gonna agree with everything that people say about him. Many of the accusations seem pretty far fetched and I don’t agree with a lot of it as many of it seems fake.


    However, I do think that him sleeping with children and the comments he’s made about them are...weird. It is sort of weird to have parents of these kids put a lot of trust into some (at the time) 29 year old. It’s important to know that Micheal had a really close friendships with a lot of children, most notably Macaulay Culkin. 


    So in short, I don’t believe everything that people say about Micheal as many of it can be false, however I do think that he tends to be too close to children and you can’t deny that it’s a little weird.


    Refer to this video: 


  14. On 7/3/2019 at 2:23 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    Well, I was told by many to watch Your Lie in April  because it was so great and that people cried at the end blah blah.

    So I sat down to watch it.


    First few episodes were great, pacing was good, and character introduction and plot were well established. I actually thought it was cool.

    Thennnnnn I got to episode 6 or so and  they "shat the bed" (using references to Darling in the FranXX) with the crappiest resolve moment crap for the protagonist that I just stopped watching. It was so stupid to me what happened in those episodes leading up to the moment that I was in arguments with friends that I was not getting the message or that it was a good resolve and I was being dramatic. Oh, I got the message, but it was handled in such poor taste that the characters leave nothing to be desired, and so soon I might add that the resolve made no sense and actually, it was not even needed. I was gonna put it on hold to finish it, but from what I hear it was actually really bad from episode 10 onward by what others who've seen the show said so I'll most likely drop it since I already thought nothing more of it to continue watching.

    Such a shame too because the show had promise.


    And I'm pretty sure someone dies at the end like all these types of shows tend to do.

    Probably a good thing I watched this alone otherwise I'd piss some people off that I didn't enjoy the show.

    I think the problem with Your Lie In April (even though I love it) is that it definitely just spoils the ending. Like, you KNOW she’s gonna die because it’s set up in a way that makes it happen. I often don’t recommend YLIA to anyone because it literally spoils the ending. I love everything about it and I agree it has some issues but in the end, I enjoyed it.


    Hell, I enjoyed many controversial animes lol. I’ve even considered many anime's that people hate to be some of my favourites lol


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