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Posts posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. 26 minutes ago, God said:

    it’s honestly such a shame.  no one is really willing to take risks anymore.  every once in a while, someone releases smth really cool and unique...did you hear key’s solo album?  😱 like that is exactly the kind of thing kpop needs rn.  give us variety again.  😔

    It’s kind of sad that the more experimental and intriguing groups are put aside for the more bland and generic ones. Like we get it that every teenage girl likes EXO or BTS or whatever, but give some more newer and fresh groups a chance

  2. 2 hours ago, Gesu said:

    Completely unrelated to K-pop, but I don't give a shite about anything to do with the MCU except for Guardians Of The Galaxy (and even then, I only ever got around to seeing the first one). It's not that I have anything against it and I'm sure that if I saw more, I'd enjoy it; I just don't really care.

    That’s fine and all but I hate the ones who just hate it because they find it nerdy and the audacity to hate on others for enjoying it.


    Like stop being an asshole. One kid in my history class always found a way to insult me and my friends interest in the MCU and was all like “WHY DO YOU LIKE THIS!!?? I ONLY LIKE MOVIES WITH GUNS AND SEX IN IT”


    Bro, stfu


    Like honestly if you just watch shows just for those reasons then 1. your already a really boring person and 2. maybe you should find a show or a movie with a GOOD story, not just how many times a hot girl shows her tits. 


    I think he’ll love Nymphomanic then lol



  3. I know I said this in an earlier comment but...


    I actually like SAO


    Granted Alfheim was...ehhhh. But the Mothers Rosario arc was well done and so was the movie.


    Also, can we PLEASE stop with the “oh this died in *insert year*. Like seriously, theres sooo much good anime. 


    I liked Darling In the Franxx


    Jojo is overrated and I have no interest in watching it


    I dont like Future Diary. If I hear “YUKKKKKIIIII” one more fucking time, I will slit my fucking wrists. That pink haired yandere cunt makes me wanna vomit.


    Also, people can like the anime better than the manga even if the manga is supposedly better than the manga. You shouldn’t force it on someone if they’re not interested. Hell, I like Marvel movies and I don’t know jack shit about the comics lol

  4. 3 minutes ago, chipathy said:

    Tokyo ghouls is already 10x better than the anime 

    The first two seasons were great. The first season for Tokyo Ghoul Re was not good. I didn't even bother watching part two of that 

  5. 1 minute ago, spockitty said:

    I have a coworker who believes that yes, the world is flat, Russian government manipulates the weather and causes the droughts to control people (which, I'll give her that they actually did try to control the weather lol), 5G internet has mind control properties, vaccines are the devil, cancer and pretty much every other disease is caused by your unresolved emotional issues and that you should only drink ~living water~ (I'm not clear on that, but I know that you can turn your regular plebeian water into ~living water~ with the use of an $1500 ball of metal and it's going to fix your memory and idk your life, it's a whole movement). 


    I deal with her by walking out of the room when she starts on any of these topics. I do have to work with her pretty closely on a daily basis....

    NEVER let this woman have children. I don't want them becoming complete retards like this woman.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Cereal Killer 13 said:

    Rize, Ziyoou-Vachi, Crossfaith,  Coldrain, Crystal Lake, Miyavi, dir en grey, Tsushimamire, Kokeshi Doll, a ton of all female/female fronted bands that either aren't around anymore or inactive. 

    Dir En Grey is an all time favourite of mine! Do you like Exist Trace since you said you like all female bands?

  7. Just now, God said:

    the only mcu flicks i watch are the ones that have tony stark in them, and even still i’m like 3 movies behind now.  but from what i’ve seen, i really can’t stand captain america.  😂 that dude pisses me off.

    Oof I felt that. He's my favorite Avenger lol 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    It's just that negative definitions tend to take over more positive ones, I think. 😕

    I think that goes for any form of entertainment honestly. Like when closed minded music fans think ALL modern music is bad, and bring up examples like Lil Pump or whatever, they ignore the best artists we have this generation. People like Kendrick, Gambino, Tyler, or litteraly ANY good rap or pop music is cast aside and they ALWAYS think modern music sucks without having the audacity to look for awesome music. 


    I had a debate with a kid in my history class about this. One of those classic rock fans who think everything sucks nowadays. I was wearing my MCR shirt one day and he was all high and mighty about how my music is just emo garbage and that his music is better. I explained to him how closed minded he was and he was like 'Im NoT clOsEd MiNdeD". News flash dude, you kind of are.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    become a genre in itself characterised by that shitty, "what does this mean" stuff we're used to seeing, and that's the kind I (and other people here) can't stand. I agree with the points made on both sides

    Agree. Even when I see stuff like that, I often am confused by what I'm looking at. Maybe it means something to the artist IDK. But yeah, I think those kinds of art are not shit, but I find them confusing and am often scratching my head as to why this was made. 

  10. Imma chime in with all this art shit.


    38 minutes ago, suji said:

    digital animation and cgi FUCKING SUCKS

    I disagree. While yes, there are shitty CG films (Cats and Sonic) and yes they look hideous. The problem here is that everyone nowadays just SEES bad CG without realizing that most VFX on screen are great as long as they’re done well. Superhero fights, explosions, crashes, a whole city,etc. It sucks that many talented VFX artists are just cast aside and the shitty ones are given more attention.


    41 minutes ago, suji said:

    modern art fucking sucks

    I’m sort of in the middle. One one hand, I think many talented artists exist in today’s world. On the other hand, it’s kind of hard to call a bunch of abstract shapes art. Then again, I’m not a big art person so I often don’t pay attention to modern art. To say all modern art sucks is an understatement because all the more...unusual arts are just stereotyped for ALL modern art. Same thing when people say “all modern music sucks”, there IS good music, your just not looking for it.


    34 minutes ago, suji said:

    always has to be fucking political

    Again, I also disagree. IMO, I think that every form of art can have a good political message. I can’t name any paintings or art fitting those messages, but I’m okay with any form of art with a political message. I think everyone can share their political opinions in a respectful non pushy manner. Art is one of them. Sure you can disagree with it, but in my eyes, people who make political art should have a voice even if you disagree with it.

  11. I finished Sarazanmai. Weird and crazy ass anime but holy hell does it get good around Episode 7. Probably my favorite show of the year so far. Also finished Black Butler Season 1. Very fun and very enjoyable.


    Black Butler Season 2 on the other hand...ugh. It's horrid. Only good things are that The Gazette did the OP and the main characters are back, but I absolutely HATE the new ones. It may get good in the later episodes but IDK

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