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  1. Interesting
    Joel reacted to Snaked0g in DIMLIM   
    My Japanese friend went to the show. He loves Dimlim and it was his first time seeing them. Here's his gushing:
    I feel like I don’t want to leave here.
    The show was just perfect. It was truly the best show I’ve ever seen. I was so drunk by the songs and his voice.
    I was like watching a movie.
    If there is only one concert I can take you. I would choose DIMLIM. 
    What was surprising was that the vocal sho was singing toward his left not front, so I had to keep looking at his face of the left side.
    As I expected, I only saw three members and they perfectly played all songs using recorded sound. I wonder how they possibly could do that.
    Next email:
    ・Sho's shout was a laser beam
    ・There was a crazy guy in front of me. The guy kept shouting every time Sho shouted. It was so loud that the microphone caught his voice.
    ・The show started from "Rijin", my favorite song!!!
    ・I really liked the other song of Rijin, 肉腫と繁殖と不快感. I enjoyed the song so much at the live thanks to you.
    ・喜 was played early! Everyone was very excited to hear that.
    ・Sho had water very often. I guessed shouting hurts his throat very much.
    ・The guitarist had mustache.
    ・They didn't say thank you at last, which I thought it was kind of rude.
    ・When sho succeeded in singing the shouting part of Vanitas, everyone started to clap him a lot!!
    ・Oh, I saw music video of their new song. It's "What's up"
    ・I can't wait for their next show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I asked if I could share and commented on how in his pictures it didn't look like it was all girls in the crowd and there were foreigners.
    Of course you can share anything! I want to tell people who left bad reputation how perfect it was!!!
    Only three members made that concert using a computer.
    Yeah only that show. I thought probably there were more guys than girls, at least half. It seemed like that. And some foreigners.
    They showed us new music video called what’s up.
    It was surprising the song sounded pop that reminded me of ONE OK ROCK.
    Some might not like it, but I like they are trying to do something new!!
    By the way, the vocal looked very young without makeup. I sort of felt like looking at a show of university students. But the quality was professional.
  2. Like
    Joel reacted to zetork in ゼツ (Zetu) will disband   
    トイレの花子さん Toilet no Hanako-san PV FULL video will be handed out to those who have purchased over 6000 yen after the performance.
     * The media will be DVD-R
  3. 悲しい
    Joel reacted to suji in ゼツ (Zetu) will disband   
    ゼツ (Zetu) has announced that they will end activities - ie, disband - at their last oneman live on 12/19 at Electric Lady Land FITSALL.
    Their single, "この音源を聞いたら死にます。" (Kono Ongen wo Kiitara Shinimasu), which was supposed to be released in October, will now be released as their last single via mail order from 12/19~26.
    Original announcement:

  4. Like
  5. LOLOL
    Joel got a reaction from suji in new band "ブレスト(BREST)" has formed   
    Cant wait for VAGNA
  6. Like
    Joel reacted to sleepy coffee in New Band ビス (bisu) has formed   
    Looks like they have a first single planned
  7. LOVE!
    Joel reacted to VkBrutaliaN in New Band ビス (bisu) has formed   
    New Band ビス (bisu) has formed.
    Members are:
    Vocalist: らゔ (Love) ex Paranoid≠circuS 
    Guitar: Pi
    Guitar: 病魅 (Yami)
    Bassist: 蒼依 (Aoi)
    They also had some other former session/project called 頭のはずれた僕のネジ (kashira no hazureta boku no neji) and they released 4 DEMO songs on their youtube channel:
  8. wow
    Joel reacted to nomemorial in [LIVE REPORT] 5/6/19 - DIMLIM / gulu gulu / MAMIRETA / etc @ 高田馬場AREA   
    Wow - it's been a long time since this happened, but I remembered mentioning I'd write up a report and life has finally slowed down enough for me to try and do just that!
    This was a show I felt really lucky to be able to attend while I was there - it was the night before I was scheduled to leave Tokyo and had multiple acts I had hoped to see while I was in Japan. I'll get right to it (though this might be a bit "stream of consciousness" so bear with my antics and anecdotes)
    On this afternoon my wife and I were wandering Ikebukuro before we were going to go to 高田馬場AREA for this live. She doesn't have much interest in VK and we were nearing the end of our trip, so she planned on watching a band or two and heading back to our accommodations in Shinjuku.
    When we arrived, she saw the line (on an incline going down a hill) and basically said "yeah, no" so I took her back to the train station (where there was a ginormous R指定 banner hanging over the staircase) while we had time to spare. Funnily enough, I went to the restroom before returning to the venue and in that time she realized she left our wifi box in my bag, so she walked back to the venue to track me down. Somehow everyone was already inside and she assumed I had gone in, too -- but I also had her ticket (I wasn't thinking much this day...) 
    She then attempted to track down "blonde gaijin" in broken Japanese with the gentleman running the door who reluctantly (yet surprisingly???) let her run into the live hall and find me. At this point I am walking back to the venue and see her on the sidewalk. I am very confused so she explains the whole silly scenario and basically says "fuck it, I'm here, buy me a drink and I'll hang out for a little."
    As we enter and declare our "favorites" to the doorman (DIMLIM and gulu gulu) we enter and hear music playing while we buy beers. I see video on the screen but I am a newbie and thought it was a recording. Turns out the opening band (billed as Aster) was actually finishing their set already. (the listed showtime hadn't even hit yet - I thought we were early, but oh well!)
    We wandered into the live hall to see them play about half a song before stepping off stage. There were still quite a few people watching them, though, especially for an early opener I had never heard of (and can't find any info on???) I discussed this with someone before going to the live and speculated this might actually be the band GLEN, who was set to release a maxi-single called "Aster" later that month and after hearing GLEN/seeing their visuals, I am now convinced this was in fact the case. They sounded very similar from what I experienced and the visuals strike me as the same or similar to the look in their video. Anyway...
    After curtains closed and reopened, we were greeted by some fairly heavy visuals -- a vocalist wearing a cloak covered in creepy white masks and a guitarist with the classic medical eye-patch. From what I knew, this appeared to be MonstlloW; I had watched a few of their videos to prepare myself as I wasn't too familiar. I was immediately taken by how...cool they looked. Very heavy visuals, just really professional from visuals to sound. Their instrumentals were extremely tight and the audience was really engaged, headbanging and dancing and shimmying from one side of the room to the other (probably my favorite thing to experience at a VK live in terms of audience interaction as I had never seen anything like it before.) I'll admit that I didn't find the videos I had watched to be too memorable so I wasn't sure what to expect, but they definitely won me over by the end. Definitely the kind of band that is worth seeing live to really appreciate. (My wife was quite taken with them, commenting on how strong the singer's vocals were and how impressed she was by their overall performance.  She has some familiarity with VK from DIR EN GREY and my general interest, but she seemed much more drawn in than I anticipated.)
    They played a total of 5 songs and handed out setlist cards from their merch table after they finished.
    Monstllow setlist
    1. 嘘泣キ少女
    3. ビッグマウス・マーチ
    4. WE ARE LIAR
    5. 劇薬U.S.O
    After this we grabbed a few more drinks and took a seat while we waited for the next act. We were very close to the back, right in front of MonstlloW and DIMLIM's merch tables. I was surprised to see that MonslloW's guitarist and bassist had actually come out and were hanging out behind their merch table. They appeared...very tall? Probably a combination of costume, hair, and the fact that they were on a platform above us, but it felt a bit imposing! (Haha.) After their merch sales concluded for the moment, I took a second to inventory enough of my Japanese language knowledge to basically say "I really like your band" and they seemed amused and appreciative. They handed us the setlist cards and actually hung around back there for the majority of the night. (I don't know why this shook me so much, I guess VK has been at such a distance my entire life that I never really expected them to be so casually...there??)
    The curtains opened again revealed the next band -- another four person act, guitarist in a white dress (iirc) and bassist with a long, spotted fur coat. It was their vocalist that clued me into who they were, though -- very slim, shirtless under an open jacket, strutting directly to the center of the stage. This was definitely Hueye. (Upon seeing them, my wife immediately exclaimed "oh, they're girls!!" I had to apologetically advise otherwise...) At this point, I had no real familiarity with their songs other than "優しく殺して," as I really hadn't listened to anything else at that point (and I don't think they had much else to listen to?) Nonetheless, I was very impressed once again. The first thing I noticed was their vocalist's harsh vocals compared to what I had heard on recordings -- they seemed much, much stronger live. Like, noticeably so, even to someone who had only heard one song. As their set continued on, I noticed exactly how proficient their guitarist was, too. I mean really, he can shred. My wife was laughing at the fact that my jaw kept dropping just watching his fingers, but she agreed with me either way. Again, I only really realized "優しく殺して," and I believe they closed with that track, but after going back and listening to more of their releases I'm pretty confident they played the other tracks from that single alongside a few others. Not sure what their other songs were, but I think they also played five like MonstlloW. (My wife commented she didn't like them as much as MonstlloW, but partially because she "had to keep looking at that man's body the whole time." 🤣)
    At this point, we once again grabbed some more beers and she asked me about the other bands that were playing (since she told the doorman she supported a particular one and realized she had no clue who they were). I explained that DIMLIM was my favorite, gulu gulu was a new band with familiar members. I wasn't sure the order of the performances at this time, but I was cut off at that point as the curtains opened again.
    As the electronics of "GROTESQUE" began twinkling, I stood to immediate attention and noticed the crowd filing in very quickly. I excitedly stated that this was DIMLIM and as the band appeared, I took note of their visuals compared to their most recent photos at the time. Sho was not in his "clown" look from "離人" and instead was wearing something much more similar to the suited look from their more current appearance, glasses on his face in a look that reminded me very much of DIR EN GREY's Kyo circa "ain't afraid to die." Retsu wore face makeup similar to that of the photos, but rather than the pleather bodysuit he was wearing a very long trenchcoat. Taishi and Hiroshi appeared to match their photoshoot looks, while Ryuya wore the same outfit but with his hair tied up in a messy bun. Halfway through the first song, my wife turns to me and just says "ok, yeah, these guys are fucking good." 
    One of the most immediate things I noticed about DIMLIM in this setting compared to the other bands that had played, is that their performance felt quite a bit...rawer than what we had seen so far. From someone who grew up going to punk/metal shows in the states in a scene that heavily frowned upon any type of backing tracks or sounds outside of "just the instruments in front of you," one of the things I found immediately standout was how many bands used obvious backtracks to fill in their sound at this live. It doesn't bother me, I can see the purpose and the value in it as it does add a certain "fullness" to these bands' sounds, but it definitely stood out. This is not to say that DIMLIM did not also use these things, as their sound does incorporate a number of electronics and multiple tracks, but I will say that it felt much less prevalent during their set. 
    They continued straight out of "GROTESQUE" into "Malformation," which is probably my favorite song on CHEDOARA, so I was very happy. Every member seemed confident and "dialed in," but it was very difficult to divert my attention from Sho. (My wife made a comment about Sho, stating "I believe this blonde boy was on the train with us???" - I didn't notice, but I suppose it's possible? Haha.) His vocals were rougher than they sound on recording, but not in a way that felt bad or like he was incapable, just much more emotive. He stood on a riser for the majority of the set and really gave it his all from beginning to end. I know many have stated that he inhales his screams, which is troubling from a health perspective, but I really feel like he was exhaling a lot of them during their set as some stood out as very loud and impassioned. 
    If I had one criticism, it would be that Ryuya's guitar felt too quiet for most of their set (something I had also noticed in live videos?) and I think they would have sounded even better if he was a bit louder, but they still played a very strong set. I did notice that the room was quite full for them in comparison to the previous bands, with a noteworthy number of males in the audience specifically for them and girls literally throwing themselves over the barriers while headbanging. (Another thing that I had never seen before -- they were straight up pulling all the way back and like...launching their bodies. That's dedication and western audiences could learn a thing or two!!)
    Their set was intense and entrancing and everything I could have wanted -- I feel really lucky to have seen them with their full lineup, though I wish their set was longer! It felt shorter than MonstlloW and Hueye, though maybe because there was no MC, just song after song with no interruption. 
    DIMLIM setlist (to the best of my memory)
    2. Malformation
    3. ...物狂ひ...なりて
    4. vanitas
    5. 「人」と「形」 (it was this or D.Hymnus, but I believe it was this if I recall correctly)
    At this point, we're technically four bands in (and coincidentally four drinks in, so we continued that trend -- the drinks were really light!!) I kind of tried to explain who the remaining bands were, but GRIMOIRE started shortly after DIMLIM was done so I stood back up to watch them. 
    I like GRIMOIRE a fair bit and have listened to most of their releases. I think their heavy songs are really well composed with cool guitar work and I was excited to see them for this reason. Oddly enough, they emerged with a very toned down visual look -- essentially a suit look for most of the members. RyNK wasn't even wearing his signature blindfold which I was kind of shocked by. The audience seemed to have quite a few very dedicated fans at the front, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worn out at this point after DIMLIM's set, which was a very different atmosphere. GRIMOIRE played a fun set that had a few of their "heavy bangers" with mostly lighter songs. That was a bit disappointing to me, but I still found them enjoyable overall, just a bit low energy compared to the other acts that evening. Unfortunately I don't remember their setlist!
    Things are starting to get blurry to me at this point, but I'm pretty sure MAMIRETA played next. I had told my wife that they were a pretty wild band and that she might like them (though in truth, I was kinda surprised she stuck around this long! She seemed to be pretty into every band that played save for GRIMOIRE who she didn't really watch.) I planned to buy some DIMLIM merch, but then realized I was almost out of cash after drinks so...I just bought more drinks instead. 
    I will cut straight to the point before getting into detail, but MAMIRETA is hands down one of the best live bands I have ever seen. They tripled the energy of the previous acts (somehow) and played one of the most fun sets I've ever seen. I've argued this point a few times, but I really don't think MAMIRETA would be out of place in a western hardcore festival (except for the whole makeup thing, lol)  Their music reminds me a lot of some of the nu-metal tinged western hardcore that has been a thing these past few years (Vein, Knocked Loose, etc.) 
    Their look was pretty "low-visual" or "boy mode" as my wife started calling it through the evening. Just hoodies, jeans, and big hair. (basically the same as they wore in their "もしもし" PV)
    I have heard some less than savory things about Batsu, their vocalist, but all of that aside I'd be glad to call him one of the best frontmen I've seen perform. An absolutely unstoppable force of pure energy from the first notes played -- he stole the show and just went absolutely hog-wild the entire time. By the end he was breakdancing, jumping out into the crowd and running around, then he borrowed someone's purse and hairbow and pranced across the stage before their set ended. (Which looking back may have been part of the reason people have issue with him -- the audience member seemed fine with it, but I could see that going less than okay in other scenarios...) 
    I've listened to a fair bit of their music, but don't really know their song titles other than "お邪魔します." This song was a ton of fun live, the entire crowd chanting the "お邪魔します" line on command. I started raising my beer for this point in the song and Batsu immediately singled my out and pointed, yelling "hey!!" I'd be lying if it didn't make me feel a bit special...(but I am a fairly tall blonde dude, so I maybe stood out a bit...)
    My wife and I were both very taken with their performance and if we were to go back to Japan I'm confident we'd go out of our way to catch them again. I really can't speak highly enough of their live show!!
    Before the next band we tried to scope out the merch booths a bit in between bathroom breaks (and more drinks...?) I noticed that DIMLIM's merch attendant was already packing up their goods while all of the other bands were out with their items at this point. (Guitarist and bassist of MonstlloW were still behind their booth, pretty much all of Hueye were behind their booth or watching the other bands near the back exit, and MAMIRETA's guitarist was back there now, too.) 
    As the curtains opened, the audience was greeted by a giant "ぐるぐる" banner and the members of gulu gulu entered the stage to great fanfare from a packed crowd (maybe the biggest crowd of the night?) Their opening SE came to a close as Ai entered the stage and they blasted into "変なメリーゴーランド," which I immediately recognized from the PV teaser they had launched a few days prior. They wore their exact outfits that had been used to promote the single up to this point and this was one of their first shows as gulu gulu (they were actually billed as 烏名 鳴と不愉快な仲間達 only to be updated a few weeks prior coinciding with their announcement to begin activities as gulu gulu). 
    They were also extremely high energy, with Ai slinging around a megaphone and shoving the entire microphone in his mouth. Lanju swayed his hair back and forth and drew a lot of my attention as my most immediate favorite from their lineup. ("This bassist fuckin' slaps," according to my wife and I absolutely agree.) Their set felt very much like a "headlining" set in every sense of the word -- whether that was intentional or not (and I don't really think it was). They felt very professional, but still fun and goofy. The audience for them was probably the most intense of the evening -- they all seemed really devoted and it was clear they had been waiting for them most of the night. They followed Ai's commands religiously.
    Musically I was glad to hear just how heavy they were, as this was the first time I had heard anything other than the sample of "変なメリーゴーランド." Their overall guitar/bass tone was really thick and despite the "fun" nature of their set, they still had a dark atmosphere that made them really stand out. They played "嗅覚障害" fourth for maybe...twice as long as the actual song? They held out a number of the sections, particularly the "la la la la la" parts what felt like an extra long time, Ai prancing back and forth on the stage as the band played the bouncy riff on repeat. 
    Overall, their set cemented them as "the band to watch" and it's clear that they've maintained that reputation for very good reason. Of all the bands I saw this night (and in VK right now as a whole) they are probably the band I'm most interested in watching grow.
    After their set they were giving out "red paper" (which I believe later turned out to be a link to their first PV) to those who followed them on Twitter, but my wifi box was dead and I didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. They posted the setlist that evening and now I recognize all of the songs except for the second, which I believe is still unreleased?
    gulu gulu setlist
    1. 変なメリーゴーランド
    2. 汚れた豚
    3. 左手はスナッフフィルム
    4. 嗅覚障害
    5. 不味い麻酔
    The last band on for the evening was The Guzmania. I'll admit that I was pretty exhausted at this point and had pretty much no vested interest in them (plus my dead wifi box was beginning to make me a bit nervous so I started to shuffle around the venue to see if I couldn't find an outlet to charge it for a few minutes...). My wife was pretty insistent on staying, to my surprise, and said she'd feel bad leaving these "nice boys who were trying hard" to play to such a small crowd. I agreed and we watched the rest of their set from the side of the hall. They had very few fans in the audience so it did make me feel a bit bad, but they are a very new band (I believe had just played their first live a few weeks prior). Their sound wasn't terribly memorable in my opinion, kind of jumped back and forth from pop-rock tunes to a few slightly heavier numbers. Their bassist did almost all of the MC and the rest of the band felt a bit shy. They took a bit of a long MC pause after two or three songs and almost made it seem like they were done for the night before they played three or four more, which surprised me as it made their set pretty long in comparison to some of the other bands. (Or maybe it just felt that way because it was the end of a long live?)
    After this we hit the road, hailed a cab back to Shinjuku to save some energy, ate some late night KFC, and passed out for the evening. 
    Sorry for the super long post!! Like I said, it was kind of stream of consciousness and probably included a bunch of unnecessary details, but it was fun to "relive" the event in my head. I'm hoping I can swing more than two lives next time I make my way to Japan!
    Thanks for reading!
  9. Like
    Joel reacted to Yukami in ex-DEVILOOF Seiya and Hiroto new band, "THE DESPERADO" has formed   



    I would appreciate the moderators doing their job and erasing the double posts. Thank you.
  10. I feel ya..
    Joel reacted to seikun in New instrumental band "Princes of CROSS VEIN" has formed   
    Bring back band names in French. These English ones get duller and duller.
  11. LOLOL
    Joel reacted to Yukami in 8P-SB 3rd album "richardland" release   
  12. Thanks
    Joel reacted to ChaoticEnding in vkei download Link (Share here)   
    Asian Rock Club: https://asianrockclub.blogspot.com
    Japan Music World
    Chaotic Dix
    All the links still working
    Music World Japan
    Demon Android
    Visual Kei Eroguro 3
    Jp Rock
    Good old stuff
  13. LOLOL
    Joel reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    Here I secured a copy what now, Retsu?

    edit: I see photobucket is mad that I didn’t want to pay them $6 for them to store my photos lol
  14. wtf?!
    Joel reacted to Himeaimichu in DIMLIM   
    There has been some real drama involving Issei as of recent. Peace Heavy Mark II posted about how Issei is doing literal dumb marketing, but this, this takes the cake. 
    Read the entire post, and all of the replies to it. It explains the full story. It's screenshots of Issei literally exploding on a fan, just because she made a meme. 
    So basically, this innocent girl posted a meme of Issei. Issei takes offense to it, and starts calling her names. 
    She apologises, and he feels the need to speak for all Japanese people, and accuse her of excuses.
    Then she says he's literally making her cry, and he actually asks for a picture of her fucking crying. That is creepy, on so many levels. She's a teenage girl, and you ask her to show her crying face? 
    Not only that, but she pointed out Ryuya made memes of himself, and Issei straight up tells her "Ryuya doesn't matter". Way to stroke your own ego, buddy. Saying he doesn't matter, just because you think it'll distract from the fact you're being an oversensitive hypocrite.
    I originally wasn't going to post about this here, since I assumed it's get more attention. But it's not getting the attention it deserves. 
    First, jumping on the idiotic marketing that Nocturnal Bloodlust did by making edgy comments at uploaders of your music, the people who actually are the reason your stuff is bought. And not even considering the possibilities Youtube has for self promotion. Now, going after fans for making a fucking meme? 
  15. I feel ya..
    Joel reacted to nekkichi in DIMLIM   
    issei era and a good half of chedoara sound 1:1 like late para:noir/d.i.d. except with slightly with less vocal reverb and layering, it's one of the reasons I can't take them seriously to this day.
  16. LOLOL
    Joel reacted to nekkichi in DIMLIM   
    good sis is probably finishing that album on a meth binge with occasional breaks for some extra bits of IG wisdom for the 『Real fanS』
  17. Yikes
    Joel reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    Retsu is clearly having a mental breakdown. How are downloads of Kidoairaku hindering sales when all the copies have been sold?
  18. Yikes
    Joel reacted to hyuugaxxx in DIMLIM   
    Retsu contacted DM from my fanpage of the band "DIMLIM Brazil" on facebook. (He said it was from the record company, but I'm sure it was him.)
    He thanked the support and asked me to delete the Kidoairaku download link, and asked if it was I who leaked the content on the internet. Well, I deleted it and said it wasn't me! And then he kept asking me for some links from the Limited CD he had on the internet. Because I said I was "hindering sales." I did not understand anything, because for me the official sale had only been on CHEMOARA ONEMAN on the 17th.
    I felt bad, because I only put the link there because it was already on the entire network in blogs for download, but I deleted it anyway because it was wrong.
    I believe that his actions are also because of these "content leaks", he has started to freak out since Ryuya and Taishi left the band.
    My biggest fear is that the band will break up and I get no news from Sho, I really admire him, I would love to see his evolution in the visual kei scene as a vocalist ... But apparently if DIMLIM continues like this, it will be difficult!
    I sincerely hope that Retsu will change his mind about leaving VK.
  19. Like
    Joel reacted to sleepy coffee in 克哉 (katsuya) (Misanthropist, ex-CodeRebirth) new band "SLOTHREAT" has formed   
    Slothreat gonna release a split cd with nekomanju. The physical cd will be only sold at venues but hopefully we get a worldwide digital release 
  20. Like
    Joel reacted to Paraph in DIMLIM   
    離人 forever slaps tho m i rite
  21. I feel ya..
    Joel got a reaction from DIBIDABUA in DIMLIM   
    I think they just don't know what to do. Ever since they realized that they were in this position they probably started to rely on Retsu to pull all the strings more than usual and he probably is just as lost as them in this situation. All of the decisions they're making are so sporadic, like when they dropped their visuals it just seemed like some sort of desperate last effort attempt at trying to appeal towards western fans or something. All they have to do is focus on getting new members and then take some time with the album.
    It's a slow yet sure and unfortunate decline that I don't see them recovering from.
  22. I feel ya..
    Joel got a reaction from Pandora_99 in DIMLIM   
    I think they just don't know what to do. Ever since they realized that they were in this position they probably started to rely on Retsu to pull all the strings more than usual and he probably is just as lost as them in this situation. All of the decisions they're making are so sporadic, like when they dropped their visuals it just seemed like some sort of desperate last effort attempt at trying to appeal towards western fans or something. All they have to do is focus on getting new members and then take some time with the album.
    It's a slow yet sure and unfortunate decline that I don't see them recovering from.
  23. I feel ya..
    Joel got a reaction from Wakarimashita in DIMLIM   
    I think they just don't know what to do. Ever since they realized that they were in this position they probably started to rely on Retsu to pull all the strings more than usual and he probably is just as lost as them in this situation. All of the decisions they're making are so sporadic, like when they dropped their visuals it just seemed like some sort of desperate last effort attempt at trying to appeal towards western fans or something. All they have to do is focus on getting new members and then take some time with the album.
    It's a slow yet sure and unfortunate decline that I don't see them recovering from.
  24. LOLOL
    Joel got a reaction from Kabukichoatmidnight in Dir en grey   
    All 3 discs for Vestige Of Scratches have been uploaded to EU spotify recently, I think they're just trying to get more of their discography onto a streaming platform. Weird how they added the -Kai- remix album though.
  25. I feel ya..
    Joel reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    I fear that DIMLIM is not long for this world. 
    Retsu is a great songwriter, but clearly a shitty businessman. I’m willing to bet that the band’s troubles rest squarely on him making poor decisions. Anyone that will bitch at fans on Instagram for finding alternate means of hearing music that was sold at one show in Japan – and NOWHERE ELSE – obviously doesn’t have their head on straight. 
    Also, for a band that records such densely layered music to continue on playing live without a second guitarist and bass player is asinine. Retsu is clearly in too deep, and Sho and Hiroshi are probably ready to GTFO. The live shows matter; that’s what brings people in. Record sales don’t mean shit anymore, so even if DIMLIM manages to squeak out a new album, it won’t matter if they promote it with pathetic live performances. 
    I wonder if Retsu is the type that doesn’t want any outsiders handling the music, and he just wants to do it all himself to keep his integrity or whatever. If that’s the case he needs to get over himself and find some management. 
    the other guys probably saw this coming and that’s why they bounced. 
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