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    benzaiten._ reacted to Karma’s Hat in J-ROCK songs in EngRRRRrish THAT STILL KICK ASS ANYWAYS!   
    People make fun but I actually really do feel the lyrics on tmoab. It’s basically about people saying they’re all fakes and it’s all a show and how that comes from this conformist crabs in the pot attitude where anything different you do is instantly put down and the only option given to you is to fall in line. And I mean it’s not very original subject matter ( except in vk at this time ) but no one else threatened to fuck my parents so A+ for effort. I felt that they returned to this subject matter a bit in the last album where he also goes that ”it’s not for you” but for himself and what he wants and needs to do to make life at least half tolerable
  2. LOVE!
    benzaiten._ reacted to Anne Claire in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
  3. LOVE!
    benzaiten._ reacted to Saga in Madmans Esprit   
    and we keep rockin on with the weird structured songs
  4. LOLOL
    benzaiten._ got a reaction from Total Saikou in J-ROCK songs in EngRRRRrish THAT STILL KICK ASS ANYWAYS!   
    When Kyo says one day i will fuck your parents.... bro, i really felt that
  5. I feel ya..
    benzaiten._ reacted to Zeus in MUCC - 惡 [Discussion Thread]   
    I picked a bad time to try out MUCC again huh?
  6. Thanks
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    benzaiten._ got a reaction from Anne Claire in J-ROCK songs in EngRRRRrish THAT STILL KICK ASS ANYWAYS!   
    I like to pretend that this version doesn't exist
  8. Thanks
    benzaiten._ reacted to CAT5 in Artists you wish had alter-egos   
    cinema staff needs a band where they just play straight-up hardcore/emo with some mathy shit thrown in. I mean, these guys have made these influences VERY clear in their music, but they've never gone all-out...always keeping things accessible and poppy. That said, they have the musical chops to MELT FACES if they wanted to!
    TK from ling tosite sigure needs an alter ego project where he just sticks to composing and producing, and features guest vocalists or just has one permanent vocalist THAT CAN ACTUALLY SING. Don't get me wrong, I love TK to death, but this nigga is NOT a singer. He's a brilliant composer and a GENIUS musician, but he ain't a singer. His singing can be palatable enough in his more upbeat and faster paced stuff - amidst a flurry of orchestration, sick guitar riffs and electronic wizardry, but his voice really shines IN THE WORSE WAY POSSIBLE in his slower, more ballad-y material. ugh
  9. Like
    benzaiten._ got a reaction from CAT5 in J-ROCK songs in EngRRRRrish THAT STILL KICK ASS ANYWAYS!   
    I like to pretend that this version doesn't exist
    benzaiten._ got a reaction from LIDL in Moi dix Mois new album release   
    I'm not even mad with this hahaha omg
  11. LOVE!
    benzaiten._ reacted to Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    we've all been there am i rite 
  12. LOLOL
    benzaiten._ got a reaction from Total Saikou in J-ROCK songs in EngRRRRrish THAT STILL KICK ASS ANYWAYS!   
    I like to pretend that this version doesn't exist
  13. LOVE!
    benzaiten._ reacted to LIDL in Moi dix Mois new album release   
    Mana is busy with her ASMR Cooking channel
    benzaiten._ reacted to The Moon in Moi dix Mois new album release   
    it's out x 
  15. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to monkeybanana4 in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    I've placed my thoughts under a spoiler tag because my fingers got keyboard happy.
    Anyways, a really great topic!
  16. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to Romlaw in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    I have seen people mentioning this ITT already but I want to stress how your age when you started listening is really important. When you like something, you ask the question to yourself, "why do I like this?"
    The answer will be vague when you are young, because this is a point where you are a fickle being, because you are discovering a lot of things in a short spam of time, you kinda want to try it out and also depending in a lot of other factors in your life (social circle and even your OWN appearance influences this) you will be more fickle than most for that young part of your life.
    But there will come a point in your life where you will finally set you own "tier-list" of things that are important because you will have experienced enough things to know what you really like more. Of course this doesn't mean you are set for life in never discovering new things, but these things will not be that much different from what value the most by now.
    When you get to this point in life, you will be able to answer the question "why do I like this?" more precisely. Great topic btw, always like seeing discussion about this
  17. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to Arkady in RANA new limited EP "蛙の悪戯(Kaeru no Itazura)" release   
    I wish musically they did something that would draw my mind/attention as much as their aestethic does.
    (I don't think their music is bad, but it's not particularly interesting either, at least for what I'm used to like)
  18. LOVE!
    benzaiten._ reacted to Jigsaw9 in deadman   
    Someone has a birthday today~
  19. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to TatsuSan in MUCC new album, "惡" (aku) release   
    Strong record. The album feels so fresh..like they‘re in their 20s again lol 
    First half is spectacular , 2nd is good; mostly filled with the standard MUCC-formula. 
    *edit. I like the old Ameria single version more than the album version 
  20. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to Karma’s Hat in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    I think a lot of that feeling of people coming and going stems from the western boom years and like other people said, from the fact that it has somehow been hogtied into the same brain rot caravan with Kpop and therefore people tend to become aware of both simultaneously, allowing for lateral movement between the two. Then there's that other breed of us getting into our 30's finally coming to grips with mortality and that this is a very fruitless endeavor, so now there's also these existential crisis' going on with the older guard. This basically goes a long way to explain why everyone in this scene is so fucking stupid, you were either into a dumb fad when you got in or you were dumb enough to stay for too long. 
    But like, about the psychology of people who come and go, being gya one day and rastafari the next — I never got that. I have, my entire life more or less, liked the same things and I never really dropped out of anything. There's some faux pas you'll find from the times when I was like exploring stuff like western metal when I was 16, but everyone goes through that one way or another when you build your frame of reference and refine your taste and ideas of what music should be about. The people who change every word in their bio on an yearly basis with only the words "I stan" remaining in place can't be counted on for anything. How do they even finish meals is beyond me let alone stick with something when everything they do is so dependent on if the weather is fair. They're the same people who'll abandon their folks into a home, but take a taxi from another city once the inheritance is on offer; just picking the carcass of cultural capital that other people worked for, that other people laboured to put out there. I'm in this shit for the long haul and this relationship will end only when one of us dies, either me or the scene. No matter how reprehensible I think the scene operates or what I think of the fucking people in it, it's still important to me. 
  21. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to Tokage in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    This has already been kinda touched upon earlier ITT, but one thing I've noticed within the VK fandom more than within basically ANY of the other music spheres I've dipped my toes into is that a ton of people who get into VK seem to act as if the only bands that exist are the ones that are currently active, and any group that's disbanded/on hiatus/whatever just vanishes into oblivion as soon as the new looks and singles stop popping up. There's this tendency for people to basically treat the scene the same way tons of anime fans treat anime - "if it's not part of the current season then i pretend not to see it". Considering the ridiculous turnover rate that most VK bands themselves tend to have, this can easily lead to situations where people suddenly find themselves left without their faves even within the span of just months. 
  22. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to emmny in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    Depends on why you were drawn to certain bands in the first place. I was into indie rock, alt rock, and death/black metal before I was a vk fan, so that coloured my taste in bands (nagoya kei + DEG), once [most] of those bands became inactive, I went back to the indie and alt rock I liked before. I'm sure if someone got into the scene with DIV or some cute oshare shit, that Kpop wouldn't be too far off from that sound. Kinda depends on ideology too--if you're an oshare fan BUT you're a weeb--you'll stay into that; whereas if you were into vk for the cute boys, kpop is the next logical step lol.
  23. Thanks
    benzaiten._ reacted to crucifiction in VK Fan Turnover rates   
    I've been into VK for more than 15 years now and what I find most common when it comes to people loosing their interest in the scene stems from what has drawn them to it in the first place. From my experience, people that started "listening" to vk bands mainly for the looks and - supposedly - to feel "unique" simply grew out of it, adding up to your regular "it was just a phase" stereotype. On the other hand, the ones that, instead of drooling over bandomen pics, actually did focus on the music itself, listen to visual bands to this day.
    The other thing, that has already been mentioned, is that some people fix their taste on one particular type of music/scene, not willing to discover anything outside of this "bubble". This can often lead to getting fed up with it which later results in them trying to find an alternative stimulator... which they are most likely going to be tired of in a few years as well.
    As for me, I see no reason why I would ever stop enjoying the music and visuals that I used to in the past. When something is good, it's just... good, it's not going to magically change over the years.
    benzaiten._ reacted to pluviophile in NEW BANDS   
    I find it hard to listen to new bands, I just really like old school bands, music was really decent in the past, modern singers don't have talent
  25. Like
    benzaiten._ reacted to saiko in Why did gackt leave Malice Mizer: Discussion   
    I agree. Perhaps they tried to court everyone, but in the end failed to get them. Perhaps they withdrew behind Mana's artistic direction, and thus all MM less Gackt were dropped off Columbia; I can't imagine him, even Kozi or Yuuki playing pop, putting up 00s 64 bits softvi rockers aesthetics, surrounded by group of dancers, etc. They are artists, I think that's clear. Kozi, like Mana, even at the cost of losing their mainstream status (a thing that history has reserved to less than 10 bands in Japanese music history, even Dir or the Gazette never had the attention MM received from the media in the late 90s), decided to move on and run after a consistent artistic project within their own worldview. On the other hand, Gackt brought iconic moments to VK and J-rock (Mizerable, Vanilla, Redemption) but generally speaking he did the stuff that would attract masses.
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