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Status Updates posted by TheZigzagoon

  1. I had a throwback to my childhood and bought a Gwen Stefani album and live DVD the other day and the nostalgia!! Is it wrong to go from enjoying music from the likes of DIMLIM to fucking Gwen Stefani? XD 

  2. Just went on my first night out and woooow it was wild! XD 

  3. So it’s my birthday in just under a month, and people find it weird or sad that I don’t celebrate it?


    Can anyone else relate? Like, it’s just another day to me

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i buy myself a little present, treat myself to some dessert and proceed to my regular day lol

    2. Gesu


      I had my eighteenth last year, and this is how the average conversation regarding it went:


      Friend: Oh, you turned eighteen? What did you do for your birthday?

      Me: The college induction day. First time I've ever been in school or college for my birthday.

      Friend: ...You didn't do anything?

      Me: Well, I went out to dinner with my family the day before.

      Friend: ...Didn't you go out drinking?

      Me: I don't drink. Besides, that ain't how it works when you're an adult. If you wanna get drunk, you go out, buy the alcohol from a shop, then drink it in your underwear in front of a cartoon.


      Most of my friends are younger than me, so they'll know this soon enough. They'll get old like me one day, and then they'll realise.

  4. Ordered most of the Jeffree Star ‘Blue Blood’ Collection on Friday for my fiancée and myself, it’s all been dispatched today! 

    1. God
    2. TheZigzagoon


      @God legit gonna be me 

  5. Train tickets for London on June 11th are ordered! I’m so excited to see The Gazette!!

  6. Is anyone by any chance selling MIZTAVLA’s final two singles that were mail order only? I missed out on them and I need them so I have their entire discography 

  7. I am p r a y i n g  that I have laryngitis right now, and that the nodules on my vocal chords haven't returned. My throat feels so swollen inside and it's hard to talk

  8. Listening to DIMLIM and wondering how Sho hits notes that high!


    For anyone who’s seen DIMLIM live, does his voice live do the studio recordings justice or is there a difference?

    1. Duwang


      Sho is great live.

      I wish he'd stop smoking, though. 

    2. Duwang


      There are a lot of live videos uploaded by fans on YouTube and Twitter if you want to check those out. 

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @Duwang Same because it won’t do his voice any good in the long run! And I checked a few out last night it’s just a shame the audio quality isn’t great on any of them 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Just out of curiosity how is the 0.1g pronounced for 0.1g no gosan and what does their name translate to in English? 

    1. Alkaloid


      According to their visunavi page, it's pronounced "rei ten ichi gram no gosan".

      I think their name is a pun as well, since their twitter handles say "0153" or "rei ichi go san".

    2. platy


      My friend called them nought point one gram and I never go a day without making fun of him for it looool Just call them gosan 

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @Gesu OOF that’s punny! XD 


      @platy Glad I’m not the only one to make the error XD 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. When you use CDJapan’s proxy shipping service and they send you an item from the correct artist, but the wrong product, not using them again!

  11. So I ordered 0.1g no gosan’s 2016 recording of Yuugai menhera doll, and it said (meeting board version) next to it on the product listing, what does this mean?

    1. Zeus


      Sounds like a demo version. How is it different from the regular version?

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @Zeus I’ll let you know when it arrives how it differs! I saw it and just needed to buy it! The animal on the cover art is wearing yellow instead of pink

  12. I can only afford one CD and one DVD so what do I pick?


    Do I get DIAURA’s new DVD or do I pick up an Arlequin DVD


    Then do I buy CHE DO A RA by DIMLIM, or 0.1g no gosan’s new best of?


    If you guys can suggest even better CD or DVD choices, suggest some! I wanna spend my money wisely XD 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IGM_Oficial


      Buy a live DVD from Kiryu

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @IGM_Oficial I’ve never listened to Kiryu! Any recommendations?

    4. IGM_Oficial


      Yes, the newest music

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  13. I would post this in the ‘Reviews’ section but I don’t really know what to say when reviewing, and I don’t have a lot to say, so I’ll make a status!


    I received my copy of BATTLE FIELD by BULL FIELD (Solo project from Ni~Ya, bassist of Nightmare), the songs themselves sounds like something that would be made for Nightmare, the singing is monotonous however, Ni~ya isn’t pushing any boundaries with his voice, it’s all together mediocre. I’ll continue to follow his work as best as I can, as I am doing with all the members of Nightmare’s solo work  

    1. yomii


      thats kinda what i expected. like, the chances of a solo to be good were rather low from the beginning, i doubt he has an outstanding voice and he wasn't obe of the main conposers either. and yet im waiting for my copy like its some christmas present cuz god knows i lov ni~ya .w.

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @yomii I have to say it’s not exactly bad, but it’s nothing great or memorable. Sakito and Ruka easily have the best solo project, which isn’t a surprise considering they we’re the main composers for Nightmare! Let me know what you think when you receive your copy! :) 

    3. yomii


      haven't listened to ruka's solo tbh, never was too much into him. sakito's solo is okay but i found his voice rather plain. but it's better then nothing, somehow just seeing them all active feels nice.

  14. 3 more assignments until I’m done with university forever YAAAAAAS!

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Oh, my God, I envy you. Good luck with the rest!

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @IGM_Oficial Trust me it’ll be a relief once it’s done, last deadline is May 3rd then graduation is July if I pass everything! Thank you so much, and good luck to you too, you got this! :) 

  15. So the Pokémon company are hinting at Sinnoh remakes so hard and I honestly cannot wait for confirmation 

    1. saishuu


      what hints? if you mean the YT videos, they're doing one for every region so far up until Pokémon Day on the 26th. they've already stated that the game that's coming out this year is gen 8. I don't think a Sinnoh remake is happening in 2019.

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saishuu Shiiiiit I’ve missed all the others, so I assumed there was Sinnoh hints going on :( 

    3. saishuu


      I figured lol this MIGHT indicate that a video for a new region will follow on the day after they post the one for Alola though, fingers crossed


    1. yomii


      thank god for alcohol, amen

  17. Link's Awakening remake, Mario Maker 2, SSB Ultimate update AND Tetris Battle Royale?



    1. saishuu


      just gimme Link's Awakening already

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saishuu I’m so hyped for it!

  18. For the 3 DVD’s of The Gazette’s redefinition tours in 2014, what venue were they recorded at? 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      The first disc was shot at Shibuya-AX. I couldn't find info on the other ones, despite recognizing the places. This is strange.

    2. libertine
  19. So, for a university piece I'm doing a news story on adopting cats. I didn't like the royalty free music available at uni so I just made my own, this is what I am using 






    However I think I'm gonna have some fun with my lecturer and show her this first and say this will be the music, before showing her the real one. I also made this, and yes that is me...singing? XD




    What you all thinking? XD

    1. platy


      Says the songs have been removed. 

  20. So I had a dream last night that Sakito (Nightmare, JAKIGAN MEISTER) went to my uni and we were friends somehow, so we’re hanging out and I turn to him and say “Sakito is it chill if I become a roadie for when you’re touring as JAKIGAN” and he just looks at me and says “Nah not really” and I just said “That’s cool”, then one of my lecturers came in to the room and she started yelling at him, and he just turned around and said “Suck my nuts” in a strong Japanese accent. I woke up so confused.


    TL;DR: I dreamt I was friends with Sakito, he was wild 



  21. I'm hoping the doctor can prescribe me anxiety meds or something before going to see The Gazette in June.


    I'm already having slight anxiety attacks thinking of being in a crowd, but I'm not claustrophobic, at least to my knowledge. Whenever I go to live events, the cinema, anything like that, I get anxiety attacks throughout. 


    1. saishuu


      that seems like social anxiety! I still have them occasionally, so I can relate. had an episode during the last concert I went to, but I just tried to mentalize 1) I wasn't doing anything wrong 2) people were there to enjoy the show, not to look at me and notice I was there. took me a long time to get better, though, so I wish you good luck!

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saishuu I have had bad social anxiety in the past, when I get the anxiety I feel really sick then I get anxious about getting ill surrounded by people, it’s a mess! Thank you so much for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind if I have an episode happen! 

  22. The fact I have to re-purchase games from my childhood because of disk failure is a stark reminder that I won’t have those games in my life forever


    Today was the deepest blow, I had to reorder Super Smash Bros. Melee, my current copy has formed a crack on the disc hole

    1. Paraph


      This happened to me a year or two ago when I was wanting to replay Final Fantasy IX. Disk 1 wouldn't read at all. Luckily I was able to purchase just that disk on eBay for like $5 but still. 

    2. YuyoDrift


      Ooof. That sucks to hear. My original copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 has disc rot on it bad and I am just hoarding it at this point :(.


      Most turn to emulation, but even then we are fighting an uphill battle with copyrights by gaming companies. Idk, I guess I'll keep storing them in HDDs until I give up or lose my childhood 😕

  23. R.I.P me when I fail my public affairs exam on Friday 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

  24. To anybody who listened to Kiyoharu’s album ‘elegy’; am I the only one who wanted, or at least thought, ‘Boukyaku no sora’ should have been on it? 

  25. Went to go see Shrek: The Musical tonight and it was amazing!


    One thing that worries me though is I had several moments of anxiety due to being enclosed in a large crowd, I’m worried that if I see The Gazette in London I’ll feel even worse anxiety due to it being likely to have a more packed crowd as it won’t be seated. Anxiety about anxiety is a bitch 

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