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Status Updates posted by TheZigzagoon

  1. It's been about 6 years since I stopped listening to western music. Before I discovered visual kei, or any Japanese music for that matter, I was super into Damon Albarn and all his projects, particularly Blur (Modern Life Is Rubbish is their best album and everyone should listen to it for how British it is!) 


    Anyways, after discovering Japanese music etc. my tastes got a lot heavier, last time I'd listened to rock/metal I was 12 and going through a 'emo' phase (really I just mixed black with neon, my parents would make me shave my hair off until I was 16  so it was super short). Recently, I've given System of a Down a listen to, and oh my god their album Toxicity is something that should not be missed out on if you have ears! It was amazing! It gave me the same energetic feel that 'DISORDER' by The Gazette gave me, just non stop, fast paced music that you can't help but love. 


    As I've written this I've come to realise it has very little point...I guess I'm just feeling grateful for the rush that music can give to you, if that makes sense at all.


    Favourite tracks from Toxicity - 'Prison Song', 'Atwa', 'Psycho'


    Favourite tracks from DISORDER (since I mentioned it) - '$ocial Riot Machine$', 'Maximum Impulse', 'Hanakotoba'

  2. Link's Awakening remake, Mario Maker 2, SSB Ultimate update AND Tetris Battle Royale?



    1. saishuu


      just gimme Link's Awakening already

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saishuu I’m so hyped for it!

  3. Listening to DIMLIM and wondering how Sho hits notes that high!


    For anyone who’s seen DIMLIM live, does his voice live do the studio recordings justice or is there a difference?

    1. Duwang


      Sho is great live.

      I wish he'd stop smoking, though. 

    2. Duwang


      There are a lot of live videos uploaded by fans on YouTube and Twitter if you want to check those out. 

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @Duwang Same because it won’t do his voice any good in the long run! And I checked a few out last night it’s just a shame the audio quality isn’t great on any of them 

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  4. Lol @ CDJapan just sending me an automated promotional email.


    "An artist in your favourites launched a new release today, make sure to buy now if you didn't pre-order"



    Funny joke CDJapan, ship my order I put in back in February/March.

    1. Wakarimashita


      February/March?! I pre-ordered it at the end of may and it got shipped yesterday WTF? O_O

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @Wakarimashita I just checked, I pre ordered it March 14th, I'm not happy to say the least 

  5. mood



    1. 123Sandman321


      I avoided her like the plague, but this is actually good. Damn.

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @123Sandman321 I was the same at first, but she actually has some really good material! 

  6. No it is not too early to be cranking out this anthem stOP JUDGING ME 



    1. Arkady


      Me but with Wham!


    2. Gesu


      Excuse me, but


    3. monkeybanana4


      And these songs :blob:




  7. Okay sweaty but are you even a VK fan if you don't stan these legends 



  8. Searching online I found footage from the TV broadcast of the Gazette's New York performance! Here's the link from anyone who wants to watch it!


    https://vk.com/search?c[per_page]=40&c[q]=The Gazette New York&c[section]=auto&z=video-35600031_456239901

  9. So CDJapan replied to my email, and in short admitted that them moving warehouse has become a shitshow due to them not taking to account new items coming in at the same time (or something along those lines)


    My order could be delayed to an extra week.

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      having the same problem with CDjapan so i feel you...

      i got a CD pre-ordered which was released on 30.05.2018 and only because of the warehouse moving it is still not "in stock" although it should definitely be since i never got an email saying it takes additional time etc... so i'm fucked as well but what can you do...

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @VkBrutaliaN I think this whole ordeal has made me lose faith in CDJapan, not because of the delays, but because of their lack of communication and reassurance that they will ship orders. Their reply to my email was hardly apologetic either, it was just a very matter of fact email with information that they'd already provided on their website.

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      yea exactly this: "Their reply to my email was hardly apologetic either" when i wrote them on monday... but i said to myself if the CD i ordered still isn't in shipping process the upcoming monday I'll write them again but i still hope for the best... and except of the "mamireta" incident i never got any problem with them... 

      and luckily being a Vk fan for about 10 years learned me one thing: PATIENCE! like i remember in the first years i was so pissed when i had to wait for an order to arrive longer then 4 days (i always ship via EMS) and nowadays i am just like well it sucks but whatever... XD

      you won't believe how often EMS shipping take like 4-8 days even to arrive in my country... so i really learned just to deal with it in terms of waiting longer than i actually should.

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  10. So CDJapan shipped my preorder of the 2 Gazette DVD’s. However they’ve told me that Sony Music fucked up and sent me the DVD copy of the world tour documentary instead of the Blu-ray


    The best part of the email was “What we would like to ask you now is not open DVD/Blu-ray box“ like are they wanting me to pay shipping costs to return it to Japan??

    1. heresytrash


      I got this too! For the wt doc DVD they said I might get blu ray!

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @heresytrash yeah mine was for the wt one! I ordered Blu-ray which I hope they do send me Blu-ray when they can  because I paid extra for it 😂

    3. heresytrash


      I was told in by someone if you get sent the wrong thing, to email CDJapan and they'll take care of the postage I think. I sent them an email about it, but they haven't gotten back to me yet.

  11. So I had a dream last night that Sakito (Nightmare, JAKIGAN MEISTER) went to my uni and we were friends somehow, so we’re hanging out and I turn to him and say “Sakito is it chill if I become a roadie for when you’re touring as JAKIGAN” and he just looks at me and says “Nah not really” and I just said “That’s cool”, then one of my lecturers came in to the room and she started yelling at him, and he just turned around and said “Suck my nuts” in a strong Japanese accent. I woke up so confused.


    TL;DR: I dreamt I was friends with Sakito, he was wild 



  12. So in less than 3 weeks I'm covering Filth in the beauty at a convention.


    Can I scream/shout/growl?



    Am I nervous?



    Am I fucked?

    y  E  Ss

    1. TheZigzagoon


      @Mihi @-NOVA- it's just a vocal cover, and it will most likely be recorded. The song will be missing huge chunks I guess but oooooh welllllll XD 

    2. -NOVA-


      Good Luck :) Thats really cool !!! :headbang:

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @-NOVA- Thank you! 

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  13. So it’s my birthday in just under a month, and people find it weird or sad that I don’t celebrate it?


    Can anyone else relate? Like, it’s just another day to me

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i buy myself a little present, treat myself to some dessert and proceed to my regular day lol

    2. Gesu


      I had my eighteenth last year, and this is how the average conversation regarding it went:


      Friend: Oh, you turned eighteen? What did you do for your birthday?

      Me: The college induction day. First time I've ever been in school or college for my birthday.

      Friend: ...You didn't do anything?

      Me: Well, I went out to dinner with my family the day before.

      Friend: ...Didn't you go out drinking?

      Me: I don't drink. Besides, that ain't how it works when you're an adult. If you wanna get drunk, you go out, buy the alcohol from a shop, then drink it in your underwear in front of a cartoon.


      Most of my friends are younger than me, so they'll know this soon enough. They'll get old like me one day, and then they'll realise.

  14. So recently I’ve been asked by a friend of mine to start a band with him and I’ve agreed to be the vocalist!


    Anyone here have any tips on looking after my voice? There’s already a bit of damage to my vocal chords, and I also need to reduce the amount I smoke/quit (as much as I don’t want to quit 😂) I do clean vocals btw if that helps 

    1. diryangrey


      hey, hmu if y'all need any production

    2. reminiscing2004


      Do warmups before you sing maximum intensity / highest range. The most important thing is to listen to your body and be aware of when you are straining or need to adjust your technique some days, but you probably already got the hang of a lot of that unconsciously. Eating pretty much anything before you sing, so long as its not dry and dusty like nuts, will help soften/comfort the throat if it feels off.


      How have you damaged your vocal chords already? Do you throw your voice out a lot?

  15. So the MEJIBRAY DVD at Hibiya Yaon I got for Christmas was £4 used on Amazon, it is signed?? 


    Were 1st press copies signed by the band? I’ll post a photo soon to see if anyone can verify that they’re the bands signatures

    1. Komorebi


      I don’t think bands just release signed CDs, they sign stuff at instores. 

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @Komorebi I’ll get a picture uploaded tomorrow probs but from other pictures I’ve seen it seems to be signed by them! 

  16. So, for a university piece I'm doing a news story on adopting cats. I didn't like the royalty free music available at uni so I just made my own, this is what I am using 






    However I think I'm gonna have some fun with my lecturer and show her this first and say this will be the music, before showing her the real one. I also made this, and yes that is me...singing? XD




    What you all thinking? XD

    1. platy


      Says the songs have been removed. 

  17. The fact I have to re-purchase games from my childhood because of disk failure is a stark reminder that I won’t have those games in my life forever


    Today was the deepest blow, I had to reorder Super Smash Bros. Melee, my current copy has formed a crack on the disc hole

    1. Paraph


      This happened to me a year or two ago when I was wanting to replay Final Fantasy IX. Disk 1 wouldn't read at all. Luckily I was able to purchase just that disk on eBay for like $5 but still. 

    2. YuyoDrift


      Ooof. That sucks to hear. My original copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 has disc rot on it bad and I am just hoarding it at this point :(.


      Most turn to emulation, but even then we are fighting an uphill battle with copyrights by gaming companies. Idk, I guess I'll keep storing them in HDDs until I give up or lose my childhood 😕

  18. This documentary is so good! It's so insightful in to the evolution of Super Smash Bros. Melee as a competitive game, and how it's evolved. It talks about how Brawl failed to shift the focus from Melee in the competitive scene, and how Nintendo refused to accept that Super Smash Bros was nothing more than a party game for casual gamers. This is a must watch, even if its 4 hours 18 minutes long!


    It sucks that I was only 4 years old in 2001, the year Melee was released, and 9 in 2006 when Melee peaked because if I was older, I'd have definitely jumped on the hype train where the competitive scene was headed!


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    2. monkeybanana4


      @TheZigzagoon Cool! I play with Marth as well. He wasn't the first character I used, but when I discovered him, I really liked him. So he's always been a favorite of mine. I was really sad when his moves got downgraded in later games, though. Besides Marth, I also play with Pikachu and Peach. 


      That is interesting because I also have friends who spend more time playing Brawl (or the 3DS/Wii U version) rather than Melee. Some of them play casually and others play competitively. It's a weird mixed bag. But I think that's a nice aspect of the Smash community. You can met all kinds of neat people who love the same game. It's nice to hear Smash Ultimate is returning to the Melee roots. I'll need to save up some money to buy it since it sounds like a great game. Have you found characters you like to use in Smash Ultimate yet?


      I feel you there. There's a lot of techniques to learn and master, but I think that's half the fun. One technique I remember trying to master was Marth's Down A move (in the air). Finding the sweet spot to quickly finish opponents was challenging, but when I pulled it off, it felt very rewarding. I did play competitively for a bit (sadly, not good enough to play in any tournaments, though, lol). Unfortunately, these days I don't really have time to :( You should totally join a local tournament when you feel confident enough to test out your skills :) 

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @monkeybanana4 I’m the same, I think Sheik was my first choice until I used Marth just because I found Marth easier to use. Peach is fun to use too!


      I really liked the 3DS version it was really fun and nice to have as a portable game, and I couldn’t get a Wii U at the time for the Wii U version, my fiancée and I used to play the 3DS version with each other a lot, and we’ll still bring Brawl out every once in a while! The best thing about Smash is every game is timeless. The characters I’m using in Ultimate atm are Marth, Lucina, Sonic, Little Mac, Fox, Falco and Ganondorf. Ganondorf is looking to be a favourite as they gave him a speed boost :)


      I’m more than willing to sit and learn techniques for hours, I find it fun! I graduate from university in March and have graduation in July so I may have time after March to make a start! One thing I’ve always been pretty good at is spiking opponents, there’s no better feeling than jumping off the edge with your opponent and down A them in to the void xD If I get good enough I’ll check out a tournament or two, if there is any local to me xD 

    4. monkeybanana4


      @TheZigzagoon Same here! I find Marth is quite nimble and has great range with his sword in Melee. Yes, I love doing aerial combos with Peach since she can float in the air xD She has that fun attack where she can throw vegetables. I used to love spamming it when playing with friends for fun, lol.


      I agree. The Smash series is a timeless game and can be played by anyone. It's simple to pick up, but takes time to master. I think that's the beauty of it. You can be any at level and enjoy the game. I was so excited when I first heard it would be released on the 3DS. I could finally bring it anywhere and not have to worry about bringing a ton of wires to play with friends xD It had lag, but it was convenient to play on the go.


      Good to hear about Ganondorf! He was such a cool character to use in Melee. It seems the speed of the game is considerably fast in Smash Ultimate - really reminds me a lot like Melee. How do you feel about Lucina? Some people criticize that she is somewhat of a Marth clone despite some subtle differences. On a side note, I like how they incorporated all the different stages in Smash Ultimate. Fountain of Dreams looks really beautiful in Ultimate. Do you have any favorite stages?


      That's good to hear! (Good luck with school :) And with Smash as well xD) It does require lots of time, but I agree with you. I think it's super fun to spend that time learning and perfecting techniques. Haha, same here! It's such an evil tactic especially when your opponent is trying to save themselves, but you crush all hopes with those spike moves. Even worse when they are at a low percentage, lol. I remember trying to learn combos with the grab move since you can pull off some pretty neat combos with that move. Just curious, but how do you practice your techniques? (i.e. training regiment and the sort)


      Sort of off-topic, but what kind of other video games do you play besides Smash?

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  19. This is the 3rd time this year Windows 10 has died on my laptop to the point where I have to reinstall it.


    I. Hate. Windows 10. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BrenGun


      avg makes your pc slow.


      anyway use this to scan.


    3. platy


      Use Bullguard. They have good deals at the end of the year and you can have it on multiple devices. I know money is hard as a student, but it's a good investment. 

    4. BrenGun




      Even an offer now,

      But I will check it out, I can even get 21%(Dutch tax) off the price.

      But would need to discuss that at home...


      But I use

      AVAST (FREE)

      and Malware 

      And once in a while I go to a IT forum to clean out all shit. 

      If I find a difficult get rid of virus or malware I always visit them. 


      Forum is fully in Dutch, but I'm sure the people there do know English. 

      Can give an helping hand if some want to try it out, since there are a few things you have to do first. 


      But even with paid virus software,

      always watch out what you download and which websites you will visit.

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  20. Today I checked out DIMLIM for the first time, I just dived right in and listened to all of their album CHEDOARA



  21. Trains in the UK are fucked rn because of weather


    I’ve just done the journey from Norwich to Leeds which anyone here from the UK will probs know is already long. I got on the train at 7pm. It’s now 5 to 1 am and I just got home 

  22. Was just browsing through NOAH's (ex Avanchick) twitter


    Has he quit being a visual kei act!? 

    1. TheZigzagoon


      @violetchain That sucks, pretty decent VK vocalist minus his screams, other than that he was solid!

    2. Himeaimichu


      Well, the entire Visual Kei scene knows to not work with him, so he probably went non-Vkei in order to work with people who have no idea who he is lol. 

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @AimiGen7 That’s very true, I remember he was a diva in Avanchick, and if the rumours are true, just a tad bit criminal

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  23. Watching 0.1g no gosan’s live DVD of their performance at Akasaka BLITZ (or whatever it’s called now) and here’s one thing I’ll say:


    The vocalist should focus more on delivering a vocal performance that’s good rather than just going bat shit on the stage and singing every few seconds, or relying on backing tracks and the audience to sing for you. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saiko


      Hey, wtf, Yoshiatsu is a REALLY good vocalist. Of course he isn't technically perfect, but 1) he has a very genuine and recognizable voice, 2) he does really expressive arrangements, all along along with his performance, and 3) at least he does hit the notes. Considering he accomplishes these three items into a scene full of shit self proclaimed "vocalists"... it's like finding water in the desert lol

    3. platy


      @saiko have you watched/listened to their latest live DVD... ?

      I'm a fan of Yoshiatsu's voice in the studio. His live performance in that dvd was appalling for 95% of it and since I'm not in JP to go see them live myself, my faith has been crushed. 

    4. saiko


      Oh, didn't watched it. Gonna try it... but I don't want to have my faith crushed too...

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  24. Went to go see Shrek: The Musical tonight and it was amazing!


    One thing that worries me though is I had several moments of anxiety due to being enclosed in a large crowd, I’m worried that if I see The Gazette in London I’ll feel even worse anxiety due to it being likely to have a more packed crowd as it won’t be seated. Anxiety about anxiety is a bitch 

  25. What’s the song around 31 minutes in??



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