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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. How does Kiryu still use the same Shamisen samples after all these years? Especially after seriously upgrading the Shakuhachi and Koto samples. Meanwhile the same Shamisen used all over Shuka Ensen is still used.

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ok, I take it back a little bit, but still, you have to listen closely to tell the difference, and it's not even a realistic sounding sample, except for a few rare cases with some Tsugaru Shamisen 

  2. How does one change their name on MH? I'd like to change my screen name to something better than my current one lol. 

    1. God


      didn’t there used to be a thread for it?  maybe that was a long time ago.  also maybe i’m wrong. 😂

    2. Himeaimichu


      @God There is a name change thread, but it's mainly for tracking the name changes of users so no one gets confused

    3. God


      oh, that makes sense then.  my bad.

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  3. I always wondered how Ningen Isu is able to make the Taishogoto (A type of Japanese harp from the 1920's with typewriter keys) sound so traditional. I mean, most Taishogoto pieces are normally Koto pieces, but they don't sound so traditional, unless they decide to attach Nylon strings (which is occaisonally done). IDK, it all just may be in my head. I think more bands in general should use the Taishogoto if they want to experiment with a traditional sound, since it's quite easy to play.

  4. I am no longer a teenager. Here's hoping this next year of my life is better than the last!

    1. Himeaimichu


      @Jun_ Thank you!

    2. monkeybanana4


      Oh, happy birthday! (And welcome to adulthood? :P) Hope you have a great time and that things will be even better~

    3. Himeaimichu


      @monkeybanana4 Thank you so much!

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  5. I can see Raison D'etre by Dir En Grey being put on Pornhub with the title "Skinny girl is tortured by Trap while music plays"

  6. I don't know how I feel about the Prince YT channel that came into existence recently. I love that now some of his rarer videos are now in legitimate existence on YT, but.. we all know how Prince was kind of anti-Youtube. (Though to be fair, that's just bad business on his part)

  7. I finally tried Kiryu's most recent album and single and I gotta say, they're way better than I thought they were gonna be. Also, they went full Kote-Kei on the song 鋸挽 from their last single. 

    1. saiko


      Gonna try it!

    2. saiko


      Are they available on Youtube?

    3. Himeaimichu


      @saiko Some are. Here is the one I was talking about in the OP


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  8. I find it funny how Charter's new commercial that tries to show how forward with technology they are shows a scene of someone with a Jibo. 
    A Jibo is literally just a crappy Amazon Alexa with a circular screen that cost like 900 dollars. 

  9. I find it funny when people act all pseudo intellectual over a newage track that some dude probably made by taking the "Asian Dreams" vst and randomly putting it together in a trial version of FL studio. 
    You're not channeling some ancient art, you're just believing stereotypes

  10. I forgot how awesome Busta Rhymes used to be. I mean, he's still an amazing mc, but he used to have the craziest music videos back then

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Yes!! My tastes in hip hop were very influenced by the Woo Hah! video when I was 10 years old.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Same! Have you seen the remix of the song he did with Old Dirty Bastard? It is just full on craziness and I love it

  11. I forgot how bad a lot of the Hip Hop from between 2007 and 2011 was. Specifically anything relating to Lil Wayne, Drake or Nicki Minaj. As a 7 to 11 year old, hearing it on the radio, it just annoyed me a little. As an adult who can actually comprehend the lyrical content, the beats, etc., it's even worse now.

  12. I fucking hate how I can't create an account on anything anymore without putting in a phone number. You shouldn't need to have to pay for a fucking phone service just to fucking use twitter and facebook.


    Oh and burner number apps don't fucking work with twitter

    1. platy


      that shit is so intrusive

  13. I fucking hate the fact that food companies don't have to specifically say what "natural flavors" they put in their shit. I found this really nice chai flavored protein drink, and it'd be perfect if it weren't for the fact it gives me an allergic reaction. The ingredients list is all stuff that's mostly benign and I'm not allergic to, so the only suspect is the "natural flavors". 

  14. I get 100 dollars next week for taking a survey at campus. Definitely going to buy one of those Mei cheki sets on Closet Child

  15. I got a notification for an old Trombe post (someone I was following commented on the post but it came out like "Trombe posted a topic in...") and I was like "HOLY SHIT. Trombe is back"

  16. I got curious to see if Tila Tequila was still a thing... and holy fuck I forgot just how fucking crazy she was lmao

    1. Himeaimichu


      @psychonnect_rozen Oh yeah. She even attacked fellow Nazi sympathiser Ben Shapiro because he was Jewish. 

      Whose gonna tell her Southeast Asians don't count as Aryan? Lmao. 

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      Lmao Ben Shapiro. Oh my god I can’t stand him lol. Not gonna say anymore because politics 

    3. Zeus


      i guess she misread aryan as asian lol

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  17. I got GTA Vice City recently and I've been putting Japanese music into the game that fits with the atmosphere (mostly late 80's, early 90's Vkei), but I was wanting to ask, does anyone know any good 80's Japanese Hip Hop that would fit? Specifically the Afrika Bambaataa electro type stuff. Was that even a thing in Japan at the time?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Oh and it doesn't actually have to be made in the 80's (I mean, I put Luna Sea and Kuroyume in my playlist) they just gotta have that sound if you know what I mean

  18. I got my 100 dollars, but turns out, I can't make foreign purchases with it. Bleh. I want my Mei cheki

  19. I heard that AINS may be bought out by some company. Is that true?

  20. I just checked out ヘクトウ and ロマン急行 and these guys, combined with Gulu Gulu, have restored my faith in Visual Kei.

    1. Euronymous


      totally agree about ヘクトウ and ロマン急行 ,but gulu gulu i'm still not sure if they plan to become some kind of new KIZU/RSHITEI/ACME,it's not exactly something bad,but merry go round was so formulaic...i didn't expect that

    2. Himeaimichu


      Even though Merry Go Round did sound a bit formulaic, it still sounded WAY better than the similar sounding stuff from other bands. Though I'm pretty sure that's just me being a total Ai fangirl lmao

    3. Euronymous


      yeah,i got you,i feel like i'm going to support and buy whatever he may release lol

      but i really hope they go more for the ヘクトウ/ロマン急行/Inugami direction instead of those bands i mentioned above.

  21. I just found "High Collar Ondo" by Memento Mori on iTunes. Literally, it's the only song they have on there. But, who makes the money off of it? Memento Mori is technically disbanded, and as far as I know, AKA-On records is closed. I mean, the members of Kuroyuri could still make money off of it, and there is a possibility AKA-On records could still technically exist? I mean, their website is still up. Though, most links on the site are to a dead end, and the section for Raddock isn't even clickable

  22. I just had a camera stuck down my throat to see if I had any physical GI issues and now I'm high on anesthesia lmao

    1. shane


      I've had it done a few times, hopefully there's no issues. it's not fun.

  23. I just noticed the gifs are gone from my signature. Does anyone else have this issue?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Update: It shows on my phone when using data, but not with Wifi, nor does it show up on my chromebook. I am in school right now and it could be that the links to the gifs are blocked

    2. Chi


      I can see the gifs in your signature.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, it's probably just the wifi where I'm at blocks the links, since my school's wifi blocks imgur, so therefore, the images don't show. 

  24. I just realised that Metis Gretel and Devil Kitty probably used the same drum machines. The cymbals are almost exactly the same, especially the China-cymbal

  25. I just realised the organ samples in Madeth Gray'll's "Lucifer" are probably actually accordion samples (either that or they chose "reed organ", AKA basically a giant, bellowless accordion, sample)

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      accordions have a funny shape x would be a riot to play one x

    2. Himeaimichu


      Russian Button Accordions are some of the weirdest to play because the buttons are placed based on chords and such.

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