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  1. LOVE!
    Komorebi got a reaction from GuancheVK in JILUKA will release Best Album XANADU on 11.13   
    I love that they went for clean vocals again. I love their brutality but I missed that cleaner sound from their early days a bit. This is what I was hoping for.
  2. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from darkindastad in JILUKA will release Best Album XANADU on 11.13   
    I love that they went for clean vocals again. I love their brutality but I missed that cleaner sound from their early days a bit. This is what I was hoping for.
  3. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Bunny in JILUKA will release Best Album XANADU on 11.13   
    The band announced a Best Album for November 13th to commemorate their 5th anniversary.
    The name of the album is XANADU.
    Tracklist as follows:
    01. Twisted Pain -Ver.XND-
    02. Divine Error
    03. Ajna -SgVer-
    04. <new song 1>
    05. Hellraiser
    06. Omelas
    07. Faizh
    08. Monophobia
    09. Raison d’etre
    10. Lethal Affliction
    11. Lluvia -Ver.XND-
    12. Citrus
    13. <new song 2>
    14. Crossing Fate -Ver.XND-
    15. Mephisto
    16. Bloodshot
    17. Screamer
    [DVD] * First limited edition included
    ● JILUKA-Chronicle MV Collection-
    <Music video>
    01. Screamer
    02. Twisted Pain
    03. Lluvia
    04. Faizh
    05. Lethal Affliction
    06. Divine Error
    07. Omelas
    08. Ajna
    09. M.A.D
    10. Mephisto
    11. Hellraiser
    <5th anniversary special recording>
    (Overview of all 11 MV works at once and special talk session)
    All songs will be remixed and remastered and 3 will be re-recorded.
  4. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from 123Sandman321 in JILUKA will release Best Album XANADU on 11.13   
    I love that they went for clean vocals again. I love their brutality but I missed that cleaner sound from their early days a bit. This is what I was hoping for.
  5. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from NICKT in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Said every VK elitist who got stuck listening to moth-ridden bands yet is still active in the scene shitting on anything post 2010 that comes out lol
  6. Like
    Komorebi reacted to Waru Chibi in NAZARE   
    I finally layed hands on Jingai beyond and Koufukuron =3 Ideal i had already
    But why is coda so expensive X_X I don't want to spend 5000yen on it XDDD
    Nazare x Jiluka live was fun btw. and I loved that they did a dir en grey encore =3
    Mio is a real minikyo *hahaha*
  7. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from nekkichi in D   
    GCR has already signed bands over the years. 
    In the past they've had Hollowgram, Redrum, Blesscode, Vetique and probably others.
    Gotcharocka is still signed to them. 
    He may retire as a performer, or at least take a long break. I doubt he'll do so as a producer. Hide-Zou is also a major producer at GCR, but idk what the other members will do. 
  8. Yikes
    Komorebi got a reaction from suji in D   
    Fans said that by the end of that tour he seemed drunk-ish at lives, probably because of all the painkillers he took before performing :/
  9. LOLOL
    Komorebi got a reaction from Arkady in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  10. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Arkady in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    Nothing really outstanding, but not bad either.
  11. Yikes
    Komorebi reacted to sleepy coffee in RAZOR   
    Looks like drummer Tetuya will leave the band after their 11/30 live 
  12. Like
    Komorebi reacted to psychonnect_rozen in VK/J-rock confessions   
    Imho, X Japan is a great band but I would consider then slightly overrated. Not in a “they’re bad” way but in the sense that “there are more bands than just X Japan” kind of way.
    Then again, I don’t care if anyone dislikes X Japan 🤷🏻‍♀️. 
    But I wouldn’t go as far to say they’re horrible (to me at least can’t speak for everyone obviously).
    Blue Blood is still one of my favourite VK albums so
  13. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from platy in VK/J-rock confessions   
    For the last gazette concert some taller girl used me as support for her phone. She had her elbows on my shoulders and got super aggressive whenever I tried to shove her off or get the phone off my face.
    I barely saw Do As Infinity's performance in 2017 because all the really tall fanboys pushed their way to the front and took out their phones.
    I've gotten lots of concerts ruined because people want to record them.
  14. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Offering Shopping Service October/November   
    Hi everyone.
    I'll be in Japan for over 20 days and attend several lives. I'll be going to Puresound and other VK stores often too, so I can also pick up stuff you may want/need.

    As for fees, it would be around 10-15%, basically to cover withdrawal fees from paypal -> bank -> ATM.
    I'll offer 10% fee for JILUKA, DIMLIM, D and lynch. since those are bands I'll already be buying from. For other bands I don't really plan to get into buppan/deal with gya and staff so I'll set an extra 5% and be willing to trade cheki for your faves and all.
    I'll also be going to a handful of JILUKA instores so if anyone wants a copy of the new album + store bonus it will be fee-less.

    Lives I'll attend so far are:
    10/30: JILUKA
    10/31: lynch.
    11/05: Razor
    11/09: DIAURA
    11/10: D
    11/11: Grimoire/Develop One's Faculties (to be confirmed)
    11/15: D
  15. LOLOL
    Komorebi reacted to suji in SARIGIA two live-limited singles Dark Side/Chaos side release   
    omg i can't believe they're working with gordon ramsey
  16. LOVE!
    Komorebi reacted to CAT5 in The Virginity Topic   
    I co-sign the hell out of this - tho I do differ from you on a few things that i'll touch on below.
    I wholly agree that engaging in one night stands and whoredom in general benefits absolutely no one. Just as  @Zeus noted, everyone I know who's lived that lifestyle has regretted it as well. Hell, my body count is nowhere near the numbers you listed, but even I regret the "casual" sex I've had. Those were some of the most empty, soul-less experiences I've ever had and it served absolutely no (positive) purpose.
    Unlike you, however, I am absolutely for slut-shaming. Doesn't matter if you're a male or a female -> Engaging in whoredom benefits no one and is destructive on many levels. But I think the emphasis should be put on the act - not the person. People can change. People can grow, so we should not condemn anyone for it - but the act itself should be condemned, because it's the act that is destructive and harmful. People might think I'm a prude for this, but I don't care. If you want a real-life case study for this - just look no further than the so-called African American "community". You'll get a firsthand look at what rampant whoredom does to a people. Hint: It's not fun. As someone who belongs to the so-called African American community, I've seen and experienced the pain, suffering, misery...the pervasive destruction that it causes firsthand. So you're damn right I don't support being a slut - male or female.
    Personally, I don't believe in sexual compatibility or sexual experimentation either. I think these are ideas that place sex in a realm where it doesn't need to be. Cuz honestly, if you're with someone and yall are seriously committed to each other, yall can simply learn how to please each other and figure out what works for yall as you go. Likewise, with experimentation, I think it's a much better idea to experiment within the safety of a serious, committed relationship than to just experiment with different ppl just for the sake of it.
  17. Like
    Komorebi reacted to Jenny78242002 in Offering Shopping Service October/November   
    Hey~ I'd be interested in DIMLIM stuff, some DEVILOOF cheki and NAZARE cheki and photosets (if they have some at those lives) ^^"
    Also if you could pick up some things from Puresound, that would be great
  18. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from SHOKI in David new crowdfunding campaign - help Sui get to France!   
    I met a gya who actually works as an escort, I've seen her photos and some other gyas have told me she once gifted her honmei a photobook of her work.
    I say that was a win-win lol.
  19. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Seimeisen in Proposal: Trade Section for MH   
    There's already a shitload of elitism on this forum lol
    A trade ensures that person won't share it freely either. If I have a rarez I'm not posting because of reasons, I'd need some guarantee that whoever I'm sharing it with doesn't want to release it to the world either.
  20. LOLOL
    Komorebi reacted to spockitty in random thoughts thread   
    5 bucks says the teacher was high when they made it up
  21. Like
    Komorebi reacted to tallulah in David new crowdfunding campaign - help Sui get to France!   
    oh god this is such a beautiful mess, i love it so much
  22. Like
    Komorebi reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in David new crowdfunding campaign - help Sui get to France!   
    When my custom song comes, I will share it in the [[MH GOLD MEMBER ACCOUNT REQUIRED TO READ THIS CONTENT]]
  23. LOLOL
    Komorebi reacted to Paraph in David new crowdfunding campaign - help Sui get to France!   
    lmao i can only think of this now

  24. Like
    Komorebi reacted to Paraph in Offering Shopping Service October/November   
    i'm interested in NAZARE merch from any of the shows you attend in the beginning of november: parka, rubber band, hair band, towel, 5 cheki

    it's not confirmed with another offering a service if they will attend an oct live so if yours are definitely confirmed that would be great
  25. I feel ya..
    Komorebi got a reaction from Fyrnia4Maya in random thoughts thread   
    I have this friend I consider close and we haven't really seen each other or communicated much in over a month. I'm kinda pissed because her IG stories show she's not really busy, just clinging to her boyfriend. Which would be ok if she hand't blown me off a few times recently and only after I almost threw a fit she kinda apologized for not realizing I was having a really terrible time and needed support. But then when I confirmed I was feeling like shit she just said "well, the only one with the power to help you is yourself' and stopped responding.
    Like a week later I told her I was sick of always having to beg for a text reply and then see her text her bf nonstop when we were together and how bad and hurt her careless attitude made me feel. She left it on seen, and now, a week later, I find out she's attending a party organized by the same guy I had a physical fight with at a club. I find that really disloyal and I told her so, but she just ignored me again.
    IDk if I should talk things with her or just tell her to fuck off and delete her from my social media. That feels very childish and immature but she's also showing to be very unreliable and overall a bad friend.
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