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Status Replies posted by platy

  1. Malice Mizer has a really cute sound

    1. platy


      I have a lot to learn. I literally just listened to two of their songs. I even asked myself "why does that vocalist look like a final Fantasy character" before realising who I was looking at

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Malice Mizer has a really cute sound

    1. platy


      @Kirito this song for example, reminds me of something that would play in a 90's magical girl/shoujo series



      aka it's cute and wholesome

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Im so mad Tomoe (智依) (Ex- DiSPiИA) got arrested >.>

  4. Anyone for a BeatSense session like last Sunday?


    Link: https://www.beatsense.com/monochromeheaven

    1. platy


      Didn't see this in time 😭

  5. Let kids believe in Santa. Y'all are grown adults and still believe the X Japan album actually exists

  6. Visual kei without context (See photo)


    1. platy


      I thought it looked like Chiyu 😳 thank you

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. What happened to the music recommendations thread? It's not sticky anymore. Anyway can anyone recommend any experimental atmospheric type metal maybe dark ambient? Such as Gnaw their Tongues.

    1. platy



      ? This? 

  8. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      @CAT5 I was worried during the first few eps that it would be too childish and I loved Togashi's previous work with YuYu Hakusho, but I'm already hooked in every way :D I hung out with friends years ago while they watched the chimera ant arc so I can't wait for it so I can actually understand what's happening 



    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      @Manabu Like i said, I haven't actually finished the manga myself  so I dunno how the execution of it went but the ending is definitely....unexpected for a series of this type. I guarantee you won't guess :D 


      That's my main issue with TG as a whole. Kaneki is only badass for 2 minutes/2 chapters PER series!! He then goes back to doing nothing, holding back or just hiding in the shadows while everyone talks about how legendary he is. It's actually the reason I dropped it. The author is just messing around way too much. It's a shame because there are some awesome characters but oh well, plenty of awesome series that actually deliver out there.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      so many characters got weird stories in RE. Did you happen to get spoiled about the end of the series? People were burning their TG copies, flushing them down the toilet, etc. in protest for what happened to kaneki

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      @Manabu anime fans: stanning loli characters, drowning in loli merch

      Also anime fans: Japan would never create a pedo character!!


      But yeah Tsukiyama is a great character, as soon as you mentioned him that bloody handkerchief scene came to mind :D Hate what they did to him in TG:re but I never did finish the manga.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      @Manabu I guess there could be two ways to look at it. Either he's just a pedo or he just gets off from the anticipation of waiting for chosen ones to grow into their full potential so he can get the best fight possible. Either way idgf, he's an amazing character and definitely keeps me on my toes. But I'm curious what people are arguing over? There's not much to say about it lol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter is sus, there's no other way to look at it

    1. platy


      @CAT5 I started last week, I'm super late to this. Just watched episode 15 I think, where Kurapika and Leorio avoided a fight with him and Hisoka straight up says "why is unripe fruit so enticing. Those boys make me feel so tingly" LMAO!! 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. @admins tradeoff pls ily

  15. I'm so ready to throw money at GazettE again. 

    1. platy


      I'm convinced they don't want any money at this point 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. I quit my job 😐

    1. platy


      Congrats (?) and I hope you can find something better 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Tonight i finally made the decision not get a divorce. Wish me luck that I will get to keep my kids. 

  18. I didn't even know xaaxaa was having a MV scheduled for today but here we are

    1. platy


      honestly feels like there's a monthly pv drop and I'm not complaining

  19. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into Cardi B's music. I just get meangirl vibes from her music, and I'm sick of dealing with petty ass meangirls IRL, what makes you think I'm gonna handle a musician who makes it part of her music? lmao

    1. platy


      My friends seem to be into her cuz she's hot. So I guess there's that. I don't particularly like her either but I've been forced to watch WAP several times. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game is amazing. I hope FFXVI have some good system to PC /Windows on the future.

    1. platy


      The more I look into theories behind FFXVI the more hype I am. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game is amazing. I hope FFXVI have some good system to PC /Windows on the future.

    1. platy


      I have faith it'll be good on PC, considering the team behind it seem to be focusing on mainly a PC/PS5 edition whereas with XV it was like "welp we gotta maximise our profits soooo make this run on a PC" 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Has there ever been a tradeoff where partners choose the theme for each other?

    1. platy


      I don't think so. That's a good idea. 😮


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Yohio made a cover of Vitas' song. Sadly, not Chum Drum Bedrum.


    1. platy


      I dunno why he would choose this song, but I'm glad he did cuz it's my Vitas favorite. 

  24. I just want the Demon Slayer movie already

    1. platy


      Did you see how much money the movie made on the first weekend? Shit must be good. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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