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Status Replies posted by Desqui

  1. got a song stuck in my head & tried to find a band I found on Spotify, and it turns out they've been scrubbed off the platform like they never existed (kinda like taking from the vk playbook)


    and I don't remember who the fuck they were or the name of their songs, fUCK

    1. Desqui


      Now you have to sing it for everyone so we can all look for you

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. VK is my safe space, I just realised I always come back to it when I'm at my worst.

    1. Desqui


      I also realized this just last week.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Huh, for some reason I can't edit my old posts. Has this always been a thing oooor...? I've always been more active on VK Discord than MH, honestly lol

  4. I quit my job 😐

  5. Guys, GACKT did it again, I'm crying 🤣



  6. I didn't know what the world was truly missing.... but now........ finally......... an Evangelion themed deathcore band from China.



    1. Desqui


      The lyrics remind me of that penguin that won't get out of bed because it's too cold, except this has no happy ending.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. This is a weird question, but am I the only one who thinks that smart phones have taken the wrong route, design-wise?

    I'm sorry... but I really don't see the appeal in having wafer-thin phones that can bend in your pocket if designed poorly, or phones that are literally all screen.


    Imo, those don't improve my experience at all. If anything, they are a detriment to it because there is so fucking little to hold onto when watching a video. It honestly feels unergonomic to use, and this may just be my nostalgia for the early 2000's speaking, but I honestly miss the physical feel of old-school smart phones, and I honestly don't feel that just making the entire phone a screen, with no physical buttons at all, or even edges, really improves the user experience.


    I honestly would be happy with a phone that has the physical design of a t-mobile sidekick, but with the modern capabilities of modern smart phones.

    1. Desqui


      Remember when the future meant super tiny phones?


      I let my phone slide and hit the ground or fall just because it's now designed to do so. haha within reason so I don't have to buy another one. Lucky so far but also ready to smash it's face. Tech indeed has improved our lives but the moment it stops working like it should, it brings out a unique kind of rage. I'm talking about texting correct English and casting to my "smart" TV. I used to love customizing my phone interface, but my latest had so much stuff for me to go through to "get to know it" I quit and just change the bkgds now...


      Also, I think having great cameras on phones kills my camera buying. I still want a camera but then I need a phone which costs more than a decent camera but the phone comes with some high tech lens and I can't avoid it. Now two big appliances in my bag.


      I miss flip phones and phones with full keyboards.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. If ganguro/manba/the other gyaru style with tanned skin exists, can we categorize it as a kind of blackface?🤔

    1. Desqui


      For real though. Is it cuz they're all prostitutes?

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  9. If ganguro/manba/the other gyaru style with tanned skin exists, can we categorize it as a kind of blackface?🤔

    1. Desqui


      It's not all fun like in the magazines?

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. If ganguro/manba/the other gyaru style with tanned skin exists, can we categorize it as a kind of blackface?🤔

    1. Desqui


      I wonder what they think of what's going on these days.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. If ganguro/manba/the other gyaru style with tanned skin exists, can we categorize it as a kind of blackface?🤔

    1. Desqui


      Wouldn't that make tanning in general blackface? I think itd be more like mexican or southeast asian farmer face anyway.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just got fired from my job because "i wasn't doing good enough" without getting much help that I asked for several times from my bosses.

    1. Desqui


      Sorry you had to experience that. That sucks. But now you can pick out and avoid bad bosses

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm sure everything will go back to normal by July. People in America can't pay attention to something for very long; look at Occupy. 

    1. Desqui


      It is?! Well 😪, my sister and I were about to look into heading that way too. Nevermind. Worst timing...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm sure everything will go back to normal by July. People in America can't pay attention to something for very long; look at Occupy. 

    1. Desqui


      We've been having curfews. Lol at anyone who was crying about losing their rights to masks and a simple stay-at-home order. That same BS now drives rioters to destroy "peaceful protests".

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm turning 20 today, wtf
    I don't feel like it at all xD

  16. I am new to this website. Been listening to some old albums and watching live DVDs (mostly Gazette lol) and was looking for online discussions to talk about albums, songs and live performances. Also, I would like to chat about band/live culture in general. Not interested in talking about bandmen/their personal lives. 

    I am originally from Europe, in my mid 20s currently living in Japan. よろしくねー

  17. i just wanna tell yall how much i fucking love you because yall are so tolerant (most of the time anyway) of me no matter how shitty my opinions are and are willing to have a civil discussion instead of just pushing me away


    meanwhile anime fandoms are shit and so is cancel culture, literally fuck cancel culture in the ass btw

    1. Desqui


      I had to look up cancel culture. They're poison. Free yourself!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. If you watch Merry's last night's stream, be one of the 300人/600人 that stayed till the end 🕺🏻💃🏻😋

    1. Desqui


      My pre-COVID schedule doesn't allow viewing 😞 so I don't know if I can watch once work returns

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. 🤩 ガラさん read my comment outloud on his ソロTube! 🎤🐑

    1. Desqui


      Oh and when we reached 500人⤴️ fans wanted him to tap dance 🤭🕺🏻🕺🏻 but he didn't.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. 🤩 ガラさん read my comment outloud on his ソロTube! 🎤🐑

    1. Desqui


      @suji 😢 Aww! Did you miss because of work?


      Gara read a letter to open, asked how his facial hair looks, then read another letter to the band members? But mostly he talked about mikes & mike stands and kept looking down into the comments for questions. 😅 Really trying to talk about anything for one hour, so the contents were....well, and my poor Japanese. I hope you catch his next one! 🙏

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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