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Posts posted by mahoujin

  1. On 3/27/2017 at 7:51 PM, itsukoii said:

    pretty sure hiyuu's nearing his 30s (if not already in them) but i'll come back in like 10 years when he actually qualifies as a dilf


    cuz no other dilf around these days does it for me


    On today's episode of "Shit that just made me feel old"

  2. "OMG they look like real life anime characters!! SMEXY BISHIES!!" 


    Suddenly becoming edgy/offensive because they listened to a few Dir en Grey songs and now they're ready to one day fuck your parents I guess. 


    Straight girls being like LOL I'M SO GAY because they're attracted to a man wearing makeup. 

  3. I don't think there's anything wrong with the concept of crowdfunding for a visual kei band. At best, and in a more official way, it could actually be a pretty good idea. I'd be down to throw in money for something more specific and official, especially for a band who I want to support but already bought all of their available merch. I've donated money towards one of those giant ass flower arrangements for a band before. It might seem wasteful, but I already had all their merch and it was a nice thing to do, so I did it.  


    If crowd mitsu is the worst case scenario here, it's not like that would really be a "new low" for visual kei anyway. 


    Now in the case of Doguramagura, the problem is that the money was probably gonna be given directly to Alto on good faith that he'd do something good for the band or at least good for himself. However, he's self destructive as fuck. I get that their fans want them to do well, but that boy needs some serious personal help before there's any hope for his band. 

  4. 22 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Wait, so their contracts affect them after they disband? Wouldn't disbanding nullify the contract? I'm not very knowledgeable on contracts, so I could be wrong, but it doesn't make sense

     Record label contracts, or really contracts in any similarly competitive field, can be brutal and have really crappy drawbacks. My sister is a hairstylist and wants to leave the salon she works at, but part of her contract is that if she leaves, she can't work as a stylist within a 25 mile radius for a year. It would be absolute unsurprising if Shimizuya had their artists on a similar contract. 

  5. I guess when I was a newer visual kei fan, it was amusing for me to show visual kei to the uninitiated. Now that I'm older, the fun has worn off and showing visual kei to "normies" is a chore and I just don't feel like doing it. Literally all of my current friends are at least comfortably familiar with visual kei, if not visual kei fans themselves, so I luckily haven't felt the need to explain or justify myself to anyone in a while. I also listen to plenty of other music and have other interests, so it's not 100% necessary for me to show visual kei to people in order to socialize with them. I haven't really had any reactions more negative than "not my thing, but that's cool" in a long time. 

  6. I've mostly gotten shit from older visual kei fans or more ~brutal~ visual kei fans for liking Royz and similar bands. I guess I used to feel guilty about that and when asked what bands I liked, I'd really readily admit heavier or older bands and downplay my interest in newer catchy bands and any oshare kei. Lately, I've just not given a single shit and let me tell you... the guilt free visual kei life feels good. 

  7. There are a lot of things I wish, but I don't wish to be Japanese. Seriously if you gave me three wishes right now, I'd wish for a lot of money, fluency in Japanese language, and to be thinner. That would solve literally all of my problems both within my interest in visual kei and in my life in general. Because I also incorporate visual kei into my personal style, I get accused a lot of trying to be Japanese or even trying to trick people into thinking I'm Japanese. The truth is, I'll be the first to admit I'm just a chubby white American with some niche interests and I'm not ashamed of that. 

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