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Posts posted by mahoujin

  1. Aside from the popular language barrier, it's hard to introduce "normies" to visual kei because of... visual kei. Having to explain visual kei to someone who is completely shocked and put off by it is a chore to me. I haven't really been in that position as an adult, but when I was in school, I definitely was. At least for me, it usually does come along with a lot of people pulling their eyes slanted and mocking the language, or jokes like "So I guess you like small penises????". It's usually straight men who get really uncomfortable after seeing what a visual kei band looks like and fire back with stuff like that, so I guess I have seen some of the ugly racism that other members in this thread have been lucky enough to avoid. 

  2. - A good wtf, but I'm always like WHOAAA when an older band does a revival live with members that haven't been active in so many years that I just assumed I'd never see them around again. It can be really surprising sometimes to see how they look 5-15 years after they retired. 

    - That old interview in Purple Sky where Kisaki said he could kill Kyo with a pebble. Bro chill. 

    - Rumors about Juka's scat fetish and Ryutaro's affinity for golden showers. Gross, potentially fake, but a wtf good time to read about regardless. 

    - Danchou's nude pic

    - All the fuckin Gallo drama that happened the end of last year god damn

  3. I didn't care for Nega or Unsraw, but I voted TBS because they're like Nega if I liked Nega more, whereas Doak is like Unsraw if I liked Unsraw less. There was also a lot of hype for Doak that they didn't live up to, so I think that disappointment is contributing to my opinion in a way.

  4. I'm pretty shy, so I don't actually initiate conversations with band guys, especially these days. A pretty damn long time ago, I was on mixi and messaged regularly with Shuri ex Eliphas Levi/Vinett and a bit with Henry Lee Euro from SPEED-ID. Shuri has some life stuff go on or something and basically said he was going offline for a while and I haven't seen him around anywhere since. Sometimes I wonder how he is and hope he's okay. Still mutually follow Euro on Twitter and insta, but rarely interact.

  5. I honestly don't really have any conscious physical preferences. This is gonna sound cheesy, but I don't even really feel attracted to people until I get to know them because personality is a huge thing with me. Of course, I look at people and think "oh they're pretty" or something, but I wouldn't really call it the same kind of attraction I'd have for someone I'm dating. Likewise, I've ended up dating people who I didn't initially think were attractive physically, but then later considered them to be because I guess I enjoyed seeing that person and that made them attractive.

  6. Plastic Tree - Spica. I usually love ballads but I've never been able to love this song. It's so plain.


    PLASTICZOOMS - Got nothing. From what I've heard of their discography, I don't dislike anything of theirs.


    Spica seems like such a popular song, so I'm really glad I'm not alone here. I came to this thread just to post Spica. 

  7. I'm picky in a lot of ways I can't really put my finger on, so a lot of bands are bands I SHOULD like, based on similarity to other bands I like, but then I don't like them and I can't really pinpoint why. I do really like Liv'ert, but I always felt like they were very close to becoming a big favorite of mine, but they never quite got to where I was hoping they would. Damy is hit or miss for me, but the songs I do like, I REALLY like. The Cold Milk could have been great if they didn't disband after one mini album. I really enjoyed it and then... no more. 

  8. Blast - untitled track from 緋い領域

    Derail - Sepia

    Memento Mori - 狂鳴余興

    Lamiel - 開眼

    Avelcain - 贖罪

    Avelcan - 数謳

    Eliphas Levi - 予感ハ呪イトトモニ

    Eliphas Levi - 第七の悲劇

    Born - -A.H.M-

    Syndrome - Fiction

    Kagrra - 京

  9. There's a lot of similarity in the marketing of band/group members almost like characters in which you would have a favorite based largely on looks and personality. Aside from just that, the target audience is largely the same age and gender. To me, it's not really surprising. The music is very different, but I also have some very different or unexpected tastes in music that my taste in visual kei wouldn't indicate at all. 


    I could be wrong on this one, but I know I grew up listening to a lot of boy/girl group pop like Backstreet Boys and Destiny's Child. Even though I'm not a K-pop fan, I could see K-pop being really welcoming and nostalgic of those sorts of times, even if as an adult you might have gravitated towards heavier music. 

  10. If I already like the band and then find out the fandom is crap, oh well. It's disappointing, but I just end up enjoying it and not really interacting with other fans much. Between bad fandoms and liking some unpopular stuff, I have plenty of bands I like that I don't really talk about with anyone. It's not really an issue for me. However, if I do really get along with other fans of the band or a lot of my friends end up liking the band, I'll probably get more into them just because I do get to talk about it and it's fun. 


    Unfortunately, bad fandoms can put me off to a band I haven't listened to yet. I know it's not fair, but I don't really feel that I give a band a fair listen when I'm already sick of hearing ABOUT them before I actually hear any of their music. 

  11. Mahoujin your makeup work is absolutely flawless! You look superb, loving the style! Keep it up. Your Byou look is so beautiful <3




    Kind of half jokingly, a few friends of mine and I have decided that it's COSPLAY ALL THE LONG BLACK HAIR GUYS 2K16 for me, so this week's victim is Yashiro from Ziggrat, whose facial expressions I physically can not make oh god. 


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