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Posts posted by mahoujin

  1. I never liked Kiryu. I didn't like them when they were new. Still, I check back in every few years with stuff I didn't like. I kept giving them chances because my friends would rave about how good they are. I never liked a single thing I heard, even if I asked friends for recommendations. Well, it took me how many years? I watched some PVs a few weeks ago and actually liked it. 

  2. I tried learning Japanese on my own nearly 10 years ago, but I didn't get very far because I had no guidance and was basically trying to memorize stuff on my own with no actual practice. I don't really remember much from then, aside from being able to decently read katakana, hiragana, and a few kanji. I'm terrible at speaking or understanding spoken Japanese. What I know now is really basic stuff and pretty random words and phrases that I've mostly just picked up from being a fan of Japanese stuff, but not from actively trying to learn the stuff. 

  3. Okay so I revise my statement here from a year ago and am really just finally admitting that I'm trans. Because I'm not the "right kind of masculine" I never really considered myself trans and just kind of thought I must be neither. I've been identifying as nonbinary for a couple years, but honestly that just doesn't feel like enough or like it doesn't fit. I think I've really held back because I can't pass because of my body and my current situation doesn't allow me to medically transition. It's hard because I don't feel like I'm doing enough to "deserve" male pronouns or change my name (if I even knew what name I wanted, which I don't). I also feel like if I'm not dressing masculine enough and not conforming to American gender norms, that the trans community will view me as a joke at best and a threat to trans acceptance at worst. The idea of being accepted as I am as part of the trans community is beyond my expectations, honestly. This is kind of weird, but a visual kei forum seems like a good place to share this. 

  4. I'm assuming there was supposed to be more content here than just the band name and pic of them, but yeah the new look is nice and I'm glad to see Crim back. 

  5. On 6/16/2016 at 3:52 PM, herpes said:


    you can't just say this and not give deets

    He has a tendency to argue with overseas fans on social media and doesn't know when to let things go. I don't have caps anymore, but years ago, either a friend of mine or I (I don't even remember at this point) made a joke "Mana vs Dada" facebook post and he saw it and got FUCKIN PISSED, blocked everyone except the friend who jokingly "sided" with him, and wrote a rant on his own facebook about how Canadians (referring to us, despite no one in the conversation being Canadian) are terrible people and to not consider yourself his fan if you're Canadian, which created MORE arguing with MORE fans in the comments. He unfriended all of his Canadian fans on facebook, probably along with other people, considering we weren't even Canadian in the first place wtf, said he would never perform in Canada because Canadians are all terrible people who make fun of him, etc... It was just generally a clusterfuck he started because he got super offended about a shitty meme that literally no one was taking seriously. 


    He started up again a few years later because some people were talking shit about Kiwamu (loooooool) and took shitty cell phone videos at his concerts, which he argued at length with fans about because again, dude doesn't know when to shut up. Threatens to leave facebook, disband/retire for the millionth time in said thread. There are caps for that one.  Please note that he is literally starting drama on purpose by posting this. 


    I don't know how often he does this or if he still does this since he blocked me like 6 years ago because of the Canadian Drama™ and blocked most of my other friends for various stupid reasons over the years and seriously no one actually cares to try to add him back even if they have new accounts now. 

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