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  1. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Best part of Beautiful Dirt was Kyo’s HA HA at the end and he doesn’t even do that in the new one. 
    Best parts of new IIID Empire: that thing Toshiya does in the middle break, the weird skronky thing Kaoru does around 2:24. 
    Absolute worst thing about new IIID Empire: Kyo spankin’ and spankin’, also GOOGLY EYE GOOGLY EYE GOOGLE EYE
  2. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Kousei in Dir en grey   
    You know damn well the fans voted for Garden, but DEG was like “LOL”
  3. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in Dir en grey   
    You know damn well the fans voted for Garden, but DEG was like “LOL”
  4. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Ozileras10 in DIR EN GREY new DVDs/Blu-Rays released + best album, "VESTIGE OF SCRATCHES"   
    Utafumi was a better Beautiful Dirt re-recording. 
  5. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from shiyouka in Dir en grey   
    You know damn well the fans voted for Garden, but DEG was like “LOL”
  6. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in DIR EN GREY new DVDs/Blu-Rays released + best album, "VESTIGE OF SCRATCHES"   
    Utafumi was a better Beautiful Dirt re-recording. 
  7. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Furik in Dir en grey   
    You know damn well the fans voted for Garden, but DEG was like “LOL”
  8. Like
    Saishu reacted to blacktooth in Dir en grey   
    Record in analog dammit! My life would be complete if Dir en grey used a mellotron. 
  9. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from geist in Dir en grey   
    I have to agree the symphonic versions are cheesy because it’s all synthesizer bullshit. I want them to record something with a proper orchestra. 
  10. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from suji in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  11. Like
    Saishu reacted to emmny in Dir en grey   
    i don't care much about re-recs bc their live dvds fix the production disasters (basically i get to actually hear toshiya), i.e. the new kickass version of audience killer loop. i also like the live touches they put on their older tracks (toshiya changes up some basslines, clearer guitar sounds/changes in tuning), plus some frills like the segway between undecided --> higeki on the rose trims is to die for.
    +1 on hearing them rework zakuro, its one of my favs (it made me pick up bass) but the lyrics are kind of cringe now and if they're still down with the prog train it'd make for an awesome new version
  12. Thanks
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in Dir en grey   
    I don’t care if WtD is number 34 on top 100 Japanese rock albums list; I don’t like it. 
  13. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in Dir en grey   
    I’m so sick of the Dir en grey “wall of noise”. I wish they would take notes from Opeth and go analog so I can actually HEAR WHAT EVERYONE IS PLAYING!
    like seriously what do mixers do these days? Slide all the knobs to the same level and leave for the day? Where’s the tone? Where are the textures? It’s all so flat and sterile. 
  14. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from pawzord in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  15. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from Komorebi in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  16. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from Wakarimashita in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  17. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from ghost in Dir en grey   
    Before the Uroboros remaster came out, I replaced the English language versions of Dozing Green and Glass Skin with the original single versions. 
  18. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from patientZERO in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  19. wow
    Saishu got a reaction from helcchi in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  20. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Seimeisen in Dir en grey   
    Before the Uroboros remaster came out, I replaced the English language versions of Dozing Green and Glass Skin with the original single versions. 
  21. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Manji 卍 in Dir en grey   
    My copy of Vestige has shipped!
  22. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in Dir en grey   
    My copy of Vestige has shipped!
  23. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    What was edited on the Decade comps? Only thing that stands out to me is they used the single versions of Embryo and Child Prey, and Jealous -reverse- was a cool bonus. The remastering wasn’t that great, more like “let’s jack the volume up so these won’t sound like (complete) shit when you compress them into MP3 files for your iPod!”
    Decade also had weird choices like, most of the Marrow tracks they went with. 
    And still no Garden, lol. 
  24. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Something about the Decade releases is very bootleg-y to me, right down to the awful artwork. I’m hoping the remastering in Vestige is decent, but I’m not holding out hope. So if anything I’m excited to have a best collection that seems a bit more focused and professional. 
  25. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    There was a period of time where I considered Kisou the holy grail of DEG recordings, but then one day it came across as too bloated. And as much as I criticize DEG’s production in recent albums, Kisou might be the absolute worst. Listening to it feels like chewing on tin foil. Songs like Zomboid and Pink Killer are such are garbled mess of static it’s hard to believe the guitars are actually playing notes. 
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