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Posts posted by gekiai

  1. I'm glad to see this thread resurfacing! I get those moments too when I listen through all of their discography, new and old...and then I realize (again) that Jui's voice isn't quite the same as it used to be..so unfortunate

  2. 9 hours ago, jishuban said:


    Hmm... I do have flyers of several undercode bands (e.g. nega, 12012) in all 3 of my flyer posts I think.

    Also I'm selling Riku or Heisei Ishin chekis here http://jishuban.livejournal.com/4617.html

    ...or a Riku photoset here http://jishuban.livejournal.com/5317.html

    12012 poster&flyer, heisei ishin stuff, nega, cindycate, . . .


    Vidoll... I only have the shoxx vol 159 and 169 with one article of vidoll  and two flyer :( flyer are for the album puzzle ring and blue star and not listed in my journal post, but I would sell both to you if you are interested:)



    Okay, well I'd like both of those flyers then ^^ Would it be best if we talk out the specifics through PM?

  3. 21 hours ago, hiroki said:


    i agree that "mousou spice" is a little iffy for me too. i guess i'm just more fussy with jazzy songs in general, and like, it's kinda hard to make a jazzy song in the vk style that's distinctive and memorable (so far only anfiel does it for me, but that's just me haha).


    have you heard the B-side of mousou spice though? that's actually my favorite glamhaze song *_*


    I agree, I've never exactly favored when bands experiemented with jazzy things ^^; no offense to the actual genre ofc


    I totally forgot to mention that B-side, but yes, I love it too! I'm don't have a favorite song of them...yet. 

  4. GOTCHAROCKA: A less rainbowy version of Spiv States ft. Jui's voice


    Purple Stone: *shattering glass in the distance*


    Sukekiyo: Chill music with Kyo crooning like a baby


    Arlequin: Band with mildly bizarre outfits and even weirder "screams"


    Pentagon: How long can you one go on making spoopy music that doesn't sound much different than the last single? Let's find out.


    UNiTE: Music that deserves to be in a video game


    Vidoll: Another semi-emo band of the 2000s 


    Sick2: More video game music with a weebish touch


    The 3rd Birthday: L and the others


    Avelcain: The emoest of the emos with traditional ornamentation randomly mixed in


    I'll most likely add to this if anything comes to me

  5. 46 minutes ago, Ruri said:

    Well, it's hugely affected my life since I got into it about seven years ago. It was my first proper exposure to foreign language music; I was absolutely fascinated by how the language sounded, which made me discover my affinity for languages, and now I'm doing a degree in Linguistics with a minor in Japanese :3 thanks, VK!


    Me too! I'm majoring in Japanese (next year) and I also grew a love for foreign studies and cultures thanks to vkei! <3 


    I think what I like the most about visual kei is how tight-knit the fandom is. I see that I am on the much younger side of the spectrum in terms of age, but I have met the most interesting and kind people through this music. Vkei made me realize I loved rock music and gave me something to look forward to and fangirl over.

    And more the music...most of it is created by the musicians, even if originality may be at stake at times. I think it is a lot more genuine then say, kpop. And that really appeals to me. Sure these bandomen are poor and money hungry, and I love to support them, but you hear things you'll never hear in other genres in scenes (which is pretty no-duh, but hey, that's awesome to me).

  6. 5 hours ago, Ruri said:


    I admire that j-rock bands bash out songs constantly, but only if they at least do something different or develop their sound as they go on. It's easy to get burnt out on following a band if they're just recording the same song with different lyrics and a different synth preset every time.


    This is exactly how I feel. Except I see more often then not bands that try to grip onto relevance by releasing new stuff at lightning speed, and they usually aren't anything special. Usually causes me to not look forward to their next release because I just see it as a ploy to get more money in shorter amounts of time and pandering to the fans that don't give af about their music, just their looks...and that ain't me.



  7. When I saw the video, I kinda expected the actions to be like this. Another YouTuber a while ago reacted to the GazettE and found them pretty awesome; so I also wasn't surprised when they received a milder reaction. Their music is a lot more palatable.


    i found the choices questionable, however. I was surprised they even found Insanity Rejection...but showing such an extreme from the get go will dictate how they feel about the rest of the music they see ....so I was put off by that.


    They should've had a more "oshare" band included or a classic visual Kei band. It would've been a broader representation of the scene. 


    EDIT: Also, I'm very happy that the scene is getting more attention since a couple reaction videos to vkei have been fairly recent (at least from what I've seen). Tbh, it'll never blow up like k-music did but the fanbase does need more newness (but I say this with hesitance because like k-music, newer kpop fans are a mess).

  8. I found them pretty good actually, the songs were kinda "eh" when I first listened to them, but I gave them another listen and they really stuck to me. The catchy factor is definitely there in my opinion.


    i also didn't like the progression of Boombayah much either, which made it easily 2nd to Whistle, though I wish they could've done more with the chorus in that song too.


    I can't say they're trying to be 2ne1 2.0 from just 2 songs, we've barely seen much from the girls in general. Lisa is amazing like no rookie I've ever seen and I love Rosé's voice so much. All of them actually have pleasant voices, and their choreos are pretty fun to look at. 


    In other words, I wouldn't knock these girls just yet. Hoping and praying YG doesn't ruin it for them so soon.

  9. Here I go adding my probably unneeded opinion because I have been reading through this thread the entire and I've had my fair share of laughs tbh


    As many people have said before, his work was appreciated and I will miss it for sure. However from my standpoint, the rules are the rules and a little change won't hurt, right? I'm pretty sure now that he isn't ruling the news section anymore, many other members will surely have the opportunity to share the news about their favorite bands. It doesn't have to be on time or anything, just as long as it's here, I know some of us will appreciate it. I'm really with the quality (and enthusiasm!) > quantity. That will best benefit the community in the long run, amiright?


    Also mentioned earlier, I think it wouldn't be a bad consideration to develop an Official News team if the outcome isn't what we expect. After all it is pretty time-consuming finding news about all these bands, especially if you listen to A LOT, and then developing the news posts..and some of us don't have good enough Japanese competency either to even translate some of these news.


    But all negativity aside, this will all wash over, I'm sure. Change is good ya'll, change is good :grin:

  10. 23 hours ago, Waru Chibi said:


    hei - thanks for the warm welcome


    I think the style from T3B to Balalaika has not changed much

    the latest T3B songs were already that style. Nor did they change much compared to Amber bullet. Eru's voice just got better and better xD


    Here is Eru-Ningyo (<- Eru gave him the name XD Ningyo is Doll)


    Old pic:




    New pic:




    That's true, first time I heard the Balalaika song I didn't think much of it, just listened to it again though and I really like it! It takes me a while to adjust to new bands ;u; 


    And he's beautiful omg, I'm really in love with the entire outfit on the first one, the cigarette is a nice touch :'D

  11. NO....they're literally babies?? I was so looking forward to them developing their sound, and I really thought they were unique. So disappointing to hear...makes it hard to get into anyone new bands these days.

  12. *breathes life back into thread*


    Updated my listings, but even there you can see that I am a good 2-3 months behind in releases. Might be double posting here bc I still have a ton of music to listen through.

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