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Posts posted by gekiai

  1. 1. Vidoll (I really think no other band has touched me like they did.)

    2. GOTCHAROCKA (Simply bc the fact that my favorite vocalist ever (Jui) is doing the vocals, and their music makes me genuinely feel better).

    3. UNiTE (Same with them, their music is great, and unique, they never bore me.)

    4. Arlequin (Though I was not too impressed by Qualia (the song itself, it should have not been the title track), they're a great band)

    5. Pentagon (Don't really care much for Minpha but the music is really all that matters. I love Chizuru's voice too).

    6. Avelcain (I didn't even like dark music so much...until I listened to them. Simply amazing. I hope they get more attention now.)

    7. BLESSCODE (I really love their style and Masaya's vocals are getting better and better.)

    8. MALISEND (They're just starting out but they have really surprised me. I can't wait for their mini-album next month).

    9. The GazettE (I mean, though some of their songs of the past years didn't impress me, they've crawled back into my top 10.)

    10. DADAROMA (Yoshiatsu's voice isn't too impressive to me and their fans are annoying, but they come out with good music.)

  2. Definitely "discovering a band that has disbanded or will disband shortly" has hit me hard because I'm still a newcomer in vkei (only 3 years). I say Vidoll is hands down my favorite band, but I never got to experience them when they were still making music...I have many regrets.


    What I don't like is what many people have mentioned before me: that a lot of bands (especially the newer ones), tend to care only for their looks while releasing music that is simply...garbage. But to a lot of fans (and they totally have a right to feel this way), as long as they look good, they'll think their music or the band as a whole is amazing. But to each their own.


    Also, there's some vocalists that just really don't sing well....at all. I simply cannot listen to them if their vocalist literally has no skills. Singing isn't an easy task, nor is music writing or composing. It takes talent , not just good looks.


    I'll probably add more to the thread later since I'm salty as hell, but there's my two cents.

  3. i dont like using spotify to stream music by asian artists(read:mostly kpop) because they use wrong tags. but for a long time i was using it because i was too lazy to download music. lolz nowadays i stick with itunes and use spotify to stream western music

    my lastfm profile is in my sign

    oh and here is the lastfm mourning thread http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/33265-lostfm/


    Well the title is why I couldn't find it, haha, thanks

  4. I just use itunes. Sometimes I listen to spotify on my phone.... i just don't scrobble to last.fm from it. I know you can do that from the pc version but idk. 


    as for obscure and unknown bands..... unless you download/purchase it  yourself... i really don't know the answer.




    also followed you on last.fm~


    Okay, and thank you, I'll follow back! 

    I just use google music to upload my entire 500GB music collection to their cloud service and then stream it anywhere and everywhere I want, on my phone or in a browser on any computer. The only thing is if you have a huge music collection like me then uploading it all to the cloud will use a fuck ton of data so you might want to make sure your bandwidth can handle it or just go to a friends house or somewhere with free wifi (like McDonald's or Starbucks) lol.


    best thing ever and I don't have to worry about space constrictions or tagging issues since I've already correctly tagged it all myself.


    This is a good idea....I think I might try this out. Thanks!

  5. I was surprised to see that there wasn't a topic specifically discussing anything like this unless the search option is failing me


    Basically the aim of this topic is I'm curious where a lot of you listen to your music from online (since I know everyone has an iPod or mp3 player of some sort and YouTube is just...YouTube).


    I'm also having trouble with my Last.fm since I cannot find a good scrobbler or source where I can listen to my obscure and unknown Jrock bands (since most rarely show up on Spotify, iTunes, Cloud, etc.). So feel free to suggest something about this!


    So...yeah. What websites do you listen to your music from, and share your username or profile for/from that site if you so wish.

  6. Dallas??? Fuck I'm going to be there then. Who else? 


    Oh who am I kidding... I'm probably the only Jrock fan living in texas right now.


    Also "This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.. It is not available in your country."  For a world tour announcement video...

    Nah. I'm in Dallas too. I just about cried when I saw Dallas on the list.

  7. I'm curious as to why GOTCHAROCKA is thought to disband soon. People thought the same for the beginning of last year but it seemed they had another successful year (a lot of their one-mans sell out and they seem to have a strong fan base) . In 2016 they have another tour and single announced. I guess people are worried over Jui again? Sometimes his voice sounds bad on certain days. I believe he over works himself too much.

  8. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)


    It depends. If I have enough money, I'll splurge and buy all the releases, but if I'm broke (which I am 90% of the time), I won't buy any at all ;;


    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?


    I wouldn't necessarily say I "collect" cheki since I only have a couple, but I DO collect flyers, I have a ton of them.


    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?


    Yup, I even have notifications for a few.


    4: Would you follow them on the street?


    No, that's just really creepy. Like, really.


    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)


    Of course not, it's not that serious lmao


    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?


    It has. I started wanting to wear darker colors all of a sudden, and buy chokers, and wear different colored braids and such. But I think that's a good thing. I feel more comfortable wearing more "nu goth" type of fashion than what I usually wear or used to wear in the past.


    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?


    Hell yes. I'd even go as far to say that my love for Japanese music has influenced me to start learning the language and reading about the history and culture.


    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?




    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)


    I'm so happy that it says "friends" and nothing more because yes! Anything else is just....really idk and never gonna happen so why make myself upset? :'D


    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?


    I have no talent but it's something to dream about. I'd definitely be a drummer so my face would be hidden whenever there was a performance.

  9. I'm not sure what I specifically want to be yet, but I want to major in International Relations and Japanese Language. I really enjoy studying about other countries and I've been learning Japanese 3 years on my own, and I'm in love with it. Not sure what I'd do with it hence why I want to double major.


    But lately, History has really been tugging at me. It's been my favorite subject forever and my history teacher is so dope, I'm not sure, I might want to pursue a degree in that later, too. I graduate next year so I have to have this all figured out soon ;;

  10. Sad to say, but the only artist I heard of on that list is Fall Out Boy (and only heard about two of their songs, oops).


    "Cokeheads-under the society-" ~ ヴィドール

    "Romance" ~ 砂月

    "ラバースフィルム" ~ Spiv States

    "Alive" ~ Arlequin

    "Crying Rain" ~ Girugamesh

    "Rainbows" ~ Alice Nine

    "Dying Message" ~ ヴィドール

    "Lib [lo] ve" ~ ヴィドール

    "Universe" ~ ユナイト

    "Yami" ~ ザアザア


    I didn't expect so much of my Vidoll to come out haha, and I'm amazed there's no kpop that found its way into this list.

  11. Finally an appropriate place where I can voice my very unpopular opinion about a band everyone seems to be in love with: MEJIBRAY


    First of all, I want to say that I love MEJIBRAY's older releases (2014 and back), but ever since they got an upsurge in popularity, I really think that their music has began deteriorating.


    Can I also mention the fact that so many of their songs sound the same? That they use the same tone, chord, etc. in so many of their songs that now it just makes me yawn? I think their songs this year were the worst (especially Eiki oh my god do not get me started on this garbage).


    I can acknowledge that all of them have some talent (especially MIA, his guitar solos always slay me), but there are some notes that Tsuzuku "vomits" out that do not sound very pleasant at all (but his screams are amazing, really, but comparing him side to side with other renowned vocalists in the industry, he will fall flat).


    And their looks are like...wtf now? I think they're trying way, way too hard to be edgy (although Koichi's current look is beautiful, he looks very good). I think most of their popularity comes from their looks, though. I cannot go a day without finding someone literally "melting" over Tsuzuku's appearance. (dude has some nice tats and a very nice makeup-less face but he isn't that hot).


    It's come to the point now that I cringe every time I hear they're coming out with something new (they literally come out with things at rocket-fire speed. I think they need to settle and conjure up something really good), and their fans...holy crap, their fans. I avoid most of them like the plague. I admit Meji has brought a lot of newcomers into the jrock/visual kei fandom, but many of them....have little to no courtesy.


    Anyway that's my two cents, with excessive use of parentheses.

  12. You did not understand what I meant D: I really like JUI, now there are a few artists who have a beautiful voice like him <3 (I do not like "Toya", that because Jun has always had IORI [EX-Phantasmagoria] as partner of rhythm guitar for 10 years!) :'( 


    PS: Obviously I do not want to misjudge Toya, could be a really good partner for JUN.. but I miss IORI at his side TwT

    I'm very sorry I misread what you said, I think my eyes imagined a "not" there for some strange reason ;_;


    But that's very true. His voice immediately drew me in when I got into jrock <3 he's so great


    And that's understandable, I mean sometimes we are not used to change. I think Toya and he gets along though, and Toya can (and has) learn a lot from Jun! ^^

  13. Personal favorite songs include:


    Beautiful Life


    Polaris :banana: :banana:  :banana:  

    All of these are very good songs!


    Polaris is just plain bad ass, Alarm already holds an Nostalgic feel for me, and I like how they had a snippit of Beautiful Life in Onomatopoeia! Very clever of them! ^^

  14. I love so much JUN! he is one of my favourite Visual-Kei guitarist! :3 I heard all his band (Mar'derayla -> Phantasmagoria -> Attic -> Spiv States) and now in Gotcharocka :) I like them all! about JUI however I can say that I liked very much.. in Vidoll has an extraordinary voice that few artists have! ^^ Instead for Toya can not say anything because I did not listen the Charlotte :/ (I hate it because the only partner who JUN deserves to have at his side is IORI!!!)

     Aaaw well I like Jun in his past bands too, but I think it is all good for a change, I am sad that Iori had to go so suddenly :(


    But I am curious as to why you don't like Jui much especially since he's my fav, I won't judge I'm just curious!

  15. I can't believe no one has started a thread for this group until now, so here goes!



    From Left to Right: 



    ex-Spiv States, Phantasmagoria










    GOTCHAROCKA is a visual kei band formed in 2012 under GOD CHILD RECORDS. The band originally started with 4 members but Shingo (ba., ex-Sugar) left the group because of musical differences in the beginning of 2014. 


    Of recent news, the band has announced a new single for Spring 2015 and another one-man tour.




    2011.07.01 ~ Gotcha6ka (single)

    2012.08.29 ~ Hydrag  (single)

    2012.12.19 ~ Virginity (mini-album)

    2013.03.06 ~ Poisonous Berry (single)

    2013.07.17 ~ Crisis (album)

    2013.12.04 ~ Shortcake (single)

    2014.06.04 ~ Gekiai (single)

    2014.07.02 ~ Alarm (single)

    2014.09.23 ~ 8kaiki (live distribute)

    2015.01.13 ~ GPS (live distribute)

    2015.04.08 ~ Emotion/Directors Cut (single)

    2015.06.17 ~ Royale (album)

    2015.12.02 ~ Marry me, 'cause I hate U (single)


    OHP // YT


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