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Posts posted by gekiai

  1. I remember being disappointed with dadaism #1 but I agree that dadaism #2 is definitely banging, except I felt that Lucid Dream should not have been the title track. I think they've really developed a style I can dig. 

  2. Wow and I thought I was a total green horn to the scene, welcome to the forums!


    You have a pretty good taste, and the other's have mentioned some really good bands. 


    I also recommend Pentagon and Purple Stone, they're not super dark but they both have unique sounds.

  3. Yesterday they announced they're releasing a new mini-album "Rainfall" on May 11th!










    I'm so happy to see the curls back on Jui...and the over the knee boots. Also, does it look like he's showing a little thigh??


    I'm also loving the platinum blond on Jun...I admit his get-up looks a tad feminine but he still looks so good!

  4. My first crush was Kai from The GazettE but it was very shortlived.


    Now my crush for 3+ years is my icon, Jui from GR ex-Vidoll. I don't know, he's really cute to me with his mannerisms and eccentricity, I think we could really match well haha despite how huge age difference


    I tend to gravitate towards older bandmen anyways, with Hakuei, Die, and Atsushi being minor crushes.


    All the other younger guys I like (Chizuru, Keiya, Byou (Avelcain), Masaya, Gene) are merely just eye candy  :mrgreen:

  5. You should not let people's opinions about certain races/ethnicities deter you from ever attempting to date outside your ethnicity. Every race has families who are against their offspring going out and participating in this "promiscuity", which we call dating. I know this too well.


    You can't place any blame on an individual (even on this forum), due to the fact that who they are/how they think, may have been formed from the method in which they were brought up. You can blame their parents if you feel like it, but those parents probably went through the same thing. 


    It will be a while before racial preferences will become a thing of the past, but we ARE getting there. We sure as hell aren't going through what our parents did 30-40 years ago (people were severely beaten/mutilated for god's sake) and I am thankful for school/work/social events of today for allowing multicultural families to attend these locations/events. It's what makes America so great. Assimilation will occur and your children will have an easier time, and only be classified as "American".


    As far as how you feel about the current situation African-American women face in terms of dating, you're not wrong, it's plain to see. Yet, it's not difficult to look past either. You have this idea (and eveyone else in general) placed in your mind, that "this race" and "those people" are somehow more inferior to others. 


    I blame the media, who here in Chicago for example, take full advantage of every little occurrence in every minority neighborhood (I hate saying minority, but I feel it's easier for you to understand what I'm saying) in order to establish exposure/ratings on their fucking channel. Hell, even social media online is becoming the same way.


    I was fortunate enough to go to a public school, where the variety of races was even in every class. Perhaps that is why I formulate thoughts the way I do. I see everyone as an open book, and the more closed off you are, the more it is apparent to someone that you wanna fade in the background.


    You wanna change the way people look at you? Make yourself noticed. Strike a conversation, regardless if ends in success or not. The point is you attempted to leave this niche you made (or were placed in) and change the way people perceive your kind.


    Sorry that was long. I just have so much experience in this, that I feel I need to share. I am by no means social (I hate you all), but I know when to be kind when it's needed.

    I apologize since I don't know how to break up quotes


    This wasn't exactly what I was getting at but I'll answer. I feel that "well there parents/family may be that way" is an excuse to an extent. Like there's liberal people my age and their parents are die-hard conservatives or the fact that my family is highly homophobic and I'm actually LGBT and have plenty of friends who associate with it (even before I discovered this about myself). 


    Like man, it's 2016, if people are still perpetuating colorist and superiority attitudes in regards to races and their features, then I'm really not going to be lenient with them. I can say many of us in the forum are old enough to have our own independent thoughts from our families and if they think that way...well, it says a lot about as a person. I can't stand it, and I feel no need to change myself or speak up. I already don't fit into the horribly incorrect stereotype society has painted of black females (angry, loud, voluptuous, "ghetto"), I'm pretty much the exact opposite of it. I've even had men of other races hit on me saying "you're not like the others" and I'd literally not care about them from that point on because those others are my friends, sisters, and my family. It's truly disgusting. 


    I never said I wouldn't date outside race, either. I'm saying that I couldn't see myself dating a more "dominant" race because they will not understand my struggle at all. I've already made that mistake once and I won't make it again.

  6. This really sucks. I mean, this is one of my favorite bands and I don't think there's another band active rn that sounds like them. I'll miss them dearly. And I'm also pretty worried about Karma because of things he's said in the past regarding disbandment..

  7. I braced myself before going through the thread and I've already been somewhat hurt by someone's personal scale of attractiveness (how black people are on the dead bottom of their scale) and it brings back to how the world treats the black woman as one of the most unattractive beings that have ever walked this planet. As a black woman, it's constantly thrown in my face how I don't fit into societal norms of beauty, and though I haven't had much dating experience, I'd like to date someone who shares partially the same struggle as me, or in other words another person of color.

    Also remember that "racial preferences" can intersect with fetishizing (and don't even challenge me on this).

  8. After thinking that Meji had officially deteriorated into a crappy band (2015 was good enough evidence for me), hearing the preview actually gave me hope again. The messy sound with them is getting extremely redundant and they only have good visuals to bring. I like something more "calm" like this, it reminds me that Tsuzuku can actually sing lmao

  9. Thank you! Trying my hardest haha.


    So much, way too much.


    To name a few that have stayed with me (In no real order)


    Boom Boom Satellites

    Gossip (The 2006 band)

    The Back Horn 


    Sparta Locals





    But, I am constantly listening to new ones and making new favourite bands. (With the help of this forum)!

    Aah, another Vidoll fan!

  10. I voted for a lot of things on the poll (seems I definitely love more than I hate haha)


    But the best thing is that there's always a variety. There's always new songs, new bands, new looks coming out, and even if the generic neo vkei is seemingly the thing now, there are always a few hidden gems and when you find them it's like...the BEST THING EVER.


    I've made new friends in the fandom, discovered things I thought I wouldn't even imagine liking before. I've been inspired by vkei with my style and dress...I've laughed a lot, I've cried a lot, I've gotten angry and frustrated a lot with vkei and I've only been into it for a few years :')) But I'm sure I'll be hanging on for more years to come (even if I am pretty late).

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