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Posts posted by suji

  1. I think Gackt and Malice Mizer were my first exposure to vk (although I didn't really appreciate MM back then like I should've), and then I went on to listen to bands like Metis Gretel, Megaromania, and Versailles which paved my way into vk completely.


    It's funny how my musical taste has changed since then xD


    edit: Now that everyone's mentioning it, Nightmare was kinda my gateway to vk/jrock, along with Uverworld (who have done a bunch of OPs for anime that I watched back then) but of course I haven't cared about them ever since lol

  2. This is a rather new meme that sprung up, I don't think a lot of you will get it tho


    "Visual kei bands are just idol rock stars"



    "Kisaki isn't really a god, he's just a Catholic priest"



    "Bandmen actually use and fuck girls for money cuz they're always broke"



    "Gara's not his real name, it's actually Makoto"



    "Vk guys actually use makeup and filters to look good. In fact, they don't even do their own makeup."


  3. 1 hour ago, The Piass said:

    ジルドレ is Gilles de Rais. He was a French nobleman/knight in the 15th century who participated in the Hundred Years' War. He was found guitly of raping/killing more than a hundred children and was hanged then burnt at the stake for having done so.

    their official sites say "Jirudore" so i'm going with that 😛(better than having another band called Gilles de Rais)


    but thanks for the clarification

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