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Status Updates posted by togz

  1. Lack-co. ....lol no. Each song on that release sounds like 3 songs in one. Tenten's vocal melodies are very bland and unimpressive. I doubt they'll last long.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      It's like their trying to make it on line-up alone...

    2. Komorebi


      So all the hype was for nothing?


    3. platy



  2. Last night was a really great experience. After work, a co-worker and I decided to walk around Seattle Center to catch Pokemon. As we walked around, we realized other people were doing the exact same thing. I think by midnight we had a group of 20 people all roaming around together to stand by lures. We all asked what color we chose, and even when we had different ones... people peacefully battled over gyms. It's insane. I mean I knew PokemonGo would be a big deal, but it was kind of surreal for last night to happen the way it did. It was like being part of a movement or something lol.

  3. Little Tybee, Covet, Tera Melos, and CHON were all so good last night. A+ would go again.

  4. long time no see MH >:]

    1. togz


      @colorful人生 It seems as though vk has died down even from how small it was before I stopped following. But Im surprised with the quality of bands that are out and about these days. 


      Ive been okay, Lot's of changes @ home and in the family but taking it a day at a time haha. 

    2. tetsu_sama69


      welcome back!

    3. togz
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  5. Look at this Photograph

    1. solaris05


      leave me and my perfect nickles alone

  6. My whole body hurts. And I’m tired. Time for coffee fix.

  7. No amount of anti-anxiety medication can help me calm down when driving in the snow.

  8. OH WAO. Welcome to MH AND  Happy Birthday!

    1. Uraraka


      I'm visiting them on the weekend, but it's the loneliest birthday in years tbh

      I hope to make friends too, but I'm shy and kind of awkward. ;;
      It's my first year yes. I'm studying Architecture, and I'm so nervous because I don't know how uni works yet ^^;;

    2. togz


      YOOOO I'm the same way. Like at my work... I'm outgoing because being professionally outgoing is different than communicating with people to be friends haha. But... Just stay focused, be you and I think the right people will connect with you. Small or Large group of friends what's most important is that they're meaningful ones. 

      Uni can be scary... I only went for one semester lol or rather it wasn't even University but just community college because it's all i could afford. I chose to work instead... But Universities look so huge... don't get lost ;;


      Also Architecture sounds really hard but cool at the same time. I don't think I could ever be successful at something like that... I don't think I'm smart enough haha.

    3. Uraraka


      I can be outgoing too, if it's important, but making friends is a whole different level... But with time I think I'll find people.

      The costs for my university are (compared to others in my state) quite high, but financial/social projects tend to support you if you have problems with money, but nonetheless I hope to make no debt.

      The campus of my uni is scattered over the whole city, I don't even know left from right yet lol But, I live in a university city so it won't be that hard to find someone who knows what's up. I hope.

      I'm not bad with maths but I'm also kinda creative so I wanted a mixture of that and found architecture. I don't know how hard it will be, but I don't expect much free time ;;

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  9. Okay but really is マッシュ like a haircut... A style... A brand... Or what....?!!!

    1. togz


      Like I know mash like I get it. Mashed potatoes, the show, military things but like what is マッシュ

  10. Okay like... Kuroi Niji is great but... Water Lily is so beautiful. I cry.

  11. p sure imma try to go to Crossfaith's anniversary tour tho. 

  12. Paypal takes out almost $200 from my bank account for some transactions for some shoe carnival site? But I gotta survive with out that money for 7days minimum. Thanks Paypal. Way to get on it. 

  13. Press for Wagakkiband in LA obtained *^*

    1. Biopanda
    2. togz


      I'm on the guest list ok. NO PHOTO RESTRICTIONS OK. I'm gonna buy myself a celebratory cake. With Machiya posing for my camera.

    3. Chi


      wooo have fun bb

  14. Question. An 18 year old goes skinny dipping with a 14 year old in the family pool in the backyard. Parent wakes up and tells them to get out. 18 year old is heard telling the 14 year old "If you say anything, I will beat your @$$" Parent gets suspicious and checks the security footage of the backyard to find out they were skinny dipping. Should this be acceptable or not considering the 18 year old is legally an adult and the 14 year old is not. Even though nothing was visible on camera that they had done anything... would this cause worry or concern?

    1. saishuu


      Doesn't even matter if it's a boy or a girl. The older one should be told that doing things like this, and even going as far as threatening the other person, is not okay and could put him in trouble. Consent should be taught no matter what.

    2. platy


      Very suspicious. Doing it very late, threatening the boy and you as well. I think mainly you should show the 14 year old that he can come to you at any point if he feels threatened or has something to say. Easier said than done, but at least he will know he has someone to support him. Try to explain to the older guy what kind of problems he could get into and what kind of damage he could cause by making a move or whatever on someone so young. 

    3. BrenGun


      keep an eye on It.


      I mean, if you doing sports you also can shower together with older guys. So yeah.. just being naked whatever. But if there is any sexual meaning behind it, it's not good.


      But still if you are 14/15 you can have a crush easy on an older person. And yes on that age some people know what sex is, and many also want have sex on that age, or already have done it....  (When we get older we often forget the age of our first wish to have sex)

      3~4 Years age gab isn't that big. 

      Also when I was that age, I loved also a guy of 18years old. (relationship did not happen, yet... I would have been mentally ready for xxx on that age ← and that differs from person to person)



      Just be sure that the 14/15y person doesn't do anything against his own will. 

      and if sexual things happen out of free will, be sure to give them condoms ( ̄▽ ̄;)


      Juat keep an eye. Don't worry too much, but just talk calm with them about it. 

      love is love, age gab or not.


      What the law says isn't true for everyone.  Also max 5 year age gab, is alright in my eyes.


      But still people need to know the law rules. 


      good luck.


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  15. QUICK: What are some serious questions you'd ask VAMPS if you could?

    1. saishuu




      I don't have anything constructive to say, sorry, please disregard my comment

    2. YuyoDrift


      I would ask if they honestly feel that their current music direction is the best option for the band right now.

    3. togz


      Not stuff I'd ask in an interview hmmm. bummer.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  16. RIP VisualScandal (≧∇≦)

    1. zuka_1


      good news, fucking blog :D

    2. TetsuAkira


      They'll be back. And in bigger numbers.

    3. Show next comments  45 more
  17. rockonjapan.net is a website that a friend and I have made to help expose the Japanese rock/metal scene to a broader audience. If you're located in the states and would like to volunteer to pass flyers out and post them around your city to help bridge the musical gap, please shoot me a message for more details? The site itself will launch on June 1st !

  18. Shot in the dark on this one... but anyone wanna save for a trip to Japan this October? I'm thinking the 24th to the 3rd of November.

    1. orange~


      well... I'm most likely gonna be travelling to Japan later this year, but still unsure when. It might be during those months or in the fall in general... depends how fast I can get money for the trip :P

    2. togz


      well let me know around what time you're thinking... I'm pretty flexible as long as it's after september but before mid november. Only reason is I work at a tourist attraction so during holiday season they need me. But it'd be a lot cheaper if two of us went because if we use airbnb we can basically rent an apartment plus it'd be nice to make new friends and have someone to explore with. I'm kinda awful at finding the courage to do things on my own.

    3. orange~


      Yea! I'm thinking about those months too. I want to be there before november for sure. That's a good idea with airbnb, that would save great deal of money and I'm always glad to make new friends too ^^


      I was thinking about mainly staying in Tokyo, you?


      haha, I was already thinking that my plan for the trip would be "dead end tokyo", meaning I'd go to pretty much all the weirdest and most interesting places I can find.. : P But I can go to the most seedy places on my own.


      But ya, I don't want to promise too much yet, because my money situation is big question mark at the moment, but I'll keep you updated!

  19. smh. h8 u PAX. jk see u next year.


  21. Sometimes I wish LACK-CO  would disband so Tenten would make a new band... cuz he always does that. But one day he's not gonna make a new band. Like...?? What if this is it fam? What if Lack-co is out he goes out? 

    1. togz


      @Peace Heavy mk II

      Lack-co. is gonna be the one band he has where they have a 10 year anniversary live. Watch. 


      @The Reverend

      Yeah CPS was my favorite too. The music was really unique and I felt like he really used his vocals to their full potential. If I'm not mistaken though... their disbandment had more to do with their drummer????? I wonder if CPS woulda BEEN THE ONE had that worked out differently. Tenten looks like he hasn't aged... but I know he has some health problems and he's def getting older.

    2. yakihiko


      @The Reverend Not only VKing but I would say he is also a Vk chameleon, he can make different music styles in different bands without losing his potential.


      @The Reverend @togz I'm still haven't pick a favorite between MHBI and CPS, but for favorite line up, would be MBHI; most favorite songs, would be CPS. I love to death ベラミー, In My Dream, 溺れる魚 and My Harlot Broker, those a rare gems that you can no longer find into the recent vk scenes.

    3. togz


      @yakihikoMY HARLOT BROKER AND BELLAMY WERE MY JAM OMG. When it comes to VK I feel like you and I have very similar tastes which is kinda rare for me to find anymore. haha

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  22. Sorry everyone who tried to download the two uploads I posted recently. I've fixed both links and I'm 100% sure if they don't work i'm done with life.

  23. Still no great internet service so I haven't been able to upload photos, but so far I've seen Azami, PRAISE, HNIB, Gossip, THE NOVEMBERS, Fabled Number, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I like Osaka better than Tokyo, and maybe I'm moving here next year ! 

    1. yakihiko


      Nice, sounds great to check Kobayashi voice live. Do you find it different from the studio versions?

      Try to see RAZOR or LACK-CO live or instores, mostly to see Tetsuya and Tenten :D

      Also, grab if possible all those LACK-CO unshared songs and their upcoming full album o/

  24. still sad to see this forum go. Please give me a follow on twitter, I'll follow back! would like to make some jrock friendos ;; https://twitter.com/T0GVR0

  25. tbh all the friends I had when I was in my prime of VK, no longer like VK anymore. "I listen to vk" is noob enough for me. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I remember I used to be friends with a bunch of Kpoppers who only switched to Kpop because Dir En Grey "Stopped being hot". 

      IDK why I was even ever friends with Kpoppers. I had no idea what they were talking about or how I met them xD

    2. Zeus


      idk where y'all hang out on the internet and meet these types of ppl like all i go to is mh that's all i need

    3. tetsu_sama69


      This is the only place I have VK friends. Everyone else is convinced I'm still "going through a phase" even though it's been over a decade.

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