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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. waaaat? WAT? this is not a joke then?? :OOOOO
    Idgi. fuck this.
    Are we sure??!?
    "92 user(s) are reading this topic" this is a total meltdown ://


    Y'all thinking about blackdoll, I'm thinking about Para et kyo' :'(((

    dafuq, can't believe it.


    With all of that, I forgot to watch the PV spot, and so they chose one of the weakest song off CO, well done lads.

  2. I gotta admit MISS WAVES doesn't sound too impressive to me, but all of these remakes sound sooooooooooo exciting to me! You already know I loved their older music and Yukishita Tarihosi is an all-time favorite of mine. Thank you for the news!


    yea I feel the same for MW, but mostly for the instrumental. The chorus sounds very fine to me, but it's the after chorus, sounds like we're at the beach (the theme, so), it's not the first time but, it's still a bit weird. Who knows, maybe the full song will be a surprise and wlll sound better to the ears.

    yeaaa I was thinking about you :-DDD I prefer to hear remakes than instrumentals on their singles tbh (like they did on their past singles releases).

  3. I was checking all days (because it's all I've been waiting for) and I have been rewarded : samples of 45 seconds are up on amazon.co.jp (it's the verse part for both title songs).




    TYPE A, TYPE B and TYPE C.

    VIPER is brootal as fuck and will be totally AWESOME <3


    And I confirm for the remakes :

    The TYPE A 3rd track is TRAUM (from the Mega-Star Tokyo bonus CD).

    The TYPE B 3rd track is 鞦韆 (4th track from Yukishita Tarihoshi).

    The TYPE C 3rd track is 展覧会のネリオリ (6th track from Yukishita Tarihoshi).


    I'm sure it'll be an amazing reworked remakes, but my inner self is a bit disappointed that there is no more new songs.

    I hope I'll receive my copies quickly, so I could listen to it on repeat all days lmao. Ofc i'll share these beauties with you, megamasso shouldn't stay in the dark, they're too good for that tbh.


    Enjoy these samples! :)


    Signed by: your humble and beloved MH-egamasso servant, at your service. xD

  4. it's SHIT.

    I will NEVER donate money to a lazy band/artist who won't move their asses to tour and make money by themselves. No fucking way. Not today, when the music can be recorded more easily at home or promoted heavily on internet, you have no excuses.

    I saw some examples, with one of my favourite band Icon For Hire. I was a huge supporter, not anymore. I cannot support this mentality.
    I explain: they didn't tour for months, and then they woke up "we need 125,000$ to buy a tourbus!!" (no need to say that the fans that weren't agree with them and said 'maybe you should get a little job? like us hum?" were litteraly INSULTED on their facebook page). Anyway, the goal was fulfilled in less than 24 hours...3 days after "we need 35,000 now!" excuse me??? After that they were complaining on twitter that their label asked them a lot of money for the recording of their next album...I'm sure they'll ask money once again.
    This is what i hate the most about crowdfunding. It's the open door to laziness. Or the contrary (a band like Flyleaf, who toured a lot and then using crowdfunding to record their latest album...).
    The crowdfunding is the music's cancer. If you think that taking money from your own fans is moral, then you're just not worth it. this is just so WRONG, I cannot accept this, or shit like meet & greet. I will never pay these madness.


    (my video was about m&g but it's not working, you have to go yourself at 3:15 min:)

  5. interesting. it's difficult to put 9 people in a top 10 because I don't know that much about the MH members on a personal-or not level.
    Anyway, I said 9, so I have a number 1 tho, my favourite is without contest psychtiger; we exchanged a loooot of DM together, about megamasso, personal stuff or hobbies... it was such a great pleasure to talk to him. he's not around since mid-december tho, I'm sad, I miss him. :'(
    Besides him, I love the majority of the active members, and some more than others...I don't want to name them tho. :)

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