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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. Oh, don't worry about your English mistakes. I don't think I noticed any of them. Your English is really good!

    And thank you for the tip with my ranking. I'll number them as you did to make it easier.

    One thing to note though, I understand why there were differences between our taste in メガマソ's music. When I first got into the band, I always thought Inzargi's voice was really romantic, and when I heard all of ゆきしたたりほし (Yukishitatarihoshi), Paradise Halo immediately became one of my favorite songs from them. This is before they made newer music that resembled that Paradise Halo song. Then came 星降町にて(Hoshifurimachinite), which I thought was an okay single. They started to release music I thought wasn't as good as their previous music, which was intended to be アヤビエ's songs, before Ryohei left. Fastforward to white, white and became so in love with the song, but the band still put on a lot of music that was decent, but didn't really catch me. Until Loveless, More Loveless came out. I've been enjoying a majority of their music since then and I feel that a lot of their newer music contains a similar jingle to what Paradise Halo had.

    Onto my top 10:

    1. a morning ray is cold. (This song means so much to me, so much)

    2. white, white (Gave me hope for the future of メガマソ)

    3. 涙猫-sound asleep mix- (An amazing remake of their first song)

    4. 旧約偽典あさのひかりはつめたい [Kyuyaku niseten Asano Hikari wa tsumetai] (When I first heard this song... words cannot describe)

    5. ダーシャード人の踊り [Dashadojin no Odori] (Cute song and story)

    6. SurrenderPowerPlantの看守

    7. 動かなくなるまで、好きでいて。[ugokanaku naru made, sukide ite.]

    8. Deep Snow 

    9. Door And Secret Room (Solid song, loved the PV too and it's dark tone)

    10. すみれ September Love (I love how clear you can hear Inzargi's voice in the beginning. He sang very well here. And the whole album was so well produced)

    This was so difficult to decide, but these were the songs I ended up picking for my list. I wanted to include so many other songs.

    I bought both Pokemon games along side, Smash Bros. for the Wii U, and 4 Amiibos, on launch date, because I have a bad spending habit.

    That's really why I bought both games, and I wanted to focus one game on shiny hunting (Alpha Sappire), and the other on gameplay.

    I know, everyone knows my cars name, and co workers tend to point out my plush Mudkip sticking out of my back pocket all of the time.

    You have a really good list of games too. I was going to say, it looks like you enjoy a lot of RPGs and Simulation Games. I use to be the same, I skipped Wii, PS3, and XBox, and had a PS2 before. I did always have a Nintendo handheld though, just for the Pokemon games.

    Thank you. I know, it might seem like I am a gamer, but I hardly have time to play. I just have a bad spending habit, but I am really close to platinuming Evil Within and Black Flags. 


    At least we have DeepSnow in common .______.;; I adore its PV too, the effects etc (and their outfits !). You chose great songs, yukishita tarihoshi is an excellent album !! I agree with INZARGI's vocals, he's a great great singer (in studio or on stage). What a shame that nothing catched you enough between white, white and LML ! :'(


    I forgot Animal Crossing New Leaf ! yes, I love games not too difficult (I mean, when i play, it's for relaxing, i don't want to be angry because I can't pass a level or what - when it's the case, I stop playing and I turn off the console XDDD). Waiting impatiently for Majora's Mask HD btw (don't know you?) !! I've never played it before, not even on N64 (this game was too expensive, even today!).

    I think I would have consider buying a PS4 if only it can read PS3 games, like the WiiU does with the Wii. Sadly it's not the case, shame on you Sony >.< ! Thanks Nintendo for that (and for the free online !).

  2. I think you are talking about メグムミサダメキタゾラニナクノ, I just listened to it.

    I know I gave the whole album a listen when it was released and wasn't impressed, but giving the song a second listen,

    I do admit it's really impressive and different! I like it! Especially the lyrics. I can relate to this track, I think it sums up the feelings of a break up really well.

    I can't wait to hear their new single either! Honestly, this is the only band that I believe hasn't missed up on a single remake of their older songs. So, I am really excited.

    No, it's okay. Believe me. I really love this band too and I want to hear your top 10 Megamasso Tracks of all time so far! I'll respond with my top 10!

    I started with Mudkip on Ruby and Treeko on Sapphire. Ruby is my main game. I went with Mudkip, because I just recently bought a new car and I 

    nicknamed it Mudkip. I also have a plush keychain to go with my keys. ^^



    A Top 10, that's a good idead! but it's hard to choose, I love everything (except the b-side from SUPERNOVA maybe xDD)

    mmh, let's see for a ranking (for the kanji songs I'll put the track number and the release for a more easier approach - I encourage you to do the same for your ranking, because I can't read japanese lmao):


    1. メグムミサダメキタゾラニナクノ (11 from M of Beauty)

    2. 機械化人マディソンの友達 (3 from BLESS)

    3. カレイノオヤド (3 from blind innocence)

    4. DeepSnow

    5. blind innocence

    6. 地ベタ四ツン這イ太郎 (2 from Nakigoe de kizuita.)

    7. 塔は高揚する (5 from kai no me tou)

    8. ワスレナグサ (5 from M of Beauty)

    9. 燭 (3 from WINTER HOLLOW)

    10. 花びら (hanabira) very tight with AmberFlight (3 from hanabira)

    this ranking sums up the songs that I listen or enjoy the most. Can't wait to see yours !

    Oh I get it ! But sometimes, to go back a few years ago on something you didn't like at first can make a click! it happened to me sometimes. I hope your newest try will do something for you :DD I'm still pissed that they haven't played those M of Beauty songs that much on their live DVDs. ToT

    I'm really curious to hear the new VIPER, I hope this new version will give justice to the original (I still didn't hear Until, I need to buy this single version one day).


    Oh you took 2 differents starters, very clever ! Might I ask why you bought the 2 versions ?

    You called your car Mudkip, can I just XDDDD so funny lmao


    Aaah, goodnight then ! For me it's the morning :P see ya tomorrow!


    edit: ooooh I've just seen your game list ! amazing list! I wish I had a PS4 too but, it's too much expensive for now (and I'm not talking about the games DDD:). Maybe later, when the PS5 will be out lmao. I've always been one step behind each current generation (until today with my WiiU but, before that I owned a GameCube, a N64 and a PlayStation 1 XDD).  I see we have some games in commun, I also have WindWaker HD, MK8 and Mario & Luigi too (it was part of my WiiU bundle). + Assassin's Creed III (my baby lmao), Black Flag, Bayonetta 1 + 2 and Hyrule Warriors. For the 3DS: Pokemon X, Sapphire Alpha, Soulsilver, Black; Persona Q, Etrian Odyssey Untold: the Millenium Girl, Zelda OOT HD, Fantasy Life and Harvest Moon: A New Beginning (yes, I do love simulation games lmao).


    I do apologize for all my english mistakes -.-

  3. Really? That is really interesting! Mine are ゆきしたたりほし, followed by Loveless, More Loveless.

    Thank you so much! I took the liberty to take Blind Innocence. I still plan on purchasing some of their recent releases. 

    Happy you support the band so well! I'll post my collection on that one thread soon. 

    I'm going to try, I can't believe I am so far behind, and I'd be happy to fight you in the game!

    I've noticed. People here seem really open too. I'm really enjoying my experience so far!


    Yes, you should definitely give a shot to M of Beauty, you should not regret it !! my favourite track on it (hard to choose tho xD) is the 11, never played live (unless on a FC DVD, too expensive to buy sadly ToT). It's the best song ever writen by Ryohei I swear.

    Oh you're doing well ! blind innocence is an excellent and varied single !! Can't wait to hear MW/V !

    Sorry, I need to shut up sometimes, when I'm talking about megamasso I'd never stop xDD


    Oh don't worry, it's not a race ! Play at your rhythm ! What starter did you take ? I took Torchic.


    see yaaa xx

  4. I own 涙猫, ゆきしたたりほし, ビューティフルガール, white, white, and St. Lily. I only own one 彩冷える album, and so many Alice Nine. albums/singles.

    I admit, I stopped listening to them for a while after chimes, but I loved their Loveless, More Loveless album so much, I began listening to them at that point.

    I wanted to get Hyrule Warriors, but I already have so many videos games, and with work and school, I hardly have time to play anything.

    Congradulations! I bought both games at launch, and sadly, I am only at my fourth gym badge...



    How dare you stop listening to them when they were at their best :wan-48: (jkjkjk) M of Beauty is my favourite album ! I remember being afraid when they went major (we all know that for some bands, being major is not for their advantage) but chimes reassured me.

    If you are missing some stuff, don't hesitate to go to my dl threads. And don't hesitate to share your cd collection on the specific thread too ! :D


    Oh I understand totally ! With my work I don't have that much time to play (try to do as much as I can) but I don't own many WiiU games tho so maybe it's easier.

    Be brave then !! I remember losing 3 or 4 times before having the 3rd badge... XDD are you currently playing on both versions at the same time ? o.o this is sick ! Maybe when you'll be on a higher level we could do a fight :P


    Oh you'll like MH so much, you'll go anywhere else but here ! All the active members are nice, kind, with the will to share their favourite things. :wan-45:

  5. I admit, when I first saw this forum, I saw your posts, and I became really happy to find another

    メガマソ fan. I also loved Ayabie when Ryohei was still in the band. I loved all of their music up until the time when they went major.

    YES! I am currently playing Smash Bros for the Wii U and both versions of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, when I do not work or go to school.

    I forgot to mention that, I am from the states. I live in California. I see you are from France. That is awesome!



    Aaaw *blush* I hope we will be good mate then ! Do you have any megamasso stuff ? :P

    Cool, CA ! Smash Brosh, I still didn't have this game (I'm currently playing Hyrule Warriors !). And I've finished Alpha Sapphire last week.

  6. I stumbled upon visual kei when I first heard メガマソ a morning ray is cold., back in early 2007, a little bit after

    their debut. I instantly became of huge fan of theirs, and have since been listening to their music.




    Welcome here, I'm so glad to have found another メガマソ's prayer *.*

    I love ayabie too, but I prefer the Ryoppe's era essentially.

    You also have a WiiU ! And a 3DS ! Yees !

    Where are you from ?

  7. I remember my first song, I was 18 (2005) and it was a D'espairsRay song -surely from Coll:set, maybe it was in vain- on a cowblog (8D) and I liked it. I remember the owner of this blog claiming on who wanted to hear 'THE VISUAL KEI WILL RULE THE WORLD' and I was like mmmh nope calm yo tits gurl u_u

    I went back later on the vk wagon I don't know exactly how nor when (2006 or 2007), but it was really in this moment that I started listening VK. So I voted 2007.

  8. Hi ! Happy New Year for you too mate !

    And thanks for bringing another interesting poll !

    To answer it, I used to prefer digital for the werstern music (as we call it), unless those that I want to own or/cannot get digital (megamasso for example).
    For that, I choose iTunes (I love the AAC format, no offense to the purists /+, I have an iPhone so it's useful for the music cloud). Also on Bandcamp but it's very rare (and I agree for your point, to buy directly from the band; Bandcamp is the one where you can do it the most ! I appreciate tho that they propose multiple download formats).

    If I had to buy a physical CD, it would be on Amazon (the alternative distribution like EMP, Nuclear Blast or anything else are too expensive for what they're proposing, no way). Some -overseas- bands have their own webshop tho (which is cool) but the shipping costs to France is still a problem.

    For my japanese physical albums, I buy from CdJapan essentially (because I can choose AirMail, which means I can avoid the fucking custom fees unless I'm careful with the amount of items I ordered - 3 is my number). Sometimes, I saw stuff that I want from others stores (closetchild, puresound,..), cheap, used or rare but I won't buy it because they only send with FedEx or/not AirMail (=100% custom fees). Cheap stuff + high shipping cost + high custom fees = always too much than if I had buy the brand new copy on CdJapan. One time I used FromJapan, but 80€ (total) for 1 DVD, I'm a bit cold to try again (but I was stupid, I didn't choose the right shipment to avoid tax, my mistake).

    +, I have a 100% trust on CdJapan.

  9. For sure:

    - Enter Shikari 'The Mindsweep'

    - BAAO 'TBA'

    - Nightwish 'Idontevenrememberthatridiculousname'

    - Not On Tour 'TBA'

    - Lycaon 'Camera obscura'

    - Chanty 'TBA'

    - RAVE mini-album 'TBA'


    I hope for new album releases from:

    - megamasso ?

    - Shounenki ?

    - Golden Bomber ?

    - An Cafe (and if only it could be as good or better than the wonderful Gokutama ;-; )?

    - the GazettE ?

    - ADTR ?

    - Balance and Composure ?

    - Ayria ?


    I hope for (but the probability is under zero):

    - Sandra Nasic's second solo album

    - Aoi & Ryohei's reformation


    I'm not waiting for, but I'm curious:

    - Madonna 'Rebel Heart'

  10. It's not on sale ? I haven't seen it on Cdjapan.


    So it's a preorder right ?? They cannot sell a DVD on 01/01 when the filming was only on 12/13 or am I that numb ?? Are they in a hurry ?

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