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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. To be honest, after talking to vocalists, I know that is exactly what many do. I tell them "don't do that. It's so bad" but short of translating for them it won't get any better.


    Interesting. Did they tell you why this obsession for engrish tho? I'm really curious to hear why they feel obligated to put a certain amount of random -or not- words in their songs (like the GazettE for example; and surely others but it's the first example that crossed my mind tbh).

    I do hope that they're not that stupid, they can hear that they sing like shit in english lmao.

  2. mine is the combination of 'ei' (the finnish word - don't ask me where I found the idea for that lmao cannot remember it, I have this pseudonym for years - Or maybe it's the rest of my Uniklubi/finnish bands period lmao xD) + 'heart'. It suits me well, everyone told me that i have no heart/heart made of stone. the 'x' is a plus (my twitter pseudonym doesn't have it for example).

    when it comes to choose a pseudonym, I literally have zero inspiration so. xD

  3. All are in kanji (because last.fm; I hate having the wrong tag, it's annoying for me). Recently (yea sadly xDD), i discovered the way to sort out my artists on iTunes (with romaji). So, I scroll my library and when I want to go faster, I put a romaji band/artist name on my search function and voilaaa.

    I'm incapable to read japanese, so It's a little problem for me when I have to talk about some kanji songs for example, I just don't know their names for the majority xD so, I'm using 'track 08' or the kanji name but I don't know what it means at all. Not sure if I'm understandable. xD (I guess I can do a quick Google research, but I'm too lazy for that).

  4. Does anyone know anything about the Monster Hunter game coming to 3ds soon? I've only seen pictures but never played the series before. What's it like?


    I keep confusing it for Monster Rancher, but I'm 90% certain it's something completely different.


    a demo of MH4 is available on the e-shop, maybe you should give it a try.


  5. So, Elan is officially out (and the music video should follow very soon). I was tired to see butthurt NW whining in caps lock about something that defo happens today (+, 1 week before the release is not the death either, see Madonna's leak!).

    So, what d'ya think? Well, Sagan is baaad xD Even Floor's voice can't save this boring song. I can't even remember it and i don't want to listen to it again.

    Elan is ok. I really like the alternative version.



    the video is so uninspired, and boring (and seriously Floor, this black dress is hideous xD).

  6. /french

    Elle a l'air un peu plus grand que la 3Ds XL (Je n'utilise pas la 3D personnellement ayant déjà des problèmes de vue. Je la prendrais peut-être plus tard, vers l'été quand elle aura baissé de prix)



    She looks like a litle bit larger than 3Ds XL (I didn't use 3D option, have a little eyes problem, maybe buy it later this years, when the prices will have fallen ^^)


    yes, it is!


    XL: 93 mm high x 156 mm wide x 22 mm thick (closed)

    New XL: 93.5 mm high x 160 mm wide x 21.5 mm thick (closed)

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