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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. *awkwardly walks in alone to dead thread* Ehehe.


    Lavigne was my number one artist for years before 2012 when I first got into Asian music, and exclusively from that point onwards so Lavigne was left on my CD stack forever more since then. So I haven't actually given her last album a listen at all. But I have heard the singles on it on TV and I've realised I probably would have outgrown her by that year. They just sound so... so silly, in a way. 'Here's to Never Growing Up' just makes me think I'm listening to some newly debuted teenage school singer, not a mature adult. I guess I'm being a hypocrite since I don't really complain about any other artist who are also just like this but I think it's because of how much I looked up to her and how she seems to be unsure of who she really wants to be. Or she's actually being a hypocrite herself and just going with the music style which is in at the moment. I read somewhere about a fan's input in this and it seems very obvious once you think about it and that really sucks to read. I really looked up to her during the 'Under My Skin' time because I connected with it so well. But this latest self titled album of hers really just looks and sounds so unappealing in a way. Goodbye Lullaby is beautiful in such a honest and delicate way, being up there with 'Under My Skin' as my favourite records of hers, but I guess, with a change of music taste and having grown up a bit, my idolisation for her has disappeared. I actually thought I'd enjoy Hello Kitty just a bit, but... I just can't. xD


    Edit: I just noticed Marilyn Manson. Holy pancakes. And that Chad... >.>


    cannot blame you tbh, not your fault. As much as I appreciate Avril since forever, she fucked up totally her career. she didn't evolved a bit, and when she does, she was eaten alive by her record company because she's too lazy (and afraid maybe, but much more lazy) to say no (=when she go back in studio to record some crappy teenage anthem for GL because they ask her to, when you know that this album contains so much gems!). And the same thing goes on again and again with her latest album. same teenage shite on the radio, but today, no one cares about a 30 yo woman who's still in her teen crisis, dancing in pancakes tutu screaming HTNGU, that she's still RnR on some aseptic hit, to see her laziness on stage like 'wth am I doing here??' or heard her robotic answers on itw (since 2010...it's long). ridiculous. even her own fanbase knows that (when I'm bored, I go on some bandaids forum, and it's very informative, and on how no one is dupe). she needs to grow up once and for all.


    Before the self-titled, I remember being absolutely amazed with her HYRM's cover. Even her singing on this one was something. And then...the self-titled fucked up my expectations (except 2 or 3 songs).

    She has the potential to do so much more! this is frustrating. she's sinking slowly and wants to do nothing about it (just want to stay on her comfort zone but hey, Avril, have you seen that everyone leaves the boat ??). She's not even touring (unless it's in Asia, the last place where she's relevant, or unless it's in arena but she can't fulfill them today)!! she's so high on her pedestal...! and this is how you find yourself, after 10 years carrer, doing the first act for the BB in ARENA.... what a waste/shame.

    She needs someone in her entourage to tell her she's in the wrong, and to go back on her pedestal. But soon. really soon. or she'll not gonna last long. she's not a "star" anymore.


    Sorry for the long rant lmao.


    btw, have you seen this crappy trailer?



    She's finally releasing the song that everyone wants, but far too late and with a shitty video (I know it's a trailer only, but seriously..n o), GG Avril, you're defo the best.

  2. ^same, really excited! the s2 finale was the death of me -like every fannibal I guess ;;- (but no, I don't want to watch the damn teaser, I don't want to watch any damn teaser from any series, I love/want to be surprised and to fall off my chair). This is how I love my tv series.

    I'm still pissed that the s3 was pushed away to late spring. :(((

  3. My 'friends' bailed on me a month prior to Kamijo's concert. I have no company and no place to sleep now, amazing. I've been trying since the announcement to hook up with some people to go there and stay the night in a ho(s)tel somewhere but I've had no success. Why can't people keep to their promises?


    Oh :/ why did he cancelled?

  4. My thoughts goes to my deear psychtiger ToT;

    sad sad news. I thought they were going well. ofc they weren't deeply active but y'know, I thought they were kinda... established by now.

  5. last.fm don't give 2 shit about their shitty app (the latest update was 1 year ago, 18 jan '14 on iOS...no need to talk about the iOS6 design, which today is a SHAME). I mean, come on ! :/
    If one day, a serious competitor create a similar and more advanced site/app, everyone will leave. Maybe they'll wake up...dunno.

  6. By downloading some releases on Lj (back on 2007), based on nothing concrete (name, outfit, ...).
    Now it's the same on M-H, depending the users' level of excitment, I try randomly some releases (for example: shadow from Lycaon). I cannot test everything tho, because I don't have time to listen everything properly. I try to stick on a few bands only. There's so much to listen all over the worldz !

  7. edit: bigger version!




    I'm so done xDDD the fuck are they wearing, and that shit into their hair, it smells like Beautiful Girl (except it's for them all lmao).

    inzarld is classy with this jacket tho. Ryoppe looks so boy-ish, strange sweater tho. Gou is still Gou. XD


    I hope they'll have different outfits for both PVs.

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