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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. On one of the forums I used to post on there was an entire board dedicated to hating on other posters. There were people stalking posters they didn't like from thread to thread to bait them into arguments or to bring up stupid things they said in the past - completely derailing new discussions with pages and pages of repetitive bickering, there were people making horrible photoshops using pictures from the show yourself thread, people trying to find out the names and addresses of posters so they could harass them IRL and looking through their other accounts (facebook, myspace, online reviews, and even things like shopping wishlists) to try to dig up any sort of info they could use to make them look bad.


    OMG this is scary as fuck :wan-31:

  2. I don't know what to think about ARCANA. One part of me would say that this album is great, and songs like JESTER, 眩く太陽, BURN, STARDUST, Mephistopheles, MOON and even JUDGEMENT (I was skeptical at first but now, I'm glad they chose this one for their music video) are a pleasure to listen (I'm not talking about The Fatal Day or BABEL that we already know, which are great too). On the other hand (and what I was the most afraid of), this album is too long, and when I am in the middle I'm frankly bored, and I'm watching my iTunes playlist while thinking "When this album will finally end ?". Of course when it's the time for MOON and JUDGEMENT I have a start, but you know what I mean.

    That said, I can't wait to listen the instrumentals, because, even if I'm not an instrumental person (XD), Walhlalla was really promising.


    Sorry, it's not really a review...



    You've changed your pseudo not too long ago and I've already forgot lmao



    @ aoi mochi : thank you for your comment ! everyone need attention on their special day (sometimes I even say HB to some followers of my own followers on twitter because, it's always a pleasure to receive a little message!)

  4. I'm so excited, I want everything !

    I'm really curious about VIPER, is this a new version or a total new song ? If it's a new version, I hope it'll top the original (but presenting this as a double A-side single, I'm not ok with this; where are their inspirations ??). Traum ? A new song or the Traum from Mega-star Tokyo bonus CD ?? dafuq? I'm a bit confused.


    I CAN'T WAIIIIIIT !!! :wan-31:

  5. depends. If it's a 3 (or +) types singles each 3 months = the answer is NO. It's too much to buy. I tend to prefer EP and full albums.

    Of course If you don't buy singles then it's great to hear new music every 3 months. But the VK rhythm is not too long tho (I'd rather say it's fast).


    Outside VK, it really depends the band's frequency (your point about Goldfinger). One of my favourite band, Guano Apes, are releasing 1 album every 3 years. Nothing more, nothing less, It's settled like that for years. And between that (=when it's not the time for promotion, videos or promotional singles), nothing. No EP, no singles. In that case, ia it's too long. But I'd rather wait for something great and consistent every 3 years than mediocre songs more often.

  6. I really don't get why these songwriters won't take an extra hour to find someone who is willing to properly translate their lyrics from 'Engrish' to proper English. Japan is home to not just the Japanese anymore, a ton of foreigners have taken residence in the country (most of them as translators, even) and would be more than willing to save a band from turning into a major joke.


    Not only songwriters, but the singers too. Their pronunciation is a pain in the ass, seriously. I do get that it's not easy when it's not your mother tongue (and I know that, trust me), but when you plan to sing in another language, just do what you have to do to nail it ffs ! idk, take lessons etc. If you're not ready to work that way, then stick in your native language where you're better. my 2 cents.


    First song in mind: AGONY from the GazettE. XD (and surely a lot from them too, they looove engrish nonsense from google trad lmao).


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