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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. what's with the quality?

    I kind of want to give a listen too but am afraid of spoiling first impression with poor quality.

    should I wait for ten days left?


    Shudder is 320, the rest is 192. it's good enough for a first impression but you can wait if you wish. sadly I'm not at home rn, otherwise I would have put a spek picture for you.


    edit: here's the spek pictures if you want it




  2. The album has leaked in its entirely. I'm listening right now....if there are no guitars it's because all the budget was put on the orchestra xDDD

    I'm on the 7th track and I don't know, all the choruses sounds so...flat. it's flat, yea.

    seriously, 24 min for the latest track it's TOO LONG.

    Floor's vocals are really weak all along the record (ok, minus the ending of Shudder perhaps), don't listen to NW if you want to hear her at its fullest. what a disappointment.




    moreover, the fact of self-repetition needs to be admitted.
    if you listen carefully (which is not even required actually), you'll hear that the song is almost an exact copy of Master Passion Greed and Dark Chest Of Wonders.
    at least guitar and orchestra-wise. the resemblance is painfully obvious.


    Now that you've named it, I listened carefully Shudder...and I've heard it too (mainly Dark Chest)! you were totally right, It's the same type of song or chorus. :/

  3. So guys, what do y'all think about MW/V ?

    I don't wanna open an official review thread, because I'm not a reviewer, and I'm already shitty with english, no need to say that I'm incapable to write a long wall of text for my thoughts. xD So I'm just gonna leave this here.


    Well, it's a good single overall but not as good in consistency than blind innocence imo (blind innocence is the kind of release that I would like to advice to someone who wants to discover megamasso).

    MISS WAVES is ok. I love the verse, the bridge but hate the sudden breakage between the bridge and the chorus. it's too brutal. The song is saved by the voice essentially. VIPER is da shit. The rebuilt job was well done here. I really love the synths in the background! The synths was already well used in St.Void and now they use it again, and I really like it. They should continue this way (but only in discret touches, all its power is there. I don't want megamasso to be flooded by electronics). I'm just a bit worried for the future lives. They really need to add another guitarist. I don't know if it's stubborness or what, but only one guitar on stage is not enough. I think (if my ears are good) that Ryohei is helped with a soundtrack behind...he can't do everything I conceive, but the result is, it's flat. Bring back another Leo dammit! it's their only default.


    About the B-sides remakes, well, they're good! I love how they rebuilt the songs (mostly for one of them). TRAUM is amazing, thanks to INZARGI and his heavenly voice, he went pretty high on this one! He's such a good singer, he never ceases to amaze me. The most interesting (imo) is 由佐波利 (鞦韆). I love how they reworked this song, and the add of those tom-tom are a real betterment. It's the highlight of those remakes tbh, it's a success! 展覧会のネリ・オリ is a more "common" remake song like TRAUM (they add some stuff this and that, but it's very close to the original), but the vocals are slightly different, it's another approach and that's good.

    Seems that they want to rework their old songs, if it's as good and with a real work than those (and especially 鞦韆), then I'm fine with it. bring it on!


    If you are curious to see both PV's, it's uploading right now, but it's heavy as fuck (especially the makings, 700-800MB.. xD) so, be patient :).

  4. Sounds like a weak version of the previous albums (- the vocals which are way better). But musically it's just more of the same. The guitars adds nothing to the song at all, and I don't get why they bother having guitars there at all. Awfully boring.


    I'd like to hear some new riff-heavy Nightwish with Floor on vocals. Something ala what they did from Angels Fall First to Wishmaster. Just write and add some proper riffs for fuck's sake.


    I'm pretty agree with your statement. I've noticed the boring and inexistant guitars too..it's so powerless, so is this the new NW?? I'm expecting so much more that that, especially now that Floor is here. But even when it was still Anette, there were songs more interesting (like Sahara for example). For now, both songs are meh.

  5. they put the song on yt



    I'm still disappointed about Floor's vocals, she sounds a bit flat. I don't know...I think I'm expecting too much, I'm too conditioned by AF and ReVamp's powerful vocals I suppose. The best part of the song imo it's when the orchestra is taking the lead, in the middle; and the ending.

  6. Hello!! Welcome to MH, hope you'll like us!
    I've checked (and I've added you) our last.fm compatibility and it's also SUPER with me ah! We are sharing Lycaon, メガマソ, sukekiyo, ALSDEAD and 劇情テノール. It's not that bad. :-D

    Wow so you're moving in Tokyo this april, it's so so so soon, you must be so excited!! that's awesome!
    see ya!

  7. With Anneke behind a mic I'm sure it'll be a delight to hear (especially the folks songs) but seriously, the one who's got the idea for this videoclip should burn in hell (not sure if it's atrocious or ridiculous. Or both).

    I'm waiting to hear this, mainly by curiosity.


    edit 20/03

    the album has leaked online. I thought I would enjoy the gentle side with Anneke's voice and all the folk habits but sadly both sides are annoying as fuck (mainly because of the songs). The songs are so poor, I'm bored to death (and even Anneke's efforts can't save the sinking ship). I find nothing enjoyable. Very disappointing.


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    The second is the Untold portion — a brand new story mode with a fixed party, voiced dialogue, and animated cutscenes that follows the bittersweet tale of the Fafnir Knight, Princess Arianna, Flavio— another hero of the Midgard Library— and the two adventurers, Bertrand and Chole. The five meet while exploring the Ginnugagap ruins, and then after the misfortune unfolds, they venture back and forth between the Yggdrasil Labyrinth and Ginnungagap, slowly working their way to discovering the origins of the Fafnir Knight.

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