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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. I want more screenshots, and maybe a video for the iPhone version (like there is for the iPad version). I wanna see what the artist view looks like. I REALLY fucking hope they collapse albums in artist view back into "folders," like they did in iOS 6 (and earlier).

    Also, not sure if this is a joke, but one year ago, I legitimately had a nightmare that this would happen:



    lmao this is atrocious xDD

    tbh, I actually love the bubble interface BUT only for the watch. xDDD

  2. TV / Will Graham: [to Hannibal] I felt so betrayed by you. Betrayal was the only thing that felt real to me.


    Music / Katatonia - Deliberation: You put your hands on me, And I learn the words I didn't know before.

  3. Huh... so Apple has redesigned the iOS music app (for developer beta 8.4). I'm intrigued, excited, and scared, all at the same time. While there's a slight chance that this redesign will make the app less of a disgusting mess, there's also the slight chance that the redesign could just make things worse.


    I really liked it (the screencaps)! I find it better than the actual one (that I don't use at all). After that, we need to see the functions and all...I'm excited I admit!

  4. SI_3DS_FantasyLife.png


    Level-5 continues the bullshit by announcing Fantasy Life 2 for....SMARTPHONES. >.>;;



    “I’d say Fantasy Life has elements and mechanisms which adults find soothing. Although children play games on dedicated game systems, recently many adults have been playing on smartphones.”

    “The supported hardware for this game was decided based on thinking of an environment where more adults play.”




    No need to said too that we (the rest of the world) are still waiting for the fucking Yokai Watch to come! "We are in development planning to release it sometimes next year" oooh that's nice of you!! The fuck are you doing exactly?!? The 3 has been confirmed and we still haven't the fucking 1!

    This company pisses me off, you have no idea.


    As much as I love FL, I'll boycott the 2, and I'll stop here (or I am gonna say baaaad things).




    — Visual Kei bands tend to disband much quicker than western bands —


    This is a phenomenon that has been puzzling me for quite an extended amount of time. Now, this is more of a fact than an opinion (however, it could be seen as an opinion to others who don't have a foot in western music and solely listen to Japanese music), but it's still something I'd like to discuss, or hear from others about. 


    I often read that bands feel they have 'accomplished everything' that they were aiming for. I wonder how exactly this is possible. Don't these musicians care for their income, the meager supply that they already have if they don't have a sidejob? What purpose has it to disband and form a new band with new members plucked either from the streets, fresh out of puberty or simply from somewhere else in the scene we know them from? Every new band has to build up a fanbase again, regardless of who the members are; they'll have new looks, new sounds, a new image in general that can either repel the fans who have been following certain members in these bands for longer, or miraculously attract them regardless of whatever their favourite guy does. It's an enormous risk to take and simply a leap of faith since there is no certainty on what the future brings. For bands that, let's say, have been going steady for several years, with a steady fanbase and a steady sound that they can either stray from on the odd release out there, or stick to and perfect it, what sense is there in disbanding only to start a new project all the way from the beginning if what they have at current is completely fine? It's totally pointless to me, it's like visual kei has this rotating-system where every member of every band must have been in a group together once otherwise it'll be bad for their reputation or something. 


    For some bands it does work out, just look at THE BLACK SWAN or 黒百合と影, but more than often do these newly formed groups completely crash and the effort of disbanding and re-forming goes in vain. Just... why?



    because of the labels?

    I can't help, I still have in mind the hello-damage itw. Is it right, or wrong? As far as I know, I'll never look at the VK world the same way again since that.

  6. I'm baaaack!
    What a story. I thought my box would arrive this evening at 17h as they said, I received the sms stating that it was available at 12h20. The store is closed at 12h30 @.@
    I picked up my car and I drove like a crazy to make it lmao I got it tho!
    Now the box is working, even if it refuses completely to activate the mac filtrage. When I do that (I try twice), I'm losing the internet signal and I have to do a reset of the box, and starting again with the ID, PW and add again manually all my devices etc tsss.


    I received @Nyasagi's package, more or less; I have to pick it up at the post office monday morning; something as small as a CD cannot be left in my mailbox it seems. tsss >;<

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