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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. Just curious, was your experience with them bad? I just heard about them through Seimeisen and apparently they've been around for a bit. I'm curious to try them though.


    No it's wasn't bad. They always answered my questions by mail. It was long tho. But, I have a problem with the charges...I bought only 1 DVD (it was my first order ever), so I paid the charge 1, that wasn't so expensive so I was like fuck yeah! and then later I received the charge 2...the shipping costs was high as fuck, for 1 only fucking DVD oO and I have a problem with the policy "If you don't pay us within 3 days, we will add fees each day" (something like that) and the fact that when you buy something, you just don't know these costs at first! Oh well, there is their shipping calculator but it's shit. AND I got custom fees. For 1 DVD. I want to know what it will cost me first ffs. Because if I want to buy several items, I want to know if it will not cost me the head's eyes (french expression).

    My problem is, I want to buy some shit but only available via mail order (the fuckery). I don't know what to do. I guess I will have to use FJ again...this seriously kills me.

  2. Ok monochromiums, what shopping services do you know (besides FJ)? Something serious, maybe less cheaper and who doesn't racket people?

    I want to buy shit but, I am very nervous to order via FJ again... what's your solutions?

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