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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. My parents aren't at all in rock. Mostly french variety for my mother, so I had to built my rock side by myself.


    I remember when I was 10 (until 14), I listened to the radio mostly. I remember recording some songs on tape too. Mostly RnB, even rap (xDD), mostly pop (Britney Spears, Nelly Furtado, ...). All the popular stuff. My first """"rock""" album was Let Go from Avril Lavigne, I bought it when she wasn't even popular/on rotation everywhere yet (the price tag was still in francs! 87 francs; it's ~13€).

    When I was 14, I was at my best friend's house, and she'd borrowed a cd to her brother's friend who stayed there for some time, she told me this song in particular was great (she put the cd in the player so I could listen). It was In The End by Linkin Park. I loved it, the melody, the voice (who doesn't love this song btw?? it's pretty hard to hate it) and I bought the album, my first metal album. I still have it tho, even if the CD case is broken in 2 lmao this album is in 2 pieces 8D I still know this album by heart, I will never forget it (even if now, LP.......I'm not listening anymore but it's not the subject).


    I had a computer at home for the school (college), but no internet until I was 17. So it's wasn't easy to have access to music (we have no idea today how much internet ease our life). For the music discoveries, at age 15-16, I bought magazines with cd sampler monthly (so I could eventually buy albums when I was pleased with some songs; I discovered many bands this way), we exchange cd albums with friends so I could engraved it at home on a CD-R, I watched MTV-2 at home, via MySpace, I even remember buying albums only by looking the covers or by reading critics on mags !!!  My knowledge was pretty small until I've got the internet.


    At age 18, I was aware of the VK movement, via some blogs that I've followed which the owners was pretty into it (DIR EN GREY etc), but totally despised their mentality, example: "VK WILL RULE THE WORLD !!1!1!1" GUUUURL. Completely by chance (don't ask me how, cannot remember), I've heard In Vain by D'espairsRay and I loved it (I remember the song because of the electro beat). This was my first listening, until I slipped totally in the genre one or two years later (GUUUUURL!) xD


    So until today, I had phases, with differents genres and so many bands that today I've hard times to follow everything (and to be really focused on what I listen, if you know what I mean). Internet is a benediction but can also be a curse xD. I try by now to focus on some bands/artists only, I don't have the time to follow everyone today.


    That's it for me.

  2. I think this single should divide the opinions.

    As a casual (I enjoyed "420" enough but I'm not hooked into them) MEJ IN GRAY listener (I'm sorry, but I'm not sure tho when I listen to this release), I...liked the single. Don't get me wrong, Tsu's high-pitched and constantly in a roller coaster vocals are hideous and I can't barely stand it (why is he even doing this? Does he have something to prove????); overall I personally liked the heavy atmosphere, even if 2 'slow' songs side by side was the worst choice EVER (why did they do this?!??). I enjoyed the 3rd tracks rhythm, but I have literally no words for the scream pig. w h y ??

    I think the voice ruin all the songs, and should've been better with another singer.



  3. I was registered on TW before (debut 2009 - I remember that because I shared kasumi shinjo's first single there). Then I found MH late 2014 and I was surprised to know later (by scrolling some old threads) that it was actually TW's ashes! I would never have known!


    it was the first forum i registered, and i had no clue what was the purpose of a forum. so i just posted nonsense : ]

    people thought i was a troll


    this is hilarious xDDD

  4. As a fan of Kasumi since SMILE, I discovered Gekijou Tenor in the end (I feel bad enough tho, like, seriously, how did I missed this ?), but now that they've broke up (dafuuuq, they were good!), I'm planning to catch up all that I've missed.

    I was afraid for the customs fees, since this package was composed of 4 cds instead of my usual 3, (but with cheaper prices); happily everything went well without problems. It was shipped last thursday, already at home today, AirMail is flying like a boss, I can't even ! I also ordered the 3 first releases, but I have a delay (I'm not really surprised tho) of 3-4 weeks for the self titled (and 2-3 weeks for Shall We..) so I'm waiting patiently.

    : ) (my picture is shit lmao sorry)


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