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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. I pay 560€ for a 58m² (+2 bedrooms upstairs). It's pretty cheap comparing the offer in my town, but I was lucky to found this (or not so lucky: the owner is...my boss!). Normally, this price goes for a 25-40m², sometimes even a studio...wth. I hate living there, on a touristic town; where prices goes high as fuck when summer comes. I would like to move out but I can't find similar options, prices are just insane. No need to talk about buying a house too, I'm out category.

  2. Seriously, these guys know how to deliver addictive songs.
    I wasn't hyped by the previews but dammit, the whole songs are fantastic, I just want to put on repeat. I still have a personal preference for Supernova/ALIVE tho.

    If they keep going with this pace, the next album will be a 100% must-have.

    Well done.

  3. "a strong vocalist abundant in ideas for stylizing his phrases, as well as creating catchy melodies."
    You said it all mate! One of the best "new" vocalist, seriously ! (his tone is...!).

    I still have to listen to the b-sides but clearly the main track has grabbed all my attention, this is why I've bought the limited edition with this track only (but I refuse to listen until I've got my own copy, and it's hard xD). They really need to deliver a full album, they can do it since they've managed to pull out fantastic tracks during all their career. Guys, even if it's a damn best-of you will be forgiven xD !

  4. As a fan of Kasumi since SMILE, I discovered Gekijou Tenor in the end (I feel bad enough tho, like, seriously, how did I missed this ?), but now that they've broke up (dafuuuq, they were good!), I'm planning to catch up all that I've missed.

    I was afraid for the customs fees, since this package was composed of 4 cds instead of my usual 3, (but with cheaper prices); happily everything went well without problems. It was shipped last thursday, already at home today, AirMail is flying like a boss, I can't even ! I also ordered the 3 first releases, but I have a delay (I'm not really surprised tho) of 3-4 weeks for the self titled (and 2-3 weeks for Shall We..) so I'm waiting patiently.

    : ) (my picture is shit lmao sorry)



    Finally got the rest of my order, but it was sooo worth the 1-month wait. I'm glad I took the decision to buy their discography, all albums are freakin' awesome. Why are they disbanding ffs !! I'm pissed.



  5. It's hard to decide, since I mostly listening to disband bands. :wan-14:

    if I had to choose wisely, I would say that I truly miss AILE, Lolita23q and juliadoll. JIVE and ClearVeil would come next.
    I would have say gekijo tenor too (even if it's fairly recent) but since we don't know much about sinen tenor...maybe it's the continuity so I shouldn't name them.

  6. This seems to be relevant to this thread:



    Looks like there is still some life in last.fm, because as a subscriber I recently got in invite to check out the beta version of the upcoming last.fm site.

    If you're interested, here's some screenshots:



    New profile page:




    New artist page:



    Since this is a beta and a lot of things are still very rudimentary/non-existing, I will reserve judgement on the design for now, like the round profile images or the "track name - artist name" format... but yeah, there still seems to be some developement going on.


    There's a Followers/Following tab on the profile page, so I guess they want to put more emphasis on the social-networking aspect again? Apparently the "Following" tab is just everyone of my last.fm friends, while the "Followers" are just my 10 most recent ones... presumably the ones I got since the beta started. Doesn't make much sense, but eh... it's a beta.


    The radio/stream function is basically just an embedded Spotify, so that's probably as deep as that feature goes.


    the beta is now open to the public. I like the Top Albums on our own profile.

  7. It's normal.

    On the new twitter profile, "Tweets" : your own tweets. It's for a better visibility.

    In "Tweets & Replies" both tweets and replies are combined (so it's normal if you found here your tweet "@xxx hello, picture.jpeg"). And yes, all of your pictures and videos are repertoried on your photos & videos (on the left; or next to "Tweets & Replies").

    Since you haven't written a proper tweet yet (example: "hello twitter, I'm new here!"), you have nothing on "Tweets".


    Technically, your tweet has been sent! *


    I hope it's clear to you now, sorry for the shitty explanation @.@


    * if you have a smartphone, you could check other people's mentions according to the client twitter you're using. I can do it; do you want me to check it for you?

  8. Not that I was interested in this (delayed, once again) game, but man, their excuse is pure BULLSHIT, I can't even. "They have been trying to develop the game on the wiiu for longer than the ps4 and xbone. The wiiu just can’t handle it" not at all, they are just big shit, nothing else XDDD. You can try to bring it on the supposedly NX, I'm sure no one will forget your mess and buy your shit.
    Do you imagine, if everyone was thinking like that "we will bring our shit on the next gen" ??? it's ridiculous. You need to live with the current time/gen. In overall, I'm so done with all of these devs who considers the WiiU gamers like shit.

  9. I had a Kpop phase (2009-2011), gladly it's done by now. I still enjoy some old songs tho but I'm not listening any new shit anymore, I'm done.
    I defo have a problem with the netizens/agencies mentality "we-are-da-best-of-da-world-we-are-gonna-slay-the-US" (still waiting btw; aaah the SNSD failure was a great entertainment let me tell you x'D) and with these bling bling MV and garbage """fashion""" (surely a YG thing). I also have a problem with the pure image (y'know, the: "I'm 20 and I'm still pure" bullshit. Like, are you fucking kidding me???). Just be honest ffs! I'm still amused by the contrast "I sing songs for 5yo but I'm dressed like a pornstar" (=how to summarize Kpop). I also have a problem with the talentless shit being in upfront of the audience *cough cough* Hyun Ah *cough cough*.

    So, nah. Like fitear above : " I'm somewhere in between "enjoy from time to time" and "avoid like the plague." "

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