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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    People from abroad will also be able to order it from mid-January 2019. https://khryst.jp/contents/213576
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points

    Hi all.

    Ive been lurking and now ive joined, im a new member and wish to contribute to this wonderful community 🤧 I listen to so many bands listing favorites would make quite the list, but kizu and dimlim won 2018 for me. 👋
  4. 2 points
    This is huge, the production behind the music video and just the insane amount of energy they give off surpasses many bands that have been doing this for years. Really excited to hear more from them. Also can we talk about how filthy that breakdown was jesus christ !!!!!
  5. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    First pic: LAREINE and NEW SODMY comment/bonus CD/DVD, second is Versailles, third is KAMIJO. All the Versailles and KAMIJO are new, but the LAREINE ones I had about half before. Here is a list (not in order): LAREINE 月の狩人 Unpluged Live Event LAREINE JAN-23, 2006 Meguro Live Station TALK+SAKURA LAREINE Unreleased Song demo 1 LAREINE Unreleased Song demo 2 LAREINE 「SCREAM」ライカエジソン LAREINE 「SCREAM」ライカエジソン LAREINE 「道化師の舞曲」「雪恋詩」「Cinderella Fantasy」トリプル購入特典 サードステージ LAREINE ごめんなさいCD-R LAREINE 2002/10/30&10/31ハロウィンイベント両日参加者配布CD LAREINE 『Deep Forest』 『Imperial Concerto』 (Special CDR) LAREINE X’mas Message CD LAREINE Anamorphosis SPECIAL DVD LAREINE Métamorphose Message Tape LAREINE ツアー出発前メッセージ Message Tape LAREINE ツアー出発前メッセージ Message Tape LAREINE Never Cage GURUGURU Message CD LAREINE Himatsu remix LAREINE 青い鳥の行方 NEW SODMY White Lie Message CDr NEW SODMY SODOM ORIGINAL CDS -2001- NEW SODMY 2002.4.7 Shibuya On Air East First Anniversary A way of life Versailles NOBLE Comment DVD Versailles The Greatest Hits 2007-2016 Like and Edison コメントDVD Versailles ASCENDEAD MASTER ディスクユニオン コメントCD Versailles PRINCE & PRINCESS/スーパーレコード(この商品のみコメントCDです) Versailles JUBILEE ZEAL LINK コメDVD Versailles The Gratest HITS 2007-2016/ディスクユニオン KAMIJO Heart DVD-R Like an Eidson KAMIJO Heart DVD ZEAL LINK KAMIJO Louis ZEAL LINK KAMIJO HEART HMV Vol. 2 KAMIJO HEART Vol. 4 タワーレコード) KAMIJO Louis Disc Union ディスクユニオン
  6. 2 points
    Their free single will be limited to 4,444 copies.
  7. 1 point
    ラガディ (Raggedy) new single "Not L.E.D" will be released in 2019/2.
  8. 1 point
    1. Dir en grey 2. Dimlim 3. Kizu 4. Razor 5. Munou na lucid 6. Mamireta 7. Dadaroma 8. Rshitei 9. The Gazette 10. Tossup between a bunch of disbanded groups like awoi, mejibray, deathgaze
  9. 1 point

    Hi all.

  10. 1 point
    I don't have it anymore, if that means anything. I think that the experience of having had it all those times and knowing how to get rid of it would give me knowledge in the field. Hopefully, anyways. Thank you for the advice, though. I know it's not a career choice to be taken lightly, but I am absolutely certain that this is what I want to do. I know someone who was a therapist for a while, and he said that the majority of therapists end up with therapists of their own, and I think that's something I'm prepared to deal with. However low I may feel in that job, I know it's something I can deal with and recover from because I know it won't be anywhere near as bad as my mental health used to be. I won't overdo it, but I don't think it'll be enough to stop me from wanting to become a therapist. If it gets too much, I'll be honest with myself and quit, but I'd feel unfulfilled if I didn't go for it.
  11. 1 point
    New song is great and more progressive than previous releases also the live dvd is on its way here 😏
  12. 1 point
    sleepy coffee

    Hi all.

    Ayyy welcome great minds think alike, dimlim and kizu are my current faves
  13. 1 point

    Frantic EMIRY restart activities

    justice for 36481?
  14. 1 point
    as someone who's fucked in the head, I wanted to major in Psychology for a while before applying for college until I switched to something else and I'm really glad I did that to be fairly honest. I thought having a mental illness would qualify me to deal with other people's thoughts and feelings as a profession on a daily basis, but oh boy was I wrong. probably not my place to tell you this, but really think wisely about it.
  15. 1 point
    Ao just posted samples of two songs, "Camera Obscura" and "Machine Gun Lullaby". So far so good. btw he will continue uploading samples, two songs per day it seems.
  16. 1 point
    That's because the campaign starts tomorrow
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    Spotify 2018 Wrapped!

    I listened to CHE DO A ARA at least fifty times this year and none of the songs made it into my list. Do better Spotify.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point

    Spotify 2018 Wrapped!

    Here ya go, playa
  23. 1 point
    The release date is actually January 5
  24. 1 point
    My major was Illustration. I've worked as a Graphic Designer in magazines for a number of years and currently work for a fashion company.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Heh, kinda cool to look back on this (7 years ago, damn). Nothing about what I said changed at all, except I've now been a physiotherapist for 4 years and am currently back in university going for a Masters degree, which I shall be done with in about 7 months.
  28. 1 point
    This is Deviloof's fault for making people think this is okay Dude on the far right of their promo-pic looks like Bea Arthur dressed as Gackt
  29. 1 point

    DIMLIM Concept Full Album CHE DO A RA

    vanitas scream was the only moment the audience emoted a bit omg (that dyke growl doe) https://youtu.be/4kkbHt71R6s?t=423 #saved_u_a_click
  30. 0 points
    As one of the babbies of this site, I'm a bit too young to go to university, but I'd like to become a psychotherapist. It's not a happy job, but I know it's what I want to do. Generally speaking, England is very pessimistic and bloody miserable in terms of mental health, and no-one really takes it seriously. It's a cultural thing, I guess, and one I don't like one bit. I know that I alone won't really make a difference to the entire country, but I'd feel bad if I didn't try to change at least something. As someone who's had depression three times and played therapist for countless people before, I'm pretty passionate about wanting people to feel happier. Let's just hope I don't have to kick too many fakers out when the time comes (I dunno about other countries, but unfortunately, England has an absolute fuckton of people who think it's "cool" to have depression -_-).
  31. 0 points

    Spotify 2018 Wrapped!

    Top Genre "J-tracks"
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