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Bravely Default! Bravely Default! Bravely Default!


lol.. this game has been eating up all my time all weekend since It released here in NA Friday XD I'm so addicted it's not even funny... finally the 3DS has a good turn based JRPG with a robust job system! When I play this game I just can't shake the feeling that it reminds me of Dragon Quest IX (my favorite DS JRPG). I love it :D


If anyone else has picked this amazing game up, hit me up and we can exchange friend codes for the online features.

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Picked up Tales of Symphonia HD Collection and Thief yesterday. the former is going on my shelf with the rest of my backlogged games, but I've already popped Thief into my PS4 and it's pretty fun. Don't believe the reviews people, It's not as bad as they make it out to be. I'm having extreme amounts of joy from stealing everything in sight and pickpocketing foolish guards all over the place XD and despite what most people will tell you it's not a dishonored clone/ripoff. It plays totally different, the only thing in common is the first person view and even that is different in the sense that thief does it better in my opinion.

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Ive started getting into some League Of Legends again. havent touched that game in 3 or 4 years.


Also looks likely that i might head back into Guild Wars 2 for a look see after much nagging from a friend of mine, I dropped the game after about a week of playing then only logged on for special events but i stopped doing even that and never bothered anymore. Friend says they made a lot of changes since the game was first released, Im more of a PvP player so we shall see.


Otherwise what choice of games have i got?


Im not going to touch Titanfall, I played the closed beta for a few hours then decided I didnt want to play another CoD clone which it pretty much is if you remove all the wall jumping, parkour and mechwarrior'esk features. 


Id only buy it if they added more game types, increased the player cap or leave the game open for the modding community because the community is what made the earlier CoD games extremely fun. 

Knowing EA they will probably follow the same path as activision and keep the game locked off while charging for map packs and other DLC.


Remember the days when devs/publishers used to give you free map packs? Obviously back then it was all about building up their fan base. I still remember one of the interviews for CoD1. why they gave away map packs, why they left the game open for modding and one of the things they always said was it made them happy to see how far the community could take their game and so long as they community was enjoying it then it was obviously worth their time making the game.


Greed is a powerful thing.


eeeeerrrrrrr what else does i have that i can play? GW1, BF3, BF4 uhhhmmmmm. Id play TF2 but that game just kinda irks me now. I played nothing but TF2 for 3 years pretty much every night with a community i was apart of back then but once they made the game F2P and made more hats I just havent played at all. I think the problem is because I hate playing with kids. There are a lot more kids who play the game since its free and takes zero amount of skill to get into where as with LoL or Smite theres a learning curve and more skill involved.


Call me grumpy, but i belong to that generation where playing gaming on the PC was seen primarily as an adult thing... Games cost money, kids couldnt afford to buy games unless they had a part time job, saved up their allowance or were gifted a copy of the game and that kinda kept the community free of squeakers - Not that i havent run into kids who were well behaved online and played a good game. but I just hate the ones that start running their mouth on the mic, calling you a hacker, being racist and just generally being a little shit. Im trying to enjoy a game and youre there screaming down the mic about how stupid every body is n this n that and i dont fucking want to hear it.


shit the fuck up, play the damn game or fuck off.

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Currently on handheld I'm still playing Bravely default on 3DS and the localized Danganronpa on Vita. On PS4 i still need to beat Thief before Ground Zeroes comes out next week an I just caved into buying Dark Souls 2 last night on PSN since there was no way I was gonna be able to make it a month till the PC release. So right now on my to buy list over the next month I have Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Infamous Second Son, and The Witch and The Hundred Knight. So many good games coming out right now fuck!



Ive started getting into some League Of Legends again. havent touched that game in 3 or 4 years.


Also looks likely that i might head back into Guild Wars 2 for a look see after much nagging from a friend of mine, I dropped the game after about a week of playing then only logged on for special events but i stopped doing even that and never bothered anymore. Friend says they made a lot of changes since the game was first released, Im more of a PvP player so we shall see.


Otherwise what choice of games have i got?


Im not going to touch Titanfall, I played the closed beta for a few hours then decided I didnt want to play another CoD clone which it pretty much is if you remove all the wall jumping, parkour and mechwarrior'esk features. 


Id only buy it if they added more game types, increased the player cap or leave the game open for the modding community because the community is what made the earlier CoD games extremely fun. 

Knowing EA they will probably follow the same path as activision and keep the game locked off while charging for map packs and other DLC.


Remember the days when devs/publishers used to give you free map packs? Obviously back then it was all about building up their fan base. I still remember one of the interviews for CoD1. why they gave away map packs, why they left the game open for modding and one of the things they always said was it made them happy to see how far the community could take their game and so long as they community was enjoying it then it was obviously worth their time making the game.


Greed is a powerful thing.


eeeeerrrrrrr what else does i have that i can play? GW1, BF3, BF4 uhhhmmmmm. Id play TF2 but that game just kinda irks me now. I played nothing but TF2 for 3 years pretty much every night with a community i was apart of back then but once they made the game F2P and made more hats I just havent played at all. I think the problem is because I hate playing with kids. There are a lot more kids who play the game since its free and takes zero amount of skill to get into where as with LoL or Smite theres a learning curve and more skill involved.


Call me grumpy, but i belong to that generation where playing gaming on the PC was seen primarily as an adult thing... Games cost money, kids couldnt afford to buy games unless they had a part time job, saved up their allowance or were gifted a copy of the game and that kinda kept the community free of squeakers - Not that i havent run into kids who were well behaved online and played a good game. but I just hate the ones that start running their mouth on the mic, calling you a hacker, being racist and just generally being a little shit. Im trying to enjoy a game and youre there screaming down the mic about how stupid every body is n this n that and i dont fucking want to hear it.


shit the fuck up, play the damn game or fuck off.


If you have a console I recommend Dark Souls 2, if not then the PC version is coming out April 25th :D Check it out! currently I believe it's probably the best game to come out in a long time.

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Hey, I'm currently playing Bravely Default too. :D
I've been a turn based RPG fan for all my life so when Square-Enix announced this game I knew it would be a must have! It is more Final Fantasy than all the new Final Fantasy together!

From time to time I play Pokemon X too, but after Pokebank release there is not much to do except online battles. 

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I'm currently playing Bravely Default, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and Shin Megami Tensei 4. Pre-ordered Final Fantasy X/X-2 and considering pre-ordering Conception 2.

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I'm still playing Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on my ps3, I just can't keep up with it like in the other games, the story it's getting less and less interesting... I don't know, the whole series began to decay since the release of Assassin's Creed Revelations, if it wasn't for the final part Revelations could've been very bad.

Not playing any 3DS games on my 3DS, well maybe Pokémon X from time to time but that's it, I'm playing the DS version of Chrono Trigger and I'm stuck at this one boss that keeps healing his head with his hands... it's freaking annoying!

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I'm still playing Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on my ps3, I just can't keep up with it like in the other games, the story it's getting less and less interesting... I don't know, the whole series began to decay since the release of Assassin's Creed Revelations, if it wasn't for the final part Revelations could've been very bad.


I agree with Black Flag. I pre-ordered it and I have a total of 9 hours of gameplay so far. The story is really uninteresting and I don't feel a connection with the main character at all. I think I might sell it because I spent too much money on a game I probably will never even finish.


I didn't enjoy Revelations either but AC3 wasn't too bad imo, though Connor was a bit dull. He could've been a fantastic character though so I blame this on not developing him enough.

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If you have a console I recommend Dark Souls 2, if not then the PC version is coming out April 25th :D Check it out! currently I believe it's probably the best game to come out in a long time.


Dont have console but i'll see. I generally dislike like console ports and 3rd person style games

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Dont have console but i'll see. I generally dislike like console ports and 3rd person style games


Yeah i feel you on the console port thing... but it seems "from software" has learned a lot since the shit Dark Souls pc port which was to be expected since it was the first time they had ever ported a game to pc.. Not to mention they said tons of times before that they didn't want to port it to pc, but the fans wanted it so they got it. I have my fingers crossed that they can pull it through.


Why do you dislike 3rd person games might I ask? If it's because of difficulty then i wouldn't touch dark souls jus sayin.. It's a very punishing game and you must have nerves of steel to stick it through, but if you're able to prevail without breaking controllers and raging it can be one of the most rewarding and satisfying game series out there. I can't even begin to describe the feelings I've felt after beating a tough boss that took me dozens of times to best, there's just something freeing and refreshing about the souls games... not to mention the lore is interesting as fuck if you pay attention.


Speaking of Dark Souls II so far i have about 26 hours and I'm level 72, I've beaten six bosses. My thoughts on the game so far are pretty good. The games feels like a mash up between demon souls and dark souls which is a good thing IMO. It's like they took everything that made DeS great and then everything that made DaS great and put them together. In short the game sis amazing and at this point in time I'm pretty confidant in saying this will probably be the best from the series for me. I did have a few minor miniscule issues with the game but all the pros make up for it three fold. 

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^ Oh yeah for sure! The PC port is fine as long as you have dsfix (a godsend!) installed :D but yeah a controller is pretty much necessary.. even if from software gets the port of DS2 correct I don't see them making the keyboard and mouse format work with the game. It's just not practical for a game like Dark Souls and frankly I dread the thought of using a mouse and keyboard for a game like Dark Souls XD

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Because when i think 3rd person, I think Gears Of War and GoW is made by Epic Games who have pretty much insulted everyone who plays on PC by calling them all pirates because their games on the PC platform sell rather badly.


Ive played Mass Effect and liked it was quite enjoyable but it still feels like a 'console experience' if you know what i mean.



Im just really selective when it comes to what I play and if it looks to me like a console port then the chances of me ever playing it are quite low unless its a decent port and they give the PC platform HQ or HD textures and stuff like that rather than sticking with the while 1:1 port when porting it to the PC.


You can call me elitist if you wish - It doesnt bother me, but when you have computers that are so much more powerful than consoles and devs/pubs that can do more for both platforms to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone rather than lump everyone together but dont because regardless of what you want from their game they will still sell millions of copies on the console platform then the folks on the pc platform just feel very under appreciated.


I'll leave it at that anyway, I dont wish to hijack this thread with a rant.

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Right now I am just keeping on working my way through Gran Turismo 6. It still feels like just an expansion pack to 5, but I still love it all the same.

Other games that I am working on:
Brother: A Tale of Two Sons - this one got a lot of praise but I am not enjoying it all that much. I find the controls to be clunky at best, and while the mood and visuals are interesting, the story is pretty blah. Here's to hoping it picks up.

Titanfall - played a decent chunk at a friend's and really really enjoyed it. I still need to pick it up, but I kinda want to get a new gpu first :/

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I hear there are a lot of launch issues with Titan Fall, People are having issues connecting to servers. Typical EA launch if you ask me... Simcity 2013 was bad, BF4 was bad and still is bad and now Titan Fall.

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Dark souls is about gameplay  first and foremost, I never played the PC version with the fix applied and still able to log 180 hours on it. This is after roughly 8-900 hours on PS3 using a crap TV and monitor. I still loved every moment of my experience. I am currently waiting on the PC version of Dark Souls 2 which is a pain as my youtube feed is littered with various content and playthroughs of the game.


Currently trying out indie games during the massive sales on steam right now, nothing too big.

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^ yeah but if you ever get a chance you should definitely try out DSfix with Dark Souls on PC. You haven't experienced DS until you've played it at 60fps :D Also the various bug fixes are pretty nice too. My favorite part about DS on PC was overall the modding community, there are some pretty neat fixes / additions out there in the form of mods, not to mention some texture mods out there make the game look so beautiful that you'll never be able to go back to the PS3 version xD

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FUCK... why is Kojima such a fucking tease XD All Ground Zeroes did was make me realize how long I'm gonna have to wait for The Phantom Pain... now what am I supposed to do with this boner? Shit.

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Just got FFX HD (lets face it, nobody cares about X-2) and I am a little bummed. The packaging makes my OCD rage (I just want a standard case with the limited edition stuff, not a bullshit book-case-thing) and I can't fit it on my shelf...and some of the trophies are dumb as shit. You are seriously going to make me dodge 200 lightening strikes and complete the sphere grid with ALL the characters?!?! Yeah, no thanks.

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^ LOL actually a lot of people do care about X-2. The battle system is where it's at, the story not so much... jus sayin XD


I decided to pass on X/X-2 HD for a while, will grab it later on for cheap :)

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