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WHAT ??? °-° lol I already thought this voice sound familiar to me xD

Yeah Ishikawa's voice would have been PERFECT for Ayato

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The English speaking parts in Zankyou no Terror kill me.


Honestly, it is so bad that it makes it hard for me to take the show seriously XD (well, that and the plot is a bit of a mess lol).

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Zankyou no Terror is already somewhat deteriorating, at least that's how I feel about it. I wonder what they can do with only having four episodes left. I expected more dramatic and catastrophic events, more explosions and fast-paced action. Like this.



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Yeah I feel like it could of been better if it was longer tbh. there's still a chance for a second longer season... but still it's disheartening knowing we'll have to wait for it most likely. It's still a great show, just this season would of been better if it was longer. But that's the anime biz, you can't always have 6 month shows especially when it's an unproven anime original series like this :/ I put money on it getting another season tho. unless something major happens in the next few episodes that virtually neuters the series... I doubt that though.

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Zankyou no Terror is already somewhat deteriorating, at least that's how I feel about it. I wonder what they can do with only having four episodes left. I expected more dramatic and catastrophic events, more explosions and fast-paced action. Like this.




When after that scene they were like "nobody died" I was like are you fucking kidding me. With all the people that close to building with the debris falling, certainly at least ONE person would have died. The outcome of so much of the actions don't feel natural, they just feel like they are written to service the plot. Unless it turns things around in the second half (which I doubt, since that "chess game" was easily the worst part of the show so far), this show is going to be pretty low for me. At least the animation and music are fantastic.



In a completing different area, I just started watching Serial Experiments Lain...watched the first for episodes and what in the fuck did I just experience? I have always wanted to give this one a try ever since I caught random bits of it on late night TechTV. Atmosphere is great, this is the kind of thing I couldn't even remotely imagine being put out in to the current anime scene. It's stark with very little background music and talking...I'm not sure if I am even enjoying it, but I'll be damned if it isn't one of the most intriguing things I have watched in a long time.

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So Attack on Titan's spinoff manga "A choice with no regrets" (focused on Levi during his early days in the Scouting Legion) is getting an anime. It's not being aired on TV though, the DVDs will come with volume 15 and 16 of the main manga, which will be released on December 9, 2014 and April 9, 2015.


Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-08-05/attack-on-titan-no-regrets-spinoff-gets-anime-dvds/.77306


I'm not THAT excited. I find Levi to be severely overhyped so I'm surprised he even got his own spinoff manga. I'll probably watch it if possible because Erwin but for the rest I'll see where it goes.


inb4 the “snk is entry level, watch some REAL anime u plebe” crowd

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Thoughts on the season right now:



Zankyou no Terror is already somewhat deteriorating, at least that's how I feel about it. I wonder what they can do with only having four episodes left. I expected more dramatic and catastrophic events, more explosions and fast-paced action. Like this.

Latest episode fixed a lot of the issues I had with the pacing and plot development of the anime. Twelve is quickly learning love and terrorism don't mix. Five is really what made the show lose it's suspense because she just does whatever she wants with little regard for it making sense or it being legal. That wouldn't matter if the first four episodes didn't have massive infodumps that showed the author put a lot of time researching his facts to make Sphinxs' movements seem realistic. That whole "chess game in the airport" was fucking stupid. The whole ferris wheel incident was similarly as stupid. I hope Five disappears soon.

Score: :3.5:



Tokyo ghoul is getting interesting now ! finally my favourite Character appeared .. well not really, his face wasn't shown xD but I'm surprised about his voice I imagined it WAY different °-°

but even Ayato appeared *-* Can't wait for the next episode !


Tokyo Ghoul would be infinitely better if they weren't trying to rush through the story and if the censoring wasn't so awful. Half the time there's a fight I'm looking at a 70% darkened screen and I'm unable to tell what just happened. I need to go over this with the Blurays but I'm impatient, so I might read and see all the development and plot I'm apparently missing out on. Other than those two complaints, I really like where this show is headed this season.

Score: :4.0: (points off for bad censorship and uneven pace)


The more I watch of The Adventures of Magical Jesus and His Totally Hot Not Incest Loving Imouto, the less I understand. Madhouse is usually good at adaptations but they seem to be cutting lots of corners which makes me wonder what the hell is going on. The entire Yokohama arc is rife with explanations for nothing. They skipped over why the entire Student Council shuffled positions, they skipped over the purpose Tatsuya is aiming for, they glossed over the importance of the event but shows everyone getting geared up for warfare. Then again, I read a snippet of the translated LN which makes Tolkien's exposition look fantastic, so I assume a poor Japanese intern had an aneurysm halfway through and they're just summarizing the rest of the arc to end it somewhere nice. Eventually, they need to cough up and explain why Tatsuya is so OP or they're going to have issues justifying his Gary Stuness.

Also, quit the incest bullshit. 

Score: :3.5:


The animation for Fairy Tail 2014 is atrocious compared to what magic the first studio did. That's the worst part. The pacing has gotten a lot better because the beginning of the season had these long, dragged out fights and the final fight is moving at a brisk pace. Not too fast but not too slow, and everything is getting enough explanation to tie all the parts together. The arc seems to be wrapping up to a close, although I think the death of one character leading to the death of another character completely ruined the shock value of the first character dying. I hate deus ex machinas no matter how they are written into or out of the story and this is no better. Had a certain character stayed dead this arc would have been fantastic. But as it is, it's merely good.

Score: :3.5:


Hunter x Hunter 2011 is coming to an end in two weeks and it's going to cement it's place in history as one of the best shounen of all time. Everything about this show is perfect. The music, the art direction, the characters, the plot, the conflicts. Togashi even managed to make the convoluted plot of the election arc intriguing, with the twist at the end catching everyone off guard :). There's even room for feel-good moments like Nanika x Killua which would make even a grown man look for onions in his room. 'Nuff said.

Score: :5.0:


Akame ga Kill! isn't bad, but much like Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei it requires the watcher to turn their brain off to get full enjoyment out of this show. The main thorn in my side is how the author tries to get philosophical about how killing is bad no matter what the reasons are, but the people Night Raid are killing are so evil that of course killing them is a net positive for the world. You have people running around town beheading people, skinning faces, raping women, torturing poor people because their poor, yet I'm supposed to believe Night Raid is super evil because they kill the killers? The show really has to work at making the motivations of the antagonists more relatable so I can see the moral grey area that Tatsumi is supposed to struggle with. They have this opportunity with the Jaegers and Seryu Ubiquitous since she's the antagonist we've had the most development in in this respect, so I hope we don't fuck it up with another "assassination of the week" next week.

What I do like is that nobody is safe. Except for Tatsumi of course. But anyone can go at any time and they've held true to that so far, so there is an element of suspense I get when my favorite character (Leone) gets into some shit.

Score: :3.5:


Invincible Inaho of Aldnoah Zero isn't the most engaging MC, but at least this show has managed to avoid all the tropes I hate about mechs.

  • No super confident Gary Stu genius savant mech pilot with an Achille's Heel from the middle of Bumblefakku Nowhea, Nippon coming to save the day. Inaho manages to be Superjesus through thought and intellect and a nice helping of luck.
  • On the flipside, no NGE Shinji/Asuka esque character that's so helpless they can't save themselves from their own stupidity.
  • No "Look at this super powerful mech that just fell into my lap!" in the first episode. Inaho is kicking ass in a mech with training wheels.
  • No super stale plot that quagmires in unimportant details. I'm still puzzling out what's going on and they aren't going to get it all this season, but the end of every episode always gets me hype for next week's episode. Things are always happening and I'm glad that it doesn't always have to involve giant robots.
  • No 1 vs. 10000 impossible standoffs that the protagonists win by virtue of plot armor. These guys earn their wins and take their losses.
  • Sawano on the soundtrack!!!!!!!!

So far, so good. Could use something to really set it over the edge but it's more than decent for now.


Score: :4.0:


Ace of Diamond is starting to fall into the trap of repetition. Every game leads up and ends the same way and we know they're at least making it to the finals, so I would appreciate less exposition and more baseball. They're about to face Inashiro, so after this game is the game I really want to see and this team is going to give them a great challenge, so I'm expecting a good few episodes for this month. Props must be given for taking a dull sport to watch and generating enough hype to keep my interest. I watched another baseball anime and it wasn't really catching me like this one is.


Score: :3.0: (score is dropping due to formulaic approach to every baseball match)


Not anime but The Legend of Korra was dope. I still think the original was better and Books 1 and 2 were okay with some flaws that stop it from being truly great, but Book 3 was the best book of Korra so far. Great antagonists (Zaheer is a BEAST man), amazing character development with Boleyn, and amazing fights on everyone's account with some particularly brutal deaths that somehow managed to make it's way onto Nickelodeon for 7 year olds. There were also plenty of novel uses of bending which hasn't been seen in the show universe before. No complaints about the story (for once) this season, with them managing to tie everything together by the end. Can't wait for season four to see how they end it.


Score :4.0:

So far, a great season! There's nothing that I really dislike. I hope Fall is shaping up to be just as solid.

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Just finished Lain...not sure if I would call it enjoyable, but it is damn good. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. It also deeply saddens me because there is pretty much no way another anime like that is ever going to be made (I am shocked it was even made in the first place).

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Don't kill me, but the latest ZnT episode made me emotional. 


I kind of like how they're trying to show that Twelve is kind of "growing" into a state different from what he's used to. Really wonder how it's going to play out as a whole though.

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I kind of like how they're trying to show that Twelve is kind of "growing" into a state different from what he's used to. Really wonder how it's going to play out as a whole though.

someone is going to end up dead. most likely twelve and nine.

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someone is going to end up dead. most likely twelve and nine.


I've thought about a variety of endings already. I could see Nine give himself up so that Twelve and Lisa could escape. I could see Lisa die. I could see Twelve feel remorse and make sure Nine gets out somehow but he dies instead. Or just both, yes.


As long as they take Five down with them.

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Not anime but The Legend of Korra was dope. I still think the original was better and Books 1 and 2 were okay with some flaws that stop it from being truly great, but Book 3 was the best book of Korra so far. Great antagonists (Zaheer is a BEAST man), amazing character development with Boleyn, and amazing fights on everyone's account with some particularly brutal deaths that somehow managed to make it's way onto Nickelodeon for 7 year olds. There were also plenty of novel uses of bending which hasn't been seen in the show universe before. No complaints about the story (for once) this season, with them managing to tie everything together by the end. Can't wait for season four to see how they end it.


Score :4.0:


hmmn, shall i give it a try? for reference i HATED the first season of korra, and i loved every bit of TLA. i remember lenthy discussion with my friends if TLA was a comedy or a drama, and which off these both brilliantly executed sides was more dominant (i tended to see it as more of a drama), korra astoundingly managed to be neither dramatic nor funny. but at least the characters were horrible.

so, bearing that in mind, is the season 3 worth a try?

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I am offically elevating ZnT to the level of train wreck. Dear god the writing has gotten so bad....and I want to like it so badly, the visuals, atmosphere, and music are fantastic. But man, if I wasn't already 10 episodes in, I would drop this show so hard lol.

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So yeah the last Tokyo Ghoul episode was pretty fucking brutal if you ask me... me and a friend were just kinda sitting here wincing at certain moments throughout the episode. That being said this episode was fucking amazing, holy shit balls I was really not expecting that total 180 in personality there at the end. Now I'm sitting here wishing there was more... hopefully it'll get a second season and soon (preferably by next spring or summer). I will definitely be looking forward to re-watching this in it's uncensored glory when the BD's come out. In the meantime I might just have to go pick up the manga :)


Also JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders just ended and it's already confirmed it's coming back in January during the winter season to finish off part 3. I'm definitely gonna be missing it, this is one adaption that I literally have no complaints about whatsoever. David Productions are doing god's work by animating this beloved series .

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So yeah the last Tokyo Ghoul episode was pretty fucking brutal if you ask me... me and a friend were just kinda sitting here wincing at certain moments throughout the episode. That being said this episode was fucking amazing, holy shit balls I was really not expecting that total 180 in personality there at the end. Now I'm sitting here wishing there was more... hopefully it'll get a second season and soon (preferably by next spring or summer). I will definitely be looking forward to re-watching this in it's uncensored glory when the BD's come out. In the meantime I might just have to go pick up the manga :)


Been waiting for that 180 since I knew the anime was coming. Apparently there's been news of a season two through an official website somewhere, and it would be as fast as January. (Which even makes me believe more that this was supposed to be a two cour from the start)


If only they'd put attention to the season as much as they've done to this last episode. This was the feeling I got from reading the manga. I wouldn't have minded for this season to have been two cour and having it end at the exact same point.


For a second season at least I hope they won't forget about that Ayato battle ._______. I need Kaneki to flip on him and "half-kill" him


Still love Zankyou no Terror loads but it should have been a two cour too. They could have done a lot more bombings and have worked themselves up rather than suddenly have the whole thing fall apart because of one character on the opposite side. There's so many things they'd have been able to work with if only they'd given themselves the time to. Love the two lead characters though, and I'm not even sure I know exactly why.


Still loving Aldnoah too, but if they don't get bat and orange together again in this season's last episode, I'm going to start throwing things. I guess that's the only thing that's been frustrating me all these episodes. Kids, please have any kind of interaction. Might as well be enemies. I don't even care. Just do something.


edit: They... fucking... did it...

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Well after nearly three years of being on the air Hunter x Hunter has ended... :( I just want to say this was one of the best anime adaptions I've ever watched and Madhouse did a wonderful job all the way through, they really were able to adapt the manga quite well staying loyal to the source material while at the same time making it their own.


I'm gonna miss this show so much, but hey maybe in 5 or so years when there is finally enough source material built up they can start another season... I can hope right?

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Finished up...


Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun - 9/10

Persona 4 the Golden - 5/10

Tokyo ESP - 6/10



Still watching...


Akame ga Kill!


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Finished Tokyo ESP, Glasslip, and Persona in the past few days and they all just made me go "what." Zankyou had a nice ending, though it felt they could have used an extra episode for pacing. Ao Haru Ride was something I'd usually not watch but it was a nice one.


M3 and Barakamon are next, and then there's Psycho-Pass I need to catch up with before the second season airs.


Fall season seems so boring. All these one guy/29875235 girls things. I love checking out certain voice actors but it's going to kill me if I'd watch all of them be the only guys in a cast. Definitely waiting for Psycho-Pass 2, Donten ni Warau, Chaika 2, and that Buddy Complex Special though.

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So yeah the last Tokyo Ghoul episode was pretty fucking brutal if you ask me... me and a friend were just kinda sitting here wincing at certain moments throughout the episode. That being said this episode was fucking amazing, holy shit balls I was really not expecting that total 180 in personality there at the end. Now I'm sitting here wishing there was more... hopefully it'll get a second season and soon (preferably by next spring or summer). I will definitely be looking forward to re-watching this in it's uncensored glory when the BD's come out. In the meantime I might just have to go pick up the manga :)


Also JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders just ended and it's already confirmed it's coming back in January during the winter season to finish off part 3. I'm definitely gonna be missing it, this is one adaption that I literally have no complaints about whatsoever. David Productions are doing god's work by animating this beloved series .

I completely agree about Stardust Crusaders! It's fantastic so far and I hope they end up animating part 4. I still need to catch up on the last 6-7 episodes but I jumped ahead and started to read the manga. Haven't had the time these past few weeks but I'm on part 6. and I love the Tokyo Ghoul manga and haven't picked up the anime yet, it definitely has enough material for a 2nd season, and honestly (this is unrelated to the anime) but I think the manga should get a part 2 as well because of how it ended.


the only 2 i can think of that I'm looking forward too are the 2nd seasons of Psycho pass and Durarara, they should hold me over until Stardust Crusaders picks back up


and I'm currently re-watching Yu Yu Hakusho, one of those old classics that will always have a special place in my heart and It's just as good as it was years ago.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II  dubed got real good. shark got a upgrade in badass

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