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Found 38 results

  1. Hello! I'm Yuan, in my mid-twenties, an art school dropout trying to make it in this hard ass world :^) I used to be really into vk when I was in high school and up to around 5 years ago. I was on Livejournal (the good old dayssss), owned a ton of merch, and went to as many concerts as I could. I had a lot of fun, but a couple years ago, I did a big vk sale, mainly for the money, but also because there were a lot of bands I didn't listen to anymore, namely Alice Nine, and sold their entire discography, which I had diligently collected til then, and many many issues of Shoxx, Neo Genesis, Fool's Mate, etc. Sometimes I regret selling those magazines, especially considering how they've all stopped running... But thankfully I kept most things from my favorite bands! And one day I'll finally complete my collection from Plastic Tree, DEG and Gazette. What has changed since, is that I've lost interest in indie vk, because I just couldn't keep up, although every once in a while there will be a good band that pops up and that will spark my interest. My favorites are BUCK-TICK, Plastic Tree, MUCC, cali≠gari, the GazettE, DIR EN GREY, Deadman, Pierrot, LUNA-SEA, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, MIYAVI, the studs, D'espairsRay, 12012... I guess that covers at least a good general idea. I also listen to a lot of other J-music, and in general, more music than I can name. Other big favorites (from all horizons) include Nujabes, Flying Lotus, Gorillaz, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Thee Oh Sees, toe, Kikagaku Moyo, Shiina Ringo, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Charles Mingus... I'm a big music nerd in general, I've played the piano since I was 5, and listen to a lot of classical, traditional/folk (from all around the world), and experimental music (including noise). It's a big part of my life haha. I love exploring new sounds and expanding my tastes beyond my zones of comfort. I'm also quite invested in visual arts (illustration & animation) as my studies suggested, fashion, cinema, video games, etc. Basically my interests are very broad and I like passionate ramblings. Which is why I love forums! I haven't been on a forum in many years, and I do miss it a lot. I've been reading this one for a while now, and figured it's time to stop being a lurker haha! If curious, esp about my art and/or eventual OOTDs, my @ on most social media is yuanankh (for instance on Twitter and Instagram). I'd love to make new friends, especially since this pandemic has emphasized how important it is to not hesitate to be active online - which I knew already, as I made most of my long-term friends that way anyway.
  2. Hi everyone, I am Baptiste (but call me Tsukiyo), 25 years old. I was born in Vietnam but I grew up in France. I'm living in Belgium currently. When I was 12 years old, one of my friend who made me discover a lot a musics (rock musics) sent me two videos. It was Gianism Shichi by Nightmare and Garnet by D'espairsRay. At first, I didn't really like those musics, I guess there were too different from what I usually listened and watched. But there was something that was pushing me to listen to them again and again. Some sort of curiosity. After some days, I ended up loving visual kei. It was one of the most important event of my life beacause visual kei influenced me a lot after that. During several years, I was listenning to visual kei musics and I discovered many bands. But sadly, around 2014, most of the bands that I loved disbanded or started to realese more commercial musics. On top of that, I didn't like the new bands at that time. Finally, I stoped being interested in visual kei scene. But recently, one of my friend (another this time) encouraged me to post my photos on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tsukiyo_yazawa/ if you are interrested) and I got in touch with some other visual kei fans. This led me to try visual kei musics again and... here I am. So, I hope I will like some new musics because I am a bit tired to listen to the same musics for 10 years. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions or just to say hi. See you My favorites bands are : ALSDEAD D'espairsRay DIAURA Lin-the end of corruption world- Megaromania NIGHTMARE -OZ- Phantasmagoria Sadie SCREW the Gazette Musics I love the most : Jukai Ni Saku Ai - SCREW Eternal Wish ~Todokame Kimi E~ - Raphael AURORA -destinies of world- - Megaromania
  3. AwakenNightmare

    Hi , Well it's not my first intro to a forum but...I'm kindda new around here (i was a lurker for sometime hahaha.) my history is pretty far simple, I was away from VK scene (specially of the Eroguro) for some years because I moved into metal and metalcore as an 'vocalist' in a band i was into before if we can call it that way haha I was working doing reviews for some bands of different metal genre too, so I'm here coming back to the ship many years after, haha, due to the Quarantine and some professional things, I decided to immerse again into the VK and stuff like that so.. that's it, just trying to join again & recover all the missing time since i leaved this awesome world. bands that I use to hear was: XJAPAN, Plastic Tree, deadman, VAMPS, Crossfaith, Dir En Grey, BUCK-TICK, HYDE, Versailles, The GazettE, NIGHTMARE, Nocturnal Bloodlust, Yousei Teikoku..and many others, i used to sing a lot all of them every single day before leaving the VK... Recently I'm hearing bands like Sacrifice, DEVILOOF, ViViD, CLOWN or DIMLIM and they call my attention, so I'm open to any suggestion or band recommendation you cans say to me.
  4. Rei/Khya


    Hey, I just stumbled over that Page on the hunt for some Feedback of the newest DIMLIM relase... More Informations about me: Nickname Rei (at that point my only name...), I´m from Germany and work in Marketing mostly for Music-companys I´m into Visual Kei since i think i was 13, something around that age. Personally I prefer a bit harder Groups like Nazare, Dadaroma or Deviloof, but besides J-Rock i also listen to a lot of Metal in General. I´m not quite sure what to do here but its refreshing to read stuff about Visual Kei again, since the scene here is quite small....
  5. Total Saikou

    I've known about this site since I became a fan a few years back but I never actually registered... Anyway, I'm finally joining! My name is Dasha, and I've been a VK fan for three years now. I prefer old school kei to new school kei but I try to keep up with my newest favorites. My favorite band is Malice Mizer! They're a huge part of my life, and have helped shape who I am as a person. I've almost collected all the main albums, and have begun getting my hands on some singles. I also run the malice_mizer_ultimate fanpage, if anyone knows me from there. My other favorite bands are LAREINE, Versailles, Buck-Tick, BAISER, and SHAZNA. I have a lot more but listing them is a chore, and there are more that I casually listen to than religiously. Apparently I am Last.fm famous so if the username MetaKnight999 rings a bell, then that is me! You can get a comprehensive look at all the VK bands I listen to in my library
  6. Hello everyone! ❤ I'm Kerin, a 21 year-old female. My interests are visual kei, K-pop, and idol anime. I've been lurking here for a few days before creating an account and making a post here. Let's go! I started listening to visual kei around late December 2013 - early January 2014. The first visual kei band I heard was Alice Nine with their song BLUE FLAME. Next was DIAURA with their song Lost November, and suddenly I fell into the visual kei hole. Other bands I've listened to were DIV, Arlequin, NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, etc. While I was in the midst of discovering visual kei, I've also found K-pop but decided to listen to the genre casually. I probably - no, definitely - failed at that because my old playlist transformed from post-2010 metalcore to current pop sensations, seeing how much K-pop had taken over my life. For some reason in late 2017, I decided to delve into stan culture. So, I scrolled through my old playlist and clicked on a random video. Turns out I discovered BTS with songs like War of Hormone and Boy In Luv from that old playlist. Who knew that underground nugu K-pop group would make it big and break records in the United States? Not me, that's for sure! After the BTS boom for a couple of months to an entire year, I decided to look into another group I could stan and that was EXO - a veteran group whose fandom were ARMY's rivals. The first songs I've listened to from EXO were Overdose and Growl (Those songs were in my old playlist too.), but I didn't delve in until listening to Monster and Call Me Baby. Following EXO, I stanned SNSD and TWICE. So if K-pop took over my playlist, then how did I manage to find my way back to visual kei? By pure nostalgia. My brain suddenly started playing DIAURA in my head, and that's when I discovered FINALE. Upon seeing the song title, I thought that they were actually disbanding and that I was a terrible fan for not knowing about it. Fortunately, that wasn't the case. I guess you could say I'm stanning visual kei instead of just casually listening to it nowadays. If you have any new groups that could possibly pique my interest or any news pertaining to past groups I've listened to, then feel free to let me know and we'll start chatting! 😊
  7. raspberrynilla

    Hello! I've been a fan of Visual Kei for more than 10 years now. My love for Visual Kei really started with Alice Nine. They were my favorite band for the majority of my teen years, I even had a Twitter account simply dedicated to them (@AliceNineWorld for anyone that might remember!). I would also try to discover new bands daily, listen to VK 24/7 and just emerge myself in anything Visual Kei. However back in 2014, my interest for it just slowly started to fade and left the scene all together. I just felt Iike major bands were experimenting with sounds I did not enjoy and newer bands all sounded the same to me. You could say VK died for me that year. But occasionally, I would go back and check up on bands that I still had some interest in, such as Dir en Grey, Diaura, BUCK-TICK, and sometimes A9. Fortunately, this summer my love for Visual Kei resurged once again. Coming back into it and trying to catch up with everything I missed in the past four years has been overwhelming haha. The amount of older bands that have disbanded has come as a complete shock, but the newer bands that are starting out have seriously brought in new life to Visual Kei that I personally think really needed. In my opinion, I think we might be reaching a renaissance of Visual Kei, and that absolutely excites me! All in all, I joined this forum because I wanted to be part of a community in which I could keep up with news and talk with other fellow fans. Visual Kei has always been a huge part of my life growing up, so coming back into it almost feels like coming back home.
  8. Hello everyone, I've been a long time fan of Visual kei for almost half a decade ( If you consider that a long time?), I recently found out about this site from a friend who mentioned it and I thought I'd check it out! I'm into the oldschool side of things, I do not mind some modern bands, although I'm not a big fan of the cookie cutter thing that's going on nowadays. To give you a feel, I'm really into Malice Mizer, La' Mule, Parasite, Baiser, Noi'X, and I'm a HUGE deadman fan. Other than that, I enjoy playing my guitar, listening to normie music, and collecting old military items. Please feel free to talk to me, I don't have much friends so hopefully that can change! I deeply apologize if I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum, I have trouble navigating through sites like these!
  9. secret_no_03

    Hello everyone, I've been a Visual Kei fan since 2004 when I discovered J-Rock with Asian Kung Fu Generation and subsequently Visual Kei through L'Arc~en~Ciel through Fullmetal Alchemist and quickly found DIR EN GREY and X Japan. I was a fan of everything FROM ∀NTI FEMINISM, An Cafe, Girugamesh and 蜉蝣 to Phantasmagoria, Moi dix Mois and Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- from 2004 up until around 2010. I then fell into Japanese hip hop and left the scene until last year while keeping up with stuff like DIR EN GREY and the GazettE. Anyway, since last year I've been back in it and quite deeply and it's been nice discovering so many new bands and the nostalgia of the bands I used to love. I was always ostracized and ridiculed about my musical choices in my youth (my youth? I'm only 28 xD) and I ended up finding a soul mate who enjoys Visual Kei as well, especially DAMY, but that doesn't mean that I am not looking to create friendships as friends with similar musical interests are few and far between. I've been a fan of a variety of subgenres over the years, everything from your traditional Visual Kei to Oshare-kei and Nagoya-kei. My favorite bands since I've come back would have to be TRNTY D:CODE, Darian Marian, SARIGIA, dexcore, DatuRΛ, MISERIA, and I was really fond of DEVIZE, VRZEL and MEJIBRAY. As far as old bands I've always loved anything MORRIE does; so DEAD END, 黒夢, PENICILLIN, GLAY, X Japan, Luna Sea and D'erlanger. Oh my, I apologize for writing what has essentially turned into a short story! I guess I can end this by saying that I've been aware of this place for some years and used to lurk off and on in the past and I'm happy to be here now.
  10. Talagand

    Hey Monochrome-Community, I'm a long time lurker and thought, why not joining. My own personal favourites are more the old classics, like X, Malice Mizer and Dead End. All of you, have a lovely evening
  11. Hello everyone! I'm shellyshally and being in my early to mid twenties, I'm barely getting back into being a fan of the visual kei music scene I was so obsessed with as a middle/high school student. My favorite band has been and always will be the GazettE, though I also really like Dir en Grey (are they still considered visual kei? not sure if I remember anymore haha) I'm open to learning about new bands! A friend introduced me to アルルカン and I've seen mejibray around too I joined because I wanted to meet some cool new friends I can go to vk concerts/lives with. I have never been to a concert/live before so it's a bit intimidating to go by yourself >< I live on the border between Kanagawa and Tokyo so if anyone is in the area and free and knows where the good concerts are, hit me up lol Nice to meet you all!!
  12. DavidB.Rockin

    Hello,My name is DavidB.Rockin. I love Music and Anime. I've been listening Jrock and Visual Kei bands/music since I was in high school(10th or 11th). I've decided to listen to japanese bands and music that were or weren't featured in Anime back in high school. I've also been a fan of Classic Rock for many years and decided to look for bands similar to Led Zeppelin,so I decided to search for Japanese bands from the 60s,70s,80s,and 90s(mostly 80s and 90s)....my intro to Jrock and Visual Kei was anime theme songs,LUNA SEA,La'cryma Christi,and L'Arc~en~Ciel.....In my search results for similar bands to Led Zeppelin/classic rock,I found a few bands that are similar to american/uk bands. I'm a fan of the oldschool Visual Kei bands, I also love some Nagoya Kei bands.
  13. Hello~ I'm Albert and I like kitkats! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ I'm from Vancouver, Canada! If anyone is near me let me know! I joined recently as this seems like the best forum for VK friends/news/downloads etc I'm a Japanese/Taiwanese mix. I don't know any Mandarin but I'm perfectly fluent in Japanese so if you need translations then I can help. That being said I'm a lazy person so nothing more than a few sentences at a time. My favorite bands are Misanthropist, Delacroix, Far East Dizain, Morrigan, Vistlip etc...I also like a bunch of anime songs too! Nice to meet you all. I don't know how to use this forum AT ALL atm but I guess I'll get used to it eventually... ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
  14. RaistMajerk

    Hi everyone, it's nice to meet you. I'm Raist. I've been listening to Visual Kei since I was twelve (about 5 years ago), and I have just now decided to join here because I'd like to get to know some people who are interested in the same type of music, ect.. I like a mix of older and newer bands. I wouldn't say my taste is too horrible. At the moment my absolute favorites I can mention shortly are probably the BP Records three, Liraizo, and recent GazettE. I'm also studying Japanese, and I will take the JLPT N3 this December, so I'm about mid level. I plan to visit Japan for a week in about a year and a half, and m-maybe go to my first live. :'D Thanks, if you read this far. I hope we can get along ok. ;D
  15. Tatsusalt

    Hello ^^/ My name is Sebastian and I am new here of course haha. I am a little new to the world of Visual Kei and J-Rock but it feels safe to say that MUCC is my favourite band. I just really love Tatsurou's voice (´•ω•`)♡ I would have to say my favourite album is MyakuHaku but I also really love some of their older songs. I will try to list a few of my favourite songs; Aka, Suimin, HATEЯ, and Himitsu. But that is just a few lol. Aside from MUCC I really love MALICE MIZER, my favourite era is the Klaha era but I do love some of the songs from the Gackt and Tetsu eras. And because of MALICE MIZER I decided to check out Közi and I just fell in love with some of the bands he has also been in ^^ Anyway lol I will end the post here ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾
  16. Seileen

    Hello and nice to meet you all! My name is Seileen and I'm a 25 year old girl from Italy. My main reason for joining this forum is to meet fellow Jrock, Jpop and VK fans. I'm very happy to have found this forum because all of the VK forums I've found so far have died many years ago and, as you may have guessed, it's extremely rare to find someone who listen to this music when you live in the countryside of Italy xD I'd like to find people from all over the world with whom to have interesting conversations, share common interests and it would be great to find travel/concert buddies as well, since my dream is to go to Japan and attend my favourite bands' lives there. Among my favourite bands are: X Japan, Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois, Merry, miyavi (I mean the old one T.T), Kishidan <3, Golden Bomber, Kaya, Seileen/ Selia, Versailles, Psycho Le Cemu. Not visual kei music but I love them anyways: DJ OZMA and basically every OST from every Ryu Ga Gotoku game. So I hope to hear from you!
  17. AwesomeNyappy

    Hi everyone I've been listening to JRock for 11 years and was also quite active in another forum in my teenage years. Now, feeling like a JRock grandma already, I've decided to start my comeback. I've never really stopped listening to JRock, but as you get older you grow out of that phase of huge obsession over VK to then....obsess over other, more adult things Recently I've been getting into Dir en Grey and other bands again, mainly because I spent two weeks in Tokyo last year and went to VK shops in Shinjuku. It was a great experience and awakened a long buried passion! I think it's really sad that all of the "youngsters" are just all about KPop nowadays. Not that KPop is bad or anything, but I've just always been more into Metal and Rock in general, so I just don't get all too excited over it. The VK scene has diminished over the years and is now, sadly, barely existent. I want to change that and keep the spirit alive by talking with you lot about JRock and everything related (or unrelated.) Cannot wait to hear from you guys! See you around!
  18. AmberCrystal17

    Hey there! I'm AmberCrystal17 but you can call me Amber (not my real name). I have been lurking around on this site for a while now after I found it on a google search and I finally decided to make an account and temporarily come out of lurking to finally introduce myself. I still won't be super active on this site and I probably won't leave comments or make posts, but I might leave the ocassional like (if I even remember to do so). English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes in grammar or spelling or whatever. I was a fan of VK around 2011-2013 before I stopped listening to it for a while for some reason. I only got back into it in 2016 when I looked through a very old playlist full of VK music I had on Youtube. Most of the VK bands and artists I like are well known ones like The Gazette, Dir en Grey, and Versailles, so I'm not really interesting in that aspect. DISREIGN is a band I like too. However, I've been really bad at keeping up with updates and news about them and I'm only really into their music, so I don't know if I want to call myself a fan of them... Well, that's pretty much all I wanted to share that I could come up with. I guess it's time to go back to lurking.
  19. Kr_kohaku


    Hi, my name is Kohaku I just rejoined this site. I had an account YEARS ago and I can`t even begin to try to figure out what my log in info was. So I`m starting over lol. A couple of my friends recently brought this site up and I figured that I should sign up again. I want to make more friends that like J-Rock (And DIR EN GREY)! I also hope to discover some new bands maybe. I also offer translating and finding merch services if anyone is interested in that. I go to many DIR EN GREY lives so I can get people merch that is being sold on the tours. Sorry this was such and awkward intro lol. P.S. I recently have been getting really into Pierrot and Angelo if anyone wants to have a discussion about them!
  20. VulgarKingdom

    Hello ^ ^ ' I happened to come across this site by just looking for Visual Kei things and places where people sell their old merch , and just over all a community of Visual Kei fans . Please be aware I do have some anxiety issues ^ ^ ' so please be kind and forgive me for any late reply and being overwhelmed easily ó _ ò More stuff Also please call me by Koukai ^ ^ ' ~ ♡ I go by he / him and they / them pronouns I do have discord so I may join the server soon ^ ^ just give me some time to get comfortable
  21. kyounoowari

    Hi, I have been a fan of jrock amongst other forms of music since 2010, and it is about time to say hi and participate a bit in discussions. If I had to pinpoint favorites, it would be hard, but I feel Sekai no Owari is up there for more mellow; Guild for visual Kei; and an honorable mention to Jikkendai Marmot. Hopefully I will be able to contriibute to this decent community.
  22. tetrahelixthrone

    Hello! My name is Mishya, and I'm new to this forum and VKei. I listened to a tiny bit in High School, but my boyfriend recently got me back into it. About me: I am 20 years old, Male, University student. My major is Secondary English Education with a minor in Japanese and TESL. I am Aquarius dominant, INTJ, blood type A+. I grew up in Hawaii. I have a two cats I love a lot. I do a lot of art and poetry in my free time, and love to cook. Bands/Artists I Like: - The GazettE (All time favorite, and currently my favorite band. I thought Dogma was a brilliant album) - Dir En Grey - Sukekiyo - VAMPS - L'arc~en~ciel - DADAROMA - LUNA SEA - X Japan - SUG - Daoko - Miyavi - Gackt - In This Moment - Bjork - Constanza Francavilla - Brooke Candy - Die Antwoord (specifically Yolandi) - The Smiths/Morrisey - HEARTSREVOLUTION - Depeche Mode - Purity Ring - Father John Misty - Four Tet - Florence + the Machine - Death Cab For Cutie - The Postal Service - The Cure - Bring Me The Horizon - Lil Wayne - Shakira - La Dispute I listen to many more bands, but these are the ones I've been listening to for the last year or so. It's nice to meet you all, and I hope we can be friends! Thank you for reading this! Mishya
  23. LockInitial

    Hi! I've visited this site once and a while and now that I see myself on it more I made an account. Some of my favorite VK bands are Kannivalism, xtripx, 9goats black out, Deathgaze, and Baroque. I've been also getting into more non-visual Japanese bands like Lamp in Terren, People in the box, and Super Beaver. I've never actually read any of the introductions here so this is probably posted all wrong but I'm looking forward to sharing my opinion on stuff here!
  24. よしあつい

    I just started my account today, what's up? Basic information about me is... i'm 18 years old, a Cancer, I listen to music 24/7 and sometimes I like to draw. You can call me Ar. I've never used a forum space like this before, so I don't know how to appropriately use it. If there is any advice, please say. I'm kinda new to visual kei as a whole and my favourite band so far is Dadaroma.
  25. tenshibara

    Hi I've been coming here as a guest for a while now but I decided to join formally today! *slow clap in the background* I like a lot of VK bands but my favourites are Mejibray, Diaura, GazettE, VRZEL and Pentagon (ペンタゴン) You might see me pop up around here quite often since I have too much time on my hands xD Love, peace and chocolate, ~ Aya <3
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