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Posts posted by anakuro

  1. I need to listen to it more to really decide. I just got so many new CDs that it ended up taking a backseat, but I think it's the lowest on the list out of their releases for me. But I need to give it more of a thorough listen.


    What about you? You got your copy today, right?

  2. The shelves themselves:

    Top shelf:


    Belmosaic, XAA-XAA, ensoku, minus jin-say orchestra, heisei ishin, N@H, hysteric panic, GAGA, BLESSCODE


    Middle shelf:



    Souiumono, hana shounen baddies, Aya, Heartless, Boogieman, GIGAMOUS, Oneness, RUVISH, Yeti, Retina




    a lot of various CDs including free distributes, DVDs, ryo’s book.


    And I took the time to get pictures of a few specific collections: 





    Hana Shounen Baddies



    Oneness (oops I think it might be a little blurry)



    Ensoku & Minus Jin-Say Orchestra


  3. XAA-XAA's shinitai came today but I also went to pure sound and little HEARTS.



    the top is for me, bottom is for a friend. Lots of Minus Jin-Say Orchestra and Ensoku for us both, lol.


    I may have gotten another of Souiumono's BOMB x BOMB x BOMB to go to their in store...

  4. In kimi no shizou tabeteshimaitai there was actually emotion in the repition, in shinitai it's so flat I could do with out it tbh. And I know live he'll get lazy and not even sing half the shinitais like he does with a lot of the really repetitive bits in other songs. 


    But besides that I quite liked it I've decided.

  5. screenshotshare_20150805_195431_zpskep1g


    I'd say it's fairly accurate. I care less about story and more about gameplay and like actually playing rather than sitting through cutscenes. I wonder if it would be any different if I did this back wken I wasn't just a casual gamer.

  6. Shellmy I find a lot more interesting and easier to get into when I see them. Recorded I'm not particularly interested either.. 


    The drummer of Shellmy has helped XAA-XAA out a lot btw


    But I liked the preview for XAA-XAA's song too! I wish I could go to the twoman orz 

  7. I think they've played everything but shinitai live? I haven't seen them since the oneman so I haven't heard the other ones--they might not have played yami actually--but my friend said she enjoyed the one(s?) I hadnt heard. A japanese gya described haikei anata e to me and said the ending surprised her--so I'm curious to hear that in particular. 


    Since my new apartment doesn't have internet, I've only listened on a phone and I was actually unpacking so I didn't catch the autotune at the time tbh. I've got to go back and listen again to see what you mean with it!



    Preview for the split-single with shellmy


  8. I need to listen to the preview again I haven't had any time these days, oops. I'm curious to hear all the songs; it seems the mixing and mastering is almost done so maybe we'll get previews for the songs soon.


    @chemicalpictures Idk what you like about tsumetai (I mean, it's a great song I love it but idk what about it you like while not liking the others) but none of the other songs in my opinion are like it. There are really good previews (like they are about half a song long) on youtube so you can get a feel for every song and judge yourself, maybe.


    I have bought for a few people on here but my request when doing a shopping service with CDs is that it's not uploaded. 

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