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Posts posted by anakuro

  1. Idk if they've played with zigzag but i've never gotten the impression that they were close or anything. Also, zigzag's starting to get quite popular. So a few of us are ??? about that. 


    Lol yeah I might put off getting the album until April but I'll at least get B type of the single. We might not have time on the 1st to grab it since it's the circuit live (where, coincidentally, zigzag is playing). But we'll find time to hit up the shop and grab the single at some point for sure

  2. I'm pretty sure usotsuki & kanden are the same remakes they released at osaka MUSE 2015.12.3

    the remakes are all a little funky to me--probably just because i'm not used to them. I'll still buy the album though, if not just for the new song on it. 


    for the single i think i was also mostly drawn to the 2nd track as a song itself but I have mixed feelings about it. when they presented that song for the first time kazuki had on a wig and fake beard and was saying "I am a god" and "god has come" and they had calligraphy saying the same thing and there was some strange headbanging on the floor which would good and fine except me and a few others are pretty sure it's mimicking and possibly even mocking zigzag which doesn't quite sit right with me....


    Also, the drums at the beginning of the 3rd one by some hilarious coincidence are the same as the start of a Hana Shounen Baddies song and that's all i can think of when i hear that preview lmao


    & doombox we can go to the CD shop maybe on the 1st and you can decide then about whether to get the album lol

  3. tumblr_o3etbqxMQk1qa6dkxo1_540.jpg

    Finally found a copy of ネットで叩いてゃノレ! by マイナス人生オーケストラ

    And tbh my collection of MJO releases is pretty much as complete as it will ever get.

    I have at least one version of pretty much all their important songs.

    Well, I am still searching for アイアムアロボット though.

  4. i'm looking for magazines featuring baroque (preferably 2001-2004) and older pura (at least 2000-2010). and also any other goodies from these two bands like t-shirts, flyers, pamphlets/booklets, and whatever else they might have. please and thanks! some cds and dvds are welcomed too!

    DMed you because I have a lot of baroque stuff lol 

  5. Ah, I thought it was just a rumor. Cool to know!

    well, to be fair, they've never come out and said "we're brothers!" from what I know buuuut everyone I talk to here says they're brothers (I've followed them since Belmosaic, though I go a lot more to XAA-XAA than I did to Belmosaic, if that matters at all)

  6. Oh man yeah I totally agree with the low budget batman villains thing LOL They even had like a bunch of question mark boxes on stage that kazuki would pull things out of and one of the items was a (fake) knife :')


    I'm assuming the hanashitai dake desho? One would be like the 30sec talk w/ your fav member that they had before. I found out roji's english is pretty good at that. And idk march is white day so they might be like "lol it late but here's candy!" For the sweets one

  7. While I'm not particularly a fan of the PV itself, I do like the song. And I quite liked it when I heard it live too so I've still got high hopes for it. Iirc it was more jazz influenced and I've always liked songs that are a bit more jazzy anyway...


    I think my least favorite songs are off of Shinitai tbh. But yeah my favorite release all together is Kowai Kurai--it's still the most cohesive and just best all around in my opinion. Though my favorite songs are still ララララ and 花占い lol

  8. as far as instrumentals go I love all of baroque instrumentals of course. baroque's SE, unless they changed it, is lord of the myanmar.


    I personally really like Souiumono's ragnarok SE. Their old SE was ok but ragnarok is way better.


    Sel'm's SE, Rebirth, is also nice. 


    Minus Jin-Say Orchestara's 登場 is probably my favorite though as far as SEs go.

    It's fun, catchy and we generally freak out those who have never seen MJO before because we all turn around at one point


    I think those are the only SEs that I really remember out of all the bands I've seen..oops.

  9. tanuki says every band will disband

    tanuki says every bandman has a girlfriend / will get married / is married

    tanuki says every bandman has an STD

    tanuki says that all foreigners are stinky, have bad manners and shouldn't come to concerts

    tanuki says a lot of things and sometimes it's right, sometimes it's partially right and sometimes it's wildly wrong


    tbh if you can't read Japanese, I'd suggest not going on tanuki. There's so much slang and so many words that are used specifically for visual kei that translators will just botch it.


    moreover you have to understand that more often than not people who are writing these things are people with a grudge taking advantage of how tanuki is anonymous. One person can write over and over pretending to be different people to make it sound more true. There are people who put their own name out there etc by themselves to get people to talk about them or to make others believe something (usually that they are "tsunagari"--have some sort of relationship with the band). 


    the only reason to go on tanuki is for shits and giggles, not for reliable information

  10. the special effects made me laugh so hard

    and yeah lol all my friends are commenting on the dancers :')


    I liked the song live and I'm not disappointed by the recorded version! Looking forward to the single.


    They added a oneman in Takamatsu on 4/23 as well but..I can't go so it looks like that's the first time I'll miss a oneman for them, though. So I'm a bit disappointed with that...

  11. No particular order


    1. ryo -- baroque / kannivalism -- but I have to qualify it: 2001~2013 ? Around kizuna was when I started noticing a distinct change in his style of change. It's not that it's bad, it's that there's nothing unique about the way he sings now. 
    2. HaL -- Minus Jin-Say Orchestra -- he may not be the best, but the emotion he puts into it... Well, let's just say he's the only vocalist that's come even close to making me cry just by singing alone (you know, with no outside circumstance like it being a last live or anything like that).
    3. Kazuki -- Belmosaic / XAA-XAA -- His voice is what drew me into Belmosaic to start and it is still one of my favorite things about XAA-XAA. I like his deeper voice and how well it fits with some of the two bands' jazzier songs
    4. Shuuji - cali gari -- need i say more?
    5. nigu -- cocklobin
    6. Tsubaki -- 8-eit


    If I were to talk about frontmen--as in how they perform on stage etc--then I would have to add a few others to the list: Buu from Ensoku, Reno from Cradle (not a great vocalist, but a great frontman), Issei from BugLug.

  12. I'm inclined to believe that yes money (and declining attendence) is a huge factor in many bands.


    And if you're going to compare them to other bands around the world and say "but they have jobs and can do it!" I think that's kind of ignoring how difficult it is for vk artists to have a job let alone a decent one. Vk bands have concerts at an insane rate. They pump out music at an insane rate. They have a lot of in stores for their releases. When are they supposed to have time for a job that will support them and their hobby? Many dont--or if they do it's just a part time job. Moreover, in japan when you have piercings and unnaturally colored hair that limits the jobs you can do A LOT. 

  13. Lmao I love Dokusatsu Terrorist's lyrics too. They have a song that's "my daughter is a bangya" and it's hilarious.


    Serious note though my favorite would have to be HaL from Minus Jin-Say Orchestra. Some examples of my favorite lyrics of his would be

    • 少女、時々雨。
    • 鳥人間たかし
    • ヰらない子
    • うた歌い筆を折って

    I like Kazuki from XAA-XAA's lyrics too but it's a bit simplistic and redundant at the same time.

  14. Definitely agree with what Tetora said. 
    I think their older sound was more cohesive but recently it's definitely all over the place--but while I recognize the talent none of the newer stuff was really my thing. 



    and re: CRIMZON I'm also wondering. Because actually it was CRIMZON and Rozetta that were sister labels and Rozetta bit the dust since Belmosaic and RevleZ both broke up. So now CRIMZON will only have Purple Stone and it doesn't seem like after all this time they're about to sign a new band? 


    also, I agree about ARTLESSNESS BOY. I hope to hear it one more time...(T_T)

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