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Posts posted by anakuro

  1. @Platy you're seeing them in July?? I'm guessing Tokyo though..


    @doombox I am hoping to figure shit out and be able to go to the Osaka date of the 2man and the oneman tour at least :'))

    Is DDRM timely records as well? Someone said somewhere that's the reason they're doing the twoman / playing together so it's not that ~amazing~~ and well it does make sense. DDRM is bigger than them but tbh I wouldn't say they're that much bigger

  2. I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty pumped for what's to come with XAA-XAA this fall/winter


    2-man tour with DADAROMA




    First 3-month consecutive releases



    First oneman tour



    It is a bit strange though that their anniversary live will be at somewhere so small. 



    The oneman in Osaka was the best XAA-XAA live I have ever been to.
    To be honest, it was so mind blowing it might have been the best live I've gone to in general. I haven't gotten over it.


    And @Duwang you still gotta type up how the Tokyo one was bro!!!

    I heard someone got hurt during the 感電 mosh? because of that weird hold in the wall in shimote. 



    情けない男のテーマ was fantastic too. It sounded like a video game at first and I just loved it so much. It was my favorite interlude of theirs so I'm so glad they made it into a song. But actually in the middle of it at least in Osaka Kazuki started going JUNKO JUNKO JUNKO and I lost my shit.


    Also Roji mentioned a few things recently:

    • the mannequin body parts strewn about the stage are NOT Junko's
    • there are no two shots of the members together
    • he doesn't know the other members' phone numbers


  3. I don't know if I'd say it's particularly unique (besides the recitation) since a lot of weird stuff happens in VK but imo they do what they do quite well. 

    I'm curious to see what duwang's thoughts are once she finally sees them.

    It'd be nice if everyone was able to see them for sure

  4. I haven't gotten the CD yet (it wasn't in shops when i looked and i didn't preorder #oops)



    but for the live experience i've seen them almost 20 times. 

    it's normally pretty high energy: moshing (we run, it's not the usual jumping back and forth), fist pumping, headbanging, etc. 

    The stage always has Junko on it and often caution tape or something related to the current theme. For example, when it was shinitai they often had calligraphy saying 死にたい on it. 

    I can't count how many times the members have climbed down in the crowd to mosh with us etc. There have been numerous times where it was only roji (or roji and haru) left on stage because the others were joining the crowd. 

    they have recitation where kazuki reads something before a song.

    sometimes they do stupid things between songs like "haru's chinese restaurant"  (before 君の心臓を食べてしまいたい), or that time where kazuki said 眠れ (go to sleep) to the members and they all just fell over suddenly one by one and then he started doing it to the crowd (before 子守唄), sometimes it's just haru with a whistle etc. 


    I've never not had fun at XAA-XAA. 


    At their first live Haru had a flask and just dropped it on the stage and there was the biggest thunk and me and my friend like to joke that that was when we knew that they were the band for us lol

  5. 2 hours ago, BangyaWanabii said:

    Yeah AlantiQs! Sorry, I got them mixed up. I just remember the names of some of the live houses. I ran from there to JANUS to go see Smileberry. I was soaked in sweat by the end of it, it was not cute :/ 


    You worked on a Sunday? God that sounds terrible. I'm lucky I got out in time on Saturday to head over to Osaka.


    Actually, I might have saw him because I was here two years ago studying abroad which was when I started going to lives. A friend of mine is more of a fan of Shounenki than I am so she's seen them more. I don't think I really ever went out of my way to see them but if they were there we definitely were excited. All in all I've been at this for about two years now, just with a break in between to go back to graduate LOL.


    :( You and all the bands I like avoid Nagoya like the plague LOL. Honestly, I think Tokyo is worse for lives (and travel in general) than Nagoya by far but that's a personal opinion. The Kansai Rock Summit was the first time I went to Osaka specifically for  a live and the fans seemed okay. Not as bad as Tokyo but I think the Nagoya scene is smaller and girls can get a little crazy online if you show up often. I will probably be moving to Osaka later this year to live with a friend so you might see me around more!

    I'd never even heard of AtlantiQs until this kansai rock summit tbh. And I've been pretty much Osaka exclusive for almost a year now...


    Yeah I worked & ran the the live. The day before had been work then seeing my friend's band + the after party. And then the day before that was Hysteric Panic. It's just as tiring as it sounds!!


    Ohh well then yeah you might have seen him! I honestly don't know when Kei quit doing support for Shounenki. It seemed to be a pretty sudden thing. My friend who loves Shounenki is mad at him because she thinks it must have been bad blood between him and the members lol But I kinda love Kei. He's great. Hoping to say hello on the 2nd when I end up seeing ZigZag next..


    Hahaha to each their own. I just don't like Nagoya itself. Plus as me and every person from Nagoya that I know says "there's nothing in Nagoya." Traveling to Nagoya actually used to be the most difficult for me since I lived in Shimane for three years. It was easier to fly to Tokyo than to go to Nagoya.

    Tokyo I don't like the live houses as much as I like in Osaka. But as far as the gya go I've always followed bands with really friendly gya from both Tokyo and Osaka (lately I follow more Osaka bands though) so I haven't had any major issues. Though I have heard worse things about things happening with Tokyo bands--they're just ones I don't go see so it doesn't affect me. 

  6. I'm not entirely sure they were on a label before.


    If I recall correctly at their first live they were like saying they're not ~really~~ VK but regardless it was kind of a thing considering 1. who they played with & where they played 2. how they marketed themselves 3. how they conducted their concerts. Even if they didn't look very VK, they were de facto VK.


    I don't know if the third point has changed at all but the 1st & 2nd ones have definitely changed.

  7. I've gotta back @Kiryu999 up here.

    While they started as VK, now they are not VK and haven't been for about a year (after Yukihisa left & they joined a non-VK label, FILM STARS). Moreover, they don't play with VK bands anymore either. They mostly play at venues that are geared toward non-vk lives or ones that are general purpose (VK & non-VK). 


    the thread shouldn't be tagged as VK


    I must admit my interest in them has dropped off quite a bit over time.. but maybe I'll grab the new CD. Maybe I'll hit up a show in Osaka one day... I did pinky promise Satoshi I'd go again. 

  8. 2 hours ago, BangyaWanabii said:

    Me and my friends went to the live house thirty minutes before and we barely got into the back, there were people lined up and people already inside for them. I wish we could have gotten there sooner but we did the out of store event and had 2 shots with MeteoroiD and Elysion (which is a story in itself, omg)


    Haha we couldn't see the support drummer at all! Thats how shitty the venue was. It was the tiniest place I've ever been in (JANUS, I think it was called). Which is funny because I've seen Shounenki a few times so it would have been interesting to see if I recognized him. 


    And if you're suspicious if I'm your friend I'm not LOL. Not to say we couldn't be friends but I don't think we've met. 

    yeah i think it was pretty full for a while based on the twitter. i heard a lot of people complaining about the venue choice. not sure why they didn't use BRONZE or Pangea again. btw no LOL it was not JANUS. it was AtlantiQs or whatever. JANUS was the biggest venue they used this year--500 person capacity. It's were XAA-XAA played. 


    I was at work so I literally only showed up in time for XAA-XAA lol would have been fun running around this year again. Glad you seemed to enjoy yourself though.


    Ah that's a shame. My friend and I were curious as to why they didn't cover up the support drummer this time. Um, well, Kei was Shounenki's support drummer like 2 years ago and he suddenly stopped so you probably wouldn't have recognized him. It took me a while to connect the dots myself. Shounenki's support drummer for like the past year was some guy named AL iirc


    No, no, I know you're not lol she's back in Germany and you mentioned some bands that she's never mentioned liking & she was going to ZigZag right when they first started. But Smileberry (and LUCHe), Sick2, MeteoroiD & ZigZag are all bands she likes. We probably haven't met since I avoid Nagoya like the plague--I did go for Heartless though...--but we can totally be friends :) I've been a bangya in Japan for nearly 4 years now lol...

  9. hi there & welcome :)

    I'm surprised you made it into the live house for ZigZag I heard it was insanely packed. I didn't even try for ZigZag, I just went straight to XAA-XAA at kansai rock summit tbh

    But yeah I totally agree, ZigZag's pretty fun live. actually I like their support drummer lol he used to be shounenki's support drummer too.... I heard at rock summit they weren't hiding him like they normally do? did he at least have makeup on?? lol


    also, your music tastes are actually strangely similar to a friend of mine's.

  10. On 5/11/2015 at 9:12 PM, anakuro said:
    I'm not holding my breath for most of these... but I will pay whatever.
    • リツコさん
    • ピリオド
    • 知らない空 MV (2013/12/06 MUSE 入場特典DVD)

    えんそく (Ensoku)

    1. 魔夏のマッケンロー
    2. 新世界
    3. 高尾行き
    5. 少女再起動実験
    6. 空は青、大地は桜
    7. マジフマジメン
    8. 東京行き
    9. 銀のハコブネ

    Minus Jin-Say Orchestra / マイナス人生オーケストラ

    1. アイ アム ア ロボット (this is the one I am currently most interested in)
    2. 少女、時々 雨。
    3. 木綿のハンカチーフ
    4. 夏川人生オーケストラと申します。
    5. Co-LAB. (this is a ZEROdb / MJO collab CD)
    7. 変身
    8. Mr.Richman
    9. High-Technology [DEMO] Sub-Culture (仮)
    10. 救SAY ヰヱス [DEMO]
    11. カンパネルラの旅 ~二千銃・春~
    12. カンパネルラの旅~200窮・飽~
    13. 魅惑のゲイビーチ☆2009★Summer
    14. 村八分DISCO MUSIC 01
    15. 電脳サインウェーブ研究所
    16. 孤独アンテナ
    17. 怪獣のバラード
    19. Family Complex
    20. 虎馬BOX 2008-2012
    21. 極秘 (I have 極秘2 I need 1)
    22. 僕の絵には命がない
    23. 鬼畜啓発セミナァ 2
    24. 予感/【KR】cube
    25. DRAIN AWAY(Cover)/embryo(Cover)
    26. PV集その①
    27. PV集その②
    28. 『凡ての凶人は天国へ向かう』会場&通販限定 購入特典音源
    29. 2011年8月12日@江坂MUSE 単独公演処女喪失映像 
    30. 当 壱
    31. 当 弐
    32. pretty much any 無料配布ディスク (they gave A LOT out from 2012 to 2013) unless it has a different song than the ones I already have, I'm not so interested in these any more


  11. @Platy no worries i understand what you meant. there were rumors they'd go major but they signed with timely which is still indies. I'm still a bit worried about what the label means for them


    @Saishu glad to hear you liked them! tbh they were the first band in a while to get me so excited too when I first got into them. 

    I don't blame you on the ballad--tbh i get pretty bored with ballads in general lmao


    i'm still so pumped for the new mini-album 
    it reminds me of their earlier work which is still my favorite
    i think the original 12 songs are still my favorite songs in general of theirs 



    I'm shamelessly mentioning this everywhere but I have two extra copies of Shitai Dake Desho? Type B that I'm looking to sell lol
    If anyone is interested let me know

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