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Posts posted by anakuro

  1. if you're talking about my translations then...I never translated them all. I think it was somewhere in the middle of the kowai kurai mini-album that I stopped but they're here.

    Since @CCXXVIII requested the lyrics for shitai dake desho? I'm going to type them up on there soon I think but lately I only write the kanji for the songs. 

  2. 5 hours ago, CCXXVIII said:

    oh wow what would i give to have reiya's art hAHAHAHA 


    anyway, they're releasing a new single 【雨に殺される】 on may 25!

    lol reiya's the one i'm just like nahhh about :') he's really popular though so it's not difficult for me to get rid of anything reiya related...lol


    yeah i actually mentioned it before. It's actually a minialbum!:


    On 4/14/2016 at 11:56 AM, anakuro said:

    I'm surprised that 雨に殺される is going to be released so soon after their single

    It's a concept mini-album with the theme of rain, lol. That's far from surprising with them...

    but i don't think anyone really noticed. 

    I'm waiting to hear about in stores before I decide where to grab it from. 

    Incidentally @doombox we forgot to work out how much it'd be + MJO's single so uh guess you'll just have to paypal me later lol




    1 hour ago, yakihiko said:

    Nice look, Somehow this remind me Belmosaic xD

    oh really? why does it remind you of Belmosaic??



    re: the look

    the black rain? is so distracting for me lol

    and then i'm not used to Roji's hair being so short (I mean, besides from a million years ago)

  3. 21 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    You should share some of their wrtiting lol I'd love to see that.

    share whose writing? my students?? 

    I mean from my previous job I do have a couple photos of my elementary school students' stuff but I can't really show my current students' handwriting for a lot of reasons but the biggest one being I don't have any samples...at all.


    @Dictators_Circus is that really how you write all the time?? it seems like it would take forever o_o; then again my handwriting is so messy it's hard for me to imagine someone just naturally having handwriting like that ha

  4. @smilesxchibi nope no compilation really. though a lot of the older songs have newer versions but tbh a lot of the CDs are starting to sell out or are sold out so even the nationwide releases are getting harder to get a hold of, it seems. Though they do have quite a few of them for sale at their merch table still I think


    @Biopanda tbh gay beach is one of the ones I still haven't been able to get my hands on lol 

    If you were to find it now it'd probably be like 7000. MJO's used CD prices are inflated like crazy. I got sakuragaoka for like 2300 yen a year ago and it's now 5400. 

  5. I think on MH shinitai is pretty popular tbh

    Just not with the three of us haha


    Lol right. I love the eyes in his picture. 

    Too bad I only got one picture otherwise I would have sold one or something. I don't need two masterpieces :')

  6. yeah i think he's just REALLY COLD to me because he knows he doesn't have to try lol
    I'm one of the few fans who has stuck with them from 始動 (I mean, even before that because Belmosaic) to now so he has 0 fears of losing me as a fan tbh
    He's a lot more friendly when we speak english though so i just don't..japanese...with him.....

    But no seriously 99% of our interactions is him saying "thnx" and that being it so you see why I get frustrated with him :') 


    I would tell him but the things is I have like no opportunities to talk to him at the moment and I'm sure I'll forget lol... My friend also thinks I'll break his kokoro if I tell him that he fucked up. And we all remember the last time someone told him that his English was wrong (or well "it's okay you can speak Japanese") --or if you don't remember it, she told him that and he pretty much wouldn't let on to me that he likes English for like even a year after that www



    yeah i honestly can't remember 桜の街??
    but I do agree in general I like this release more than 死にたい

  7. I haven't had much time to listen (mostly, I've been marathoning BONES with and more recently without @doombox lol) but I've felt quite positive towards the single. I really like the title track--probably what I like the most. kanashii nara te wo tatakou is good but I still feel really iffy about them copying? mimicking? making fun of? another band. The third song I only heard once though lol


    And as for the best of album I still think I prefer the originals & the last song on it (the new one) isn't as gripping for me as it seems to be fore like everyone else. Like girls were crying when it was played live???? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



    Incidentally I recently went to their shusai and did kuji and this is what I got (well actually I had to trade the reiya stuff I got......)


    lmao @ Roji's art skills
    lmao @ "drumer" 



    I'm surprised that 雨に殺される is going to be released so soon after their single

    It's a concept mini-album with the theme of rain, lol. That's far from surprising with them...

  8. On 1/26/2016 at 0:27 PM, Thats not hep hap said:

    I went to the closet child in Shinjuku and I wasn't sure whether or not to buy that live dist. because it was like 2000yen+ and I was shopping for some Nocturnal Bloodlust stuff. What's the difference between the album version and the live dist. version?

    sorry for not getting back to you sooner i didn't see this until now

    the composition is quite different but i'm not sure how to describe it. personally, i like the older version a lot more. the newer version wouldn't be so bad i guess if you didn't hear the original version? it sounds like a bad cover of the original. It's too ~cleaned up~~ and trying to fit in closer to their newer style and the vocals are just..lol. It's pretty obvious SACCI doesn't want to be singing it--when they played it live he'd half ass it then too. The chorus part is very true to the original part and that's also when SACCI also tries when singing it


    Anyway I can't believe they're gone.
    It feels like a huge part of my passion for VK was extinguished with them going away...
    I wish I had been able to go to the last live but that's life.

  9. In the status previews on the main page they seem to cut off for longer statuses, you see more than one from the same user (which isn't so bad unless someone is spamming or something.... but kind of a pain because of my next point) and there is no "see more" so you can't just easily scroll through a list of statuses like we could before.

    Also, I hope that when they come back the headers don't take up too much space, given that the header scrolls with us down the page now...

    Will icon previews of the most recent poster come back? 

  10. yeah 今宵は鬱くしい was released back in August at the two man with Shellmy--sold for only one day.

    I need to give 気持ち悪いほど晴れた空をペンキで塗り潰した more of a listen. But I am quite pleased with their newest release--I honestly like したいだけでしょ? more than 死にたい probably and possibly 雪時計 too. but I haven't had much time to listen recently so that's liable to change. So far I'm feeling pretty positive towards it though. 

  11. @yakihiko 

    they are definitely a band that is better live than recorded. I was hoping the recording quality would improve once they joined terakoya but it's not really noticeably different to me lol...

    The fluffy thing is a fan with feathers on it :) It's quite fun actually! But I am too lazy to bring it most of the time lately (plus I hate having to carry around 839579382 things for MJO)



    Yep! He makes it a point to tell everyone and their father that he! is! gay! :')

    And namamushi is a woman too



    You're not my father!!! 

    But no seriously I will...eventually..I just have so much to listen to out of my current stuff (I haven't even listened to XAA-XAA's newest release all the way through) and doombox was staying with me for two weeks and also I just want to jam to proxyon so you see my problem here. also i need to work on my sandwich collection first....

    I have heard one Codomo A song though!! And well I saw matsutake works so that counts right...........


    I'm more surprised that Sandwich was signed to Starwave lmao


    there's a couple yuugure songs on youtube actually

    but i think you have those songs already anyway? 

    I haven't listened to the hal the strange stuff yet though



    yeah a lot of the older stuff is hard to get a hold of and some of the stuff in the past few years is starting to go out of print. Most of the singles etc on puresound go for like 5000 yen and distributes are like 2000. I have sunk a lot of money into this band and i started buying when they weren't so expensive.... and I'm still missing about 20~30 things by my count..



    yeah there were a few things uploaded a long time ago, right? 未来予想図X and 凡ての凶人は天国へ向かう。 I think ??

    Well I do think the animation ones were relatively serious but yeah in general their PVs have been not so terribly serious--but that's just how the band is haha. Despite the depressing lyrics they're always joking around etc. Yeah I definitely think they were poking fun at themselves (and also joking because lol even the goth loli nuidemo's PV wasn't super serious..i mean just look at the ending). 

    I might check it out!! I'm pretty sure my MJO collection isn't going to be growing any time soon I might as well start branching out to hal the strange. 


    I like Sandwich de 120pun? A lot and when I saw Matsutake Works I enjoyed what they played--I think it was mostly Codomo A.. 

  12. thanks for the recommendations!!


    lol yeah hal does that. he often makes a B-line for me to try to make me sing for him (mostly because he knows i don't want to). i need to make a list of songs he makes people sing for him so people can be prepared to run lmao



    omg the SE is my favorite SE out of all the bands i've ever seen. it's so catchy and fun and with namamushi's part you get to freak out non-freaks ("freaks" are what the fans are called)

  13. @duwang

    Oh man I love DIVE 4 U it just makes me so happy to hear it live. And when we do tesensu we face the person beside us and so it's just like everyone's all smiles at that part. But yeah HaL's stage antics are A+++ I love watching him. 

    I should look into Metronome. Everyone keeps telling me things that make them seem like a band I'd enjoy.. 

    Tbh, I started with MJO and worked backwards but for kibouya I only ever really listened to that one song. I like sandwich de 120pun & matsutake works though..



    long live bleep bloop \m/

    you're the reason I even paid any attention to MJO at all lol 


    I've never really listened to the solo stuff tbh. I do have a 夕暮ちんどん一家 cd though which is a wild ride



    I understand the feelings with 犬or人間 it's fun live but that's about it. They play it too much live though...

    I'm not sure you'll like them and doombox is pretty skeptical too because of the electronic elements to the songs. 

    Here are some songs that are on youtube:



    yeah? I actually haven't listened to hal's solo stuff yet but I recommend checking out MJO. A few other users have uploaded quite a few songs on youtube too that you can check out pretty easily...

    i'm not exactly sure what you mean by "bloopy pvs" though ? 



    I love that song too. 

    You can find quite a bit on youtube--a couple of users have uploaded a decent amount of songs. The problem with MJO is they have maybe 40+ releases/cds with songs on them and on top of that a bunch of free distributes floating around that even I don't have all of their stuff. 

    Their CDs are being sold second hand for crazy prices, too... This is one of those ultimate "holy shit rarezz" bands

  14. ohh right! I helped a friend with chikehatsu for that. I wish I could go the line up looks so good :')

    Yeah I feel you re: money.... I'll be running from work after 5/22 so I hope I make it in time for them that day orz 

    Good luck! yuubin furikae isn't so difficult but many people are pretty intimidated with it. If you have any questions regarding it feel free to ask me!!



    I'm also curious what people's favorite things about MJO are? Like what draws you to the band?
    For me it was first that the lives were so fun, but now I love the difference between the upbeat/catchy sound to the songs and the downright depressing lyrics. HaL's lyrics are some of my fav in VK.

    And his vocals have improved so much in the three years I've been following them--you're probably going to be blown away on the 24th by the difference from the last time you saw them, duwant

  15. Oh? When are you seeing them?
    I am pretty sure I'm going to go to 5/6 to see them at paradigm, then 5/22 (if I make it in time) at...MUSE? & 6/2 at MUSE. I have HaL's bday off but they haven't announced his bday oneman live yet....


    Man I loooove 鳥人間たかし as well too, 少女、時々 雨。, 救SAY ヰヱス, うた歌い筆を折って, 器用で不器用な女の話, 器用で不器用な男の話, ヰらない子, and like a million others oops



    oh my god they have like 100+ things if you include all the free distributes right? lmao

    Glad to hear you'll be grabbing it :D

  16. I'm glad I converted you to my little cult! 

    They're such a joy to follow....despite the 5000 rarez :'))) 

    If anyone is selling MJO just you know let me know lmao


    So new single, Shisshin to be released on May 4th for 1200yen:

    01フライングヒューマノイド / Flying Humanoid
    02盛者が殺しにやってくる / Shousha ga koroshi ni yattekuru
    03桐島、人間やめるってよ。 / kirishima, ningen yameru tte yo. (this is a rerecording? of a song they have on a previous omnibus)
    04足元ばかり見ている / ashimoto bakari miteiru
    I'm pretty stoked for it!!
    I love kirishima and am curious to hear the new songs!
    What are your favs from previous releases?

  17. CZzSj5_VAAEDzOL.jpg



    VOCALOID: 栗山"HaL"ヰヱス / Kuriyama "HaL" Yes -- TwitterAmeba
    GUITAROID: 緇屋"ゆっけ"ノラ / Kuroya "YUKKE" nora -- Twitter

    BASSOID小川"ホンコン"小太郎 / Ogawa "Hong Kong" Kotaro -- Twitter

    DRUMUSHI: 横田"生虫"ヒカルソン / Yokota "Namamushi" Hikaruson -- TwitterAmeba



    ■Minus Jin-Say Orchestra (The Main Body*)■
    Live concerts are self-enlightenment seminars.
    We conform to the teachings of The Most Earnest Faith (素っ頓教)
    and we perform like a small athletic meet.
    Hitting on the technique of otakus, we dance with feathered fans.

    We do it with short plays,
    With members who do things in the spur of the moment,

    And with a variety of chaos, and so on. 

    Unintentionally, tofu also goes flying (during our seminars). 
    roughly translated from their bio via their OHP


    *There are also a few alter egos/side projects such as:

    1. 夕暮ちんどん一家 (yuugure chindon ikke) -- shironuri cyber disco music
    2. 電脳ビニィル (denno vinyl) -- HaL & Tomo double composer concept
    3. HaL tHe StRaNgE -- HaL's solo project



    OHP (I recommend using the mobile version, it's the one that's updated...sometimes)

    Official Twitter || Terakoya Twitter

    YouTube (PVs, live videos, off shots, etc)

  18. i'm surprised to see people keep track of it so much. 

    i've had favs, retweets, replies to tweets and DMs from various bandmen but i don't remember them that much.


    I remember more when they post a picture of a present I gave them or something like that. 
    Probably the best instance of that was when i wrote a note to syuma on napkins and he posted it and all the gya were like "wow this person's a genius"


    one time i did make a boob joke and sacci retweeted it though lmao

  19. tumblr_o4ceh4gn9P1qa6dkxo1_540.jpg

    My last Souiumono cheki purchases (at least...at souiumono lives)

    My three files are almost full...just two slots are open (and I gave two cheki to a friend today SLIGHT REGRET but i love her so it's okay)
    I got an atari so now I have a signed poster too....


    edit here's the poster


    Nuppe wrote OSK for Osaka since that's where the live was tonight

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