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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. I mainly listen to female vocalists but I don't really have a preference, as long as the artist does it right. That is to say that I don't pay attention whether it's a man or a woman but rather if I like the song or not.
  2. I know I'm late but I checked out the new Darkspace album and holy shit, it literally blew me away. Magisterial and majestic. 10/10 Favorite track: Dark 4.19
  3. Visutox

    Started watching Sidonia no Kishi and Yowamushi no Pedal and I'm really enjoying both of them so far.
  4. Exactly, and that’s why he’s leaving. His past interviews suggest that basically MGS2 was meant to be the last Metal Gear game in which he’s involved but he was constantly being forced to come back since the team started working on the new games (actually this happened with MGS3 but I wouldn't be surprised if it had happened with MGS4 and MGSV as well). He cares about the concept and kept getting involved because he wanted to make sure people understand the messages/story and stuff.
  5. Could this be the reason behind Kojima's leaving? I mean, back in 2008 we all heard after the release of MGS4 that it was the last of the series, but then MGS V was announced. Logically, a game with a lot of success and such fandom will allow you to earn a lot and a company such as Konami is likely to take benefit of it. But the Metal Gear Solid series has to come to an end one day or another, both Kojima and Konami know it, except one of them who clearly doesn't want such thing to happen. But then again, I'm only theorizing. I too cannot imagine a Metal Gear game without Kojima being involved into it.
  6. https://uk.games.konami-europe.com/posts/Notification-Regarding-METAL-GEAR-SOLID-V-THE-PHANTOM-PAIN
  7. Visutox

    1. DMX (42) 2. Acid Black Cherry (41) 3. -OZ- (32)
  8. Visutox

    More people following the UCL out there? Here are the UCL quarter finals draw, just in case: No English teams this time, I thought that the EPL was the best championship in Europe. The most easy draw was clearly for Juventus, the other matches will be tough for both sides (yes, I think that even Bayern will struggle against Porto). PSG are capable to go through to the next stage, same for Atlético. Interesting draws, would have been even more interesting if it was Juve v Bayern and Porto v Monaco. The three Spanish teams are big contenders to win the trophy (RM and AM having reached the final last season, and Barça are strong currently), could say the same concerning PSG and Bayern. Hope we'll get some surprises though.
  9. Visutox

    Apocalypto - 8.5/10 Amazing movie. Everything in it is great, and you can feel the struggle of the main character throughout the whole film. A well shot movie for sure. And yeah, the morality of the story is worthy to spend time thinking about it. I also re-watched Ichi The Killer, good film.
  10. Visutox

    Kendrick's new album is great. I really enjoyed it, good stuff. Though the midsection of the album is a bit weak in comparison to how well the album starts with Wesley's Theory, but all in all it's a good album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbGCvguua1U That bass though.
  11. Visutox

    I'm glad that the song "doesn't represent the musical style of Graveward" but "the ONLY fast song"? I'm kinda disappointed.
  12. Gonna wait to see how things evolve, if he's going to join somewhere else or make another decision... Would be surprised if he goes independent though. Whatever, I'm pretty sure this will be the very last MGS game (or not). In the meantime.
  13. Looks like Kojima is leaving Konami.

    1. Tetora


      Konami as a brand lost a lot of its equity, and Kojima studios is a brand that is earlier in the life cycle as well as more meaningful to today's audience. It seems like Konami is trying to absorb Kojima's value into the Konami brand name, not sure if this lead to issues between them.

    2. kyoselflove


      Kojima is to superior.

  14. Vote for giru's new look! http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%82%AE%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%A1%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5/+images/103904095
  15. Visutox

    Count me as third maybe. Oh lawd, these previews sound so fucking epic!
  16. Visutox

    nice~ [2] Congrats to them!
  17. I also wonder what could have been the cause of the injury. Anyways, I wish him a quick recovery!
  18. Yes, boring is the right word. GET MORE!! was miles better.
  19. Holy shit, new Dødheimsgard album sounds AMAZING. Left me speechless, superb album. 10/10
  20. Visutox

    Fucking yes, that spot is amazing.
  21. Visutox

    It might be good. I mean, I hope it will.
  22. Well, at least we know they still talk to each other. That's nice.
  23. Hope that someone has already heard of this band, namely Pantheion. A melodic/black metal band from Germany, and I don't find another thing to say except that they're true geniuses. They have released a few records before this one but seemingly they cannot be found on the internet. Whatever, The Faustian Disciplines is nothing but a fantastic album and pretty much every song on it are the epitome of perfection. The concept of the album, the cover art, the atmosphere...This album is highly recommended. I listened to this album many times now but I just can't get enough of it. Here are two samples off the album, my fav ones. But as I said, every song on the album is worthy of your time. These guys certainly have awesome references. And it's sad to see that such a good band goes unnoticed, they deserve more attention.
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