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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Visutox

    The only conclusion you can make when you listen to "THE OMNIGOD" and then to "ABSOLUTE SENSES" is that Gaku is a fuckin genius, a smart guy. I know he isn't a HYS member (only live-support) but still, leaving NB was one of the best decisions he ever made in his fucking life. Sorry for that off-topic but I had to say it. Now, talking about this new release: THE OMNIGOD is not a bad album, but it lacks something that normally makes me say "I really enjoyed this shit". I didn't feel anything. GENESIS actually has an atmosphere that I really enjoy, and except 1 or 2 more songs, the rest is lyrically and musically bland. The album has its few good parts, but overall it is really disappointing. It's a shame since I expected more from NB. But hey, at least the album artwork is awesome. My rating:
  2. Visutox

    There's no problem, don't worry. You tried to find a solution and that's already something, so thanks again!
  3. Visutox

    Thanks for your answer. I tried and when I plug the cable in the other way, the left side doesn't work and the right side remains inaudible in any case. Gonna go back to the store and change the product, hopefully it will work. If not, I'll have no choice than to buy new headphones.
  4. Visutox

    Hi guys. I have a Razer Electra and recently my cat cut both of the cables that came with the headphones. I bought a new cable (Caliber cable series, 3.5mm) but the problem is that only the left audio output does roughly work. What could be the problem? The cable? The headphones? Is the cable not appropriate or something? Thanks in advance.
  5. Visutox

    No Man's Sky looks so interesting, definitely gotta keep an eye on it. Concerning Naruto, I hope that we will get a NEW game this time and not an nth update/DLC. It would be great to have a more innovative fight system, new and better combos, a new way to live the story throughout the game. I always had the feel that the combos in the Naruto games are so simple, there's no difficulty and therefore, no pleasure that lasts over the length. Whatever, I won't play to any new Naruto game as long as I haven't finished watching the anime, or at least, as long as I won't be up to date.
  6. I never liked DARK FUNERAL and this new song annoyed me. Plus, do not forget to mention that the music video is one of the most useless made in black metal and this year. Only the audio or a lyric video would have been "better" imo. And it seems like they have a new vocalist? He does not help much. Btw, I've been spinning too much Vader's latest album during the last few weeks. It's so good. Also tried Fen's new album, and I really don't know what to think about it. Listened it while doing some stuff for uni and I couldn't enjoy it properly, so I gotta give it a second listen. I remember it was good but I felt like it lacked something, or probably I wasn't in the mood for that kind of stuff. Anyway, gonna give a more concrete opinion when I'll be done with it.
  7. Visutox

    I really like these weird album artworks.
  8. I've been waiting for the review of witness to be posted and finally, here it is. Better late than never! Clearly one of the best albums released this year, my expectations were very high and I haven't been disappointed. In any case, disclosure left me such a good impression with its chaotic atmosphere even before the album was released, and the album just confirmed that these guys know what they're doing; and they're doing it right.
  9. Visutox

    ^ Thanks for the translation. See, told ya.
  10. Visutox

    Great news. I also guess she's a support member, given that nothing has been made official yet.
  11. Visutox

    The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - As expected, a great movie. This film is mainly made of epic scenes, which are all totally enjoyable (despite the fact that some of them are kinda short). A 3rd part that concludes Bilbo Baggins' adventures with flourish. The visual effects are mindblowing, as always, the sequence of events take place in a comprehensible way and overall it is really well done. In short, a film that is worth to be watched at the movies. I'm looking forward the extended edition to come out and hopefully it will have 30 minutes of extra-scenes. Peter Jackson and his team really did a good job during the last few years with the three movies, I congratulate them. The Other Guys - Boredom was killing me before I started watching this movie, and it really helped me. I spent a good moment even if this film is clearly not a masterpiece, still funny. Also, it's kinda disappointing that Dwayne Johnson doesn't figure as a main character, but whatever. I guess it's better like that. Just Go with It - Watched it yesterday night. Adam Sandler (not a bad producer, btw) and Jennifer Aniston are two actors that I really appreciate and as I had nothing to watch, I decided to go ahead with this movie. I enjoyed it, not boring at all and it's a decent romantic comedy film imo. I think I could watch it again and it'd still be funny.
  12. Visutox

    Crows Explode - Kinda disappointed by this one, cool movie without any further. Before watching it I was thinking that the movie was directed by Takashi Miike but as the movie was going on, I automatically concluded that this couldn't be a movie worthy of Sir Takashi (I was true). The film proposes many new faces including some useless characters, and most of them terribly lack of charisma. I've only been captivated by Goura (the coolest one, imo. Sad he hasn't a leading role like Takayuki Yamada in the two first movies), Fujiwara, Hiroki and maybe Gohei. Fights aren't as much numerous and enjoyable as the two previous movies' ones (though they still cool, kinda enjoyable and more realistic than those of CZ I & II). Plus, if Kazeo and Ryohei are supposed to be the successors of Genji and Serizawa respectively (charismatically speaking, of course), then I'd say "what an epic fail, huh". Although the length of the film is of 2 hours, Toshiaki Toyoda couldn't manage to deliver us a good movie as Takashi Miike did with the two previous. By that I mean that the unwinding of events is kinda fucked up, by times I feel like it goes in all directions incomprehensibly. So yeah, the allotted time is not really well managed imo. The OST of this movie is also poor (quantitatively speaking, not qualitatively), thankfully that Blow Your Mind by Dragon Ash is the ending song. The band had to raise the overall level of the movie, jeez. Obviously, I'm just kidding. I never read the manga before but if ever it's possible, I really hope that a 4th movie will come out (especially to see what happens with Rindaman). All in all, a decent movie but clearly not a worthy successor of the two past. Still, I recommend you to watch it to have your own opinion about it. The film is actually kinda enjoyable if you don't pay attention to the mentioned details. Crows Explode is the kind of movie that especially gives me an urge to watch Crows Zero I & II so that I can remember that these two movies were actually awesome, and why this 3rd one is not that good. Btw, I'm just gonna leave this here. Dragon Ash for the fucking win!! The Great Gatsby (2013) - Good film. It wasn't easy for me to get into the movie but with the minutes it really captivated me and I really liked the story. Haven't read the book but this adaptation is certainly a good one. This movie has the kind of background that I really enjoy, sad that in a part of the movie the OST ruined the atmosphere I was slowly getting into (yes, I am referring to those rap/hip-hop songs). Nothing more to say except that it's a good movie that despite not being a masterpiece, this movie is enjoyable.
  13. Visutox

    Good news, I hope that this time they will take some risks and deliver us something fresh and awesome. OOR never disappoints (me) anyway.
  14. Visutox

    Kinda, yeah. I have nothing against the character but at the same time I honestly think that it's somewhat exaggerated for such game (you might say that a game having a Panda or a Kangaroo as fighters on it could make everything else look normal, but yeah). There are some cute characters on Tekken but this one is really from another level above, I feel like she has no place in the game. Still, the fact that she will be added in Tekken 7 doesn't bother me at all. Of course, as long as some new DECENT characters are announced. That's so good. lol I'm really wondering what should we expect concerning that "idea"... Btw, to have a better preview of the graphics, a new video of the game has been uploaded turning at 60FPS. Knowing that the graphics are around 70-80% of their power (according to Tekken's programmer, in Harada's tweet), I think that's pretty good overall. We can easily notice a graphical refinement in the fighters. The first thing which leaps to the eyes (or at least, to my eyes) is the sweat, new graphical detail that is finally here. Seeing it for the first time in-game looks kinda weird (not awful or anything) so I need to get used to it, which will be a matter of time.
  15. ^ Thanks for that link, it's working perfectly. Well, it's not bad at all but omg, they've changed a lot since the last time I listened one of their songs. I don't think they'll start doing good stuff, especially knowing that they're on PS COMPANY. But hey, we never know.
  16. ^ I don't agree with you on one point. What if people who liked that post (including me) might have found it funny, without necessarily agreeing with it? So from now on, I want these buttons on MH: "I agree", "I disagree", "I find it funny" and "Not funny" so that we'll stop trying to interpret the meaning of a button... C'mon, this is ridiculous. Both of them are wrong about what they've said, one posted a pointless comment of what he wants the band to do and the other one felt offended by those words. And that's all. Not a big deal, huh? Let's try to stay on topic and stop bullshitting about pointless stuff, ffs.
  17. Visutox

    The Wolf Of Wall Street - According to what my surroundings told me about this movie, I was expecting something amazing and I'm disappointed. I don't get all the excitement there was concerning this movie... This was just good, without any further. Though it was really fun, I kinda enjoyed it. I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - First of all, gotta say I haven't seen the original movie from 1978. And guess that's the next movie in my "to watch list", after the 2nd movie released in 2013. Going back the 2010 one, it's a decent movie. The storyline is kinda interesting but imo this one isn't enough elaborated to make of it a masterpiece. The thing is that events take place so quickly and in the blink of an eye, I find myself at the end of the movie. But all in all, a good movie if boredom is killing you.
  18. Here's a gameplay of Metal Gear Online (60 FPS!!). http://youtu.be/61cqE53jbOc Looks to be so fucking awesome, can't wait anymore. I've been missing playing MGO since they turned off the servers of MGO on MGS4. My hype level is over 9000. Btw, that selfie tho.
  19. Visutox

    The graphics details are indeed so good. Damn, already the 4th game and I never played to the past ones. I really need to start the Uncharted saga asap '-' But sadly I need to save some money the next year for other stuff. Too bad that there isn't a PS3 emulator to enjoy all the games I have never been able to play.
  20. Visutox

    New Tekken 7 character has been anounced - behold, Lucky Chloe. shitty name if you ask me but whatever So kawaii. Nah seriously, I like her. She seems to have some cool combos and yeah, the design is not bad. Though I'm still waiting for a total fucking badass fighter to be announced. So there are 3 new fighters already, I guess and hope that 3 more will be added. ____________________________________________________________________ Now going to Street Fighter's side, the 5th game has been announced as Street Fighter V (exclusive to PS4 & PC). Looks great to me. Can't wait to see more.
  21. Visutox

    That's a superb song.
  22. Sad news... I hope everything will be all right for Sala and the band. I personally don't want the band to split up, definitely not. But if ever they disband and Ice (or Eros, whatever) sums up the activities of XodiacK then it would probably be the most useful disband ever seen in the VK scene. And of course, as long as Ice (or Eros) doesn't decide to turn XodiacK into a BGFNS 2.0. There again, do not think that I'm wishing BGFNS to split up because that would be a misconception of my comment. Anyway, I hope that the band will manage to hold on.
  23. Me neither, can't play them... You too, say no to racism.
  24. Sure, if I find the right person! 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Them epic emoticons tho. But currently that is not my main concern tbh.
  25. Visutox

    Sounds good to me.
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