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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Just look at Ruki and Uruha (especially), damn.
  2. Visutox

    Now that I'm at my 4th listening, I can say that 35xxxv is a good album. I was kinda like "meh" after my 1st listening but it has really grown on me since then. Y'all guys saying OOR's trying to sound like western bands, wasn't it the case already before? Their sound started changing since Nicheシンドローム relatively but in all cases, they've always had that Americanized sound if I may say so. I'm not feeling like they're trying hard to sound like any other shit or something, I just have the feel that they do their best to sound as awesome as they always did. They have always done it right. And with regard to the big amount of songs sung in English, everyone can have their own opinion, but it's a shame to sum up the very essence of OOR's music to the language. Taka is a fantastic vocalist, so let's just enjoy his amazing talent regardless of the language he chooses to sing in. Now speaking more concretely about the new album, as I said, it's a good one for sure. Btw, good review, ! I agree in all points except concerning Suddenly, not that it's not a weak one, but I feel like the whole album keeps an invariable level all the way through. From the first track to the thirtieth, I have enjoyed each track the same way (though I still have doubts including Paper Planes). They are all good and that's what makes the album seem a bit short, as @allisapp pointed out in the following quote. A very relevant point and almost a totally neglected one. All in all, OOR delivered a good album. I'm joyfully looking forward to see what this band will become in the future! And yeah, before I forget, I consider that you just overrated the album, . I'd give it more like a 7/10, but that's just my very absolute and incontestable opinion. As for Paper Planes, I consider that everything concerning the song has been said in this section of the review so I'm just gonna quote it as well.
  3. Visutox

    Decent enough, but could have been better if the song was shorter. I know this band since they formed but I never followed them closely, I just tried one or two songs from them long ago but I forgot how it sounds. I also saw that (more than?) half of the band departed, and now that I listen to this new song I find that it's a shame since the vocalist (at least) seem to be pretty talented. Or, in other words, with a lots of potential. Could have lead to a good result. BUT, it's not over yet and they still can find new members and why not rise (again?) for good.
  4. Don't worry, I didn't question what you said. I posted that because she doesn't look mixed to me, that's why. Sorry if you didn't understand it that way, maybe the gif isn't the most appropriate.
  5. Best wishes to this legend. I hope he will recover quickly, these kind of things are never a small matter.
  6. I like the new the default font.

    1. Zeus


      you're welcome? although it's quite by accident and I don't know how to reverse it yet so everybody is stuck with it for better or worse. :)

    2. kyoselflove


      It makes me feel blinder.

    3. Visutox


      @Zeus: May you never find the way to reverse it. ☺

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  7. The video is no longer available. Btw, it breaks my heart when I see the track-list of that best-of. I mean, DEG's new album had 16 tracks on it. It is sad to see that a good/decent Visual Kei band can last enough to release a best-of with 16 tracks only.
  8. Visutox

    Omg yesss! Solid stuff which only proves that they're still inspired, kick ass. Can't wait to listen that new album! And yeah, the video is awesome.
  9. Wow that's indeed really impressive, especially for Archgoat. Fucking tune mate! Reminds me that I still have to check out the new album.
  10. I love it! It's a great way to connect even further with the MH community! 。^‿^。. But it has also allowed me to discover some great music during the few times I logged in. The ambiance there is always awesome and it's so fun, I wish I could spend more time on plug.dj if only I had more free time. But as I have a week of holidays, it may be the occasion for me to log in more often!
  11. Surprisingly awesome, I wonder why did I never heard about 'em. It's sad how the most amazing bands are always the most overlooked ones... Although Dødheimsgard seem to be quite well known. But whatever. They remind me Solefald for their avant-garde/experimental-ish side, and Aphelion Void is a 15:14 minutes track of pure enjoyment, I could say the same concerning the tracks you posted (Traces of Reality is tremendous). It looks like a great night to get into their entire discography and get lost into there, enjoying their amazing talent.
  12. Visutox

    I have listened to Élan several times now and yeah, I still like it but the song's weakness remains in the monotony. I mean, besides the fact that the song is kinda uninspired and sounds generic, the refrain comes after the verse almost without power. As a result, there is nothing to surprise the listener as the song has few variations and overall it is so predictable (and that's what makes it somewhat boring). In this regard, the alternative version is way better. Sagan is not bad, but it has a lot of flaws too. So overall the single could have been better. Anyway I just hope that they have picked an album filler to release this single. In which case we still can hope for an interesting album and if it's not so, well then. My score:
  13. Visutox

    I like Élan, even if I think that the song could have been better. Floor Jansen is awesome.
  14. Visutox

    I enjoy watching some NBA matches occasionally (yeah, because it's really difficult to adapt yourself to the US schedule when you're living in Europe). I also follow European football (UCL) and some championships like EPL, La Liga and Bundesliga very often. I don't support any team in particular but I have my favorites in each country.
  15. Visutox

    Great review, Jig! I had to try VITIUM in order to forget Lycaon's new horrendous thing as it's been a week since it has been released. Well, it is difficult to give a full review after one listening, so I'm gonna quote a few points in which I agree with OP and some people around here (even if everyone seems to agree on almost all points, haha). Just going to say that I'm almost tempted to give this album a 10/10, but it would be seen as a subjective note (yet it would still be legit to give VITIUM such score). I think this sentence sums up VITIUM so well. Same here, especially since there are albums which are qualified as such despite having a length being inferior to VITIUM's one. This. Maybe, but what's sure is that they have shown us they can deliver us quality, be it a full-length or a mini. And that's enough for me. And yeah, guess we all agree concerning the length of VITIUM. I think that it's all about balance. IMMORTALIS is a fantastic album but at the same time it has a lot of tracks that last between 4 to 5 minutes and that's what makes the album difficult to assimilate imo. It's like having an 4 hour Physics lesson with a lot of information to deal with, you need time to revise your lesson in order to finally get some points you missed at first, and stuff (sorry for the lame example). So yeah, in my opinion the problem with IMMORTALIS is really simple and it's called balance. And I'm glad that sukekiyo fixed it with VITIUM.
  16. Visutox

    I love this woman so much, she's amazing, and I love her music. Her albums are awesome. As the new album has leaked, I'm going to try it asap. If I like it, I'm definitely going to order it.
  17. marionette, 君を壊すガラスの衝動, Rogue, 馬鹿ね。, メランコリック and ジプシー are kind of listenable but overall it's an awful album.
  18. Visutox

    Here comes my contribution to this topic. Raised Fist - From The North A very brief introduction for those who don't know this band: "Raised Fist is a Swedish hardcore band formed in 1993, Luleå, Sweden." A great release from Raised Fist, they never disappoint. Love at first listen. Not even a track deserves to be unnoticed, it is really awesome. Almost all the songs are really catchy, the one I prefer the most is Chaos. But as I said, all the tracks are really good and overall the album is a real success. Highly recommended for hardcore/punk fans. Listen to the full album here. Toundra - (IV) Another brief introduction: "Toundra is a post-rock/post-metal/instrumental band from Madrid, Spain, formed in 2007." I discovered Toundra near the end of last year, and after listening all of their stuff, I can say that this new release may be classified as their 2nd best work (behind (III)). To me, this band has everything to be an awesome and not-boring instrumental band. They proved it with (IV) which is a sensational album. It's ambiental, relaxing and yet can be aggressive. You can feel a harmony between all the instruments through your listen, which makes this album even better. I don't have a favorite track yet (only listened to this album 3 or 4 times only) but I'm going to drop here the promotional video for the album posted on YouTube: Kitsune. I could have chosen the song "Viesca" but sadly I haven't found a studio version of that song on YT. Basically, a band that I recommend you if you like instrumental stuff. Full album not available on YT. Colibra – Damnatio Memoriae These guys are newcomers (awesome ones, btw). I don't know when they formed (last year for sure) but I discovered them by coincidence and I really liked their music. They are a Progressive Metal/Alternative Metal band from UK. Their debut album is a good one for sure and it's worth giving it a try, reason here. The album overall is superb, and even if it has its flaws, it's still a good one. Full album not available on YT. That's it for me. These three albums released in January are the ones (among those that I listened) that I recommend you to listen to. You won't regret it, in principle.
  19. This, basically. I am also really looking forward this release, it might be as awesome as Eternal Turn of the Wheel.
  20. Visutox

    I'll keep an eye on this, I might like it.
  21. Thank you for this post, you reminded me I still have to listen to this. Solefald is a very special band, I discovered 'em with Norrøn livskunst and I've been really impressed by the band's originality and awesomeness. I still have to give a try to the rest of their discography though, which should be nothing but awesome. Gotta try the new album asap!
  22. She's ok? God yesssssss, I'm glad for her!
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