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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Visutox

    ^ Lmfao can't breathe
  2. Visutox

    Completed MGR a few weeks ago and damn, that end boss fight was colossal.
  3. Visutox

    The state of that guy though. Share the whole thing or don't share anything at all... He's teasing everyone, the joke has gone on long enough.
  4. Can't wait, their music is godlike. And as I'm speaking about godlike music, I came across this recently. Behold, 'Repulsion' by 'Der Weg Einer Freiheit' from the new album 'Stellar'. I love how the album honors the title that was given to it. This is very probably going to be in my top 3 albums of the year.
  5. I do both but I read more manga than I watch anime.
  6. Visutox

    The screenshots keep coming, I ain't gonna complain though.
  7. Visutox

    ^ Thanks a lot!
  8. Visutox

    Anybody knows which of these is the right tag on last.fm? ArtemA, アルテマ, ARTEMA.
  9. Visutox

    Overlord - Surprisingly good, wasn't expecting to like it this much. Watched 6 episodes till now.
  10. The video is beautiful, the music is boring and the guy's such a poser. May it be the only weak song from the upcoming album.
  11. Visutox

    Can't the album leak or something already, man
  12. Is there any release date scheduled for that new Cult of Fire album yet? Tried yesterday Disturbed's new album and yeah, the guys are back. Asylum was weak af for my taste so I'm glad they managed to deliver an absolute killer such as Immortalized. I'd easily put it into their top 3 of their discography imo. Also tried out the new Ghost album, decent stuff. I have difficulties to deal with the midsection of the album but the first and third sections are great.
  13. Damn, that music video is genius.
  14. ROTTING CHRIST Begins Recording New Album Fuck yes. Finally.
  15. I just checked out the upcoming metal releases for what remains of the year and there are not that much that interest me, just a few. The new Leprous coming up in 4 days (which might have leaked already, need to go check) the new Paradise Lost for which I have high hopes, the new Dagoba coming up on the 22nd of June and I think that's all. Oh yeah, forgot to mention the new Ghost. There is also a Tolkien Metal band named 'Carn Dûm' who are releasing their self-titled album on the 6th of June. Never heard of them but I might check 'em out. I really hope that Gojira will announce an album to save the year but I'm pretty sure that if ever they release something it will be for 2016. And gonna drop this here just in case you guys haven't checked it out yet: Awesome.
  16. You absolutely need to practice 'em if you want to keep 'em "active in your head", otherwise you're gonna struggle the moment you'll try to speak 'em again. Happened to me with Spanish some years ago since I started speaking only in French once I came to live in Belgium. I had a hard time struggling whenever I met spanish speakers (be it my old friends or random people). Music, movies, social networks and stuff are what helped me to keep using Spanish and English and speak 'em fluently (I use the two others every day so yeah). Forgot to say that I studied Dutch for 10 years but I never managed to make a proper sentence. Would happen the same with German if I tried (even if I dislike it less than Dutch).
  17. Spanish and Maghrebi Arabic (which is a dialect of Arabic spoken in Maghreb, the one I speak is from Morocco) are my native languages, I learned English and French some years later. I speak these languages fluently (except that I need to improve my English). I also plan to learn two or three more languages (I have Arabic, Catalan and Greek in mind). That's all for me.
  18. ^ Good point. Would also mention Megadeth and Orphaned Land main pics. But it's weird, really, because 99% of the official pictures are awful... Must be one dude at work. In that case it would be legit to say he has no taste or even that he's the greatest troll alive. Either way he managed to make some profile pages on the website look like shit, genius. #theorizing I wonder if something will change by flagging those pictures? If so, then we could use this thread to help if something. Anyway. Upvoted and suggested a correction for what you guys posted. Suggest a correction for FAR EAST MENTION MANNEQUINS to FEMM, please.
  19. Visutox

    #tentacles Tekken goes Hentai with the new Yoshimitsu. Harada's gonna have some problems with Warframe imo. Gotta love the look anyway.
  20. Visutox

    Tech N9ne ㅡ Special Effects 7/10 First half score: 9/10 Second half score: 5/10 Good album, could have been better but the problem lies in the second half of the album. That is to say if the album had only the 12 first tracks on it, then it would be a fucking dope one IMO. The second half is not bad but really weak compared to the first one, there are some tracks I really enjoyed though. Anyway this album is worth checking out just because of the 11 or 12 first tracks (8 if we forget the interludes) and especially if you dig Tecca Nina's music. Gonna say it again, just in case: good album. Also gonna drop here my favorite song from the new album, dope shit.
  21. Visutox

    ^ I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. That name change is a good thing imo (no need to press the spacebar anymore).
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