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Posts posted by paradoxal

  1. I decided I could post a few old lolita pics of me. These are from 2009-2011.


    October 2009 when I just got a new jacket!!


    Skirt ♥ Twinkle mermaid in black x pastel by Angelic Pretty

    Jacket ♥ Josefsson

    Shoes ♥ Tea party replicas by Secret Shop



    Tsukicon 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland.

    Bow ♥ BABY, the stars shine bright

    Blouse ♥ Handmade

    JSK ♥ BABY, the stars shine bright

    Shoes ♥ Secret shop



    Blingbling swag lolita in July 2010, probably the hottest day of the summer (~30C) and I just had to wear lolita... You can't imagine how hot I felt with all those motherfucking extensions and gazillion layers of clothing.


    Bow ♥ BABY, the stars shine bright

    Blouse ♥ Bodyline

    Bow in skirt ♥ Angelic Pretty

    Skirt ♥ Sweet-sweet shop

    Everything else is offbrand.




    This is a pretty casual coordination from May 2011 and it's the last time I ever wore lolita ;__;


    Skirt ♥ Angelic Pretty

    Everything else is offbrand.



  2. Ass. I like ass, especially when they're large and round on men. I think men should wear leggings more often, us women want something to stare at too. Or simply attend ballet classes.




    Yes!! I agree with you so much. There's nothing more exciting than a cute round male butt. But it can't be too muscular either. Men's butts are the best. Especially with leggings on.


    Will you be my butt-sister? We could just spend the days watching at men's cute butts. :3 


    lol i noticed you're only 13 days older than me :D

  3. I would've posted the first two myself too :D But did you see the PV preview for Akercock? (Somehow I'm 99% sure that the creator of that vid is in MH.... Please tell me who you are, that video is awesome!)



    This is one of my personal favorites in the category "so bad and weird that it eventually becomes the most awesome thing ever." ASS'n'ARRow ~あすなろ~ FTW!!!


  4. So far I've found quite a few nice bands that I really enjoy listening. Para:noir, DELACROIX and 2nd Dyz are all new to me but I'm digging them really much. They haven't released anything this year though (I think?).

  5. YES 237Q, I'LL KEEP IT COMING! Sorry I was too lazy to take screenshots.


    This is the story of 237Q and Alejandro.


    237q: actually you're right, lycaon would hella suit this wine rn

    paradoxal: some drugs in your pink milk?

    237q: more like gossip with this glass

    237q: it got me into a huge ji.re.n.ma

    paradoxal: but remember to keep jesus in your mind so that you won't end up sucking someone's lollipop

    237q: fuck it i'm still just a miss. evil inside that's the bad one on the psycho party

    237q: gotta take some pain killers with my red rum

    paradoxal: there won't be enough time for love when you're over dosing on psychedelic jelly

    237q: under this mask i'm a sick man actually

    paradoxal: that must be true if you have been playing the death game by eating lilies

    237q: no sorry i was just sucking on alejandro's lollipop, no lillies here, they're in the box in beautiful

    237q: they're too fragile to be out of it

    paradoxal: are you sure mary will let alejandro plug his lollipop into your socket?

    paradoxal: but you can always desire pierrot

    paradoxal: because if you let alejandro plug his lollipop into your socket, it will probably be like a declaration of war towards mary

    paradoxal: i'd say it would be a huge taboo

    237q: ofcourse, get to the end of delusion, darling, mary is never putting up a delaration of war on me

    237q: she's just howling a lot

    237q: but she's restricted by chains of collar

    237q: all 88 of them

    paradoxal: but you should just let things flow and let the royal order decide

    237q: that would be like something a 1st degree genocide holic would do!

    paradoxal: or you should just set alejandro free

    237q: jesus, no!

    paradoxal: because your insanity is the chain which ties you

    paradoxal: and you'd just probably end up having a mad neurosis child

    237q: that would be something you'd gossip about!

    237q: i'll get moser's pistol to kill it

    paradoxal: ofc, i always gossip about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll

    237q: it's because you're sick man!

    paradoxal: will this be the end of [insanity]?

    237q: eros got you with his arrow and stuff

    paradoxal: but next time, remember to take your ID so you and alejandro will have time enough for love

    paradoxal: so that you can flow into the dark with him

    237q: hope i'm not just a nibanme no onna (second girl) for alejandro though

    237q: because my fragile heart would break

  6. The new single 「馬鹿ね。」has been out for a week now. What did you guys think about the single?

    I was really surprised how much I liked it. ドグラマグラ is great! I'm really glad I bought that single.

  7. Am I the only one who's wondering why both One Star and Avidit. have disbanded in such a short time and so close to each others? They are both signed under Shimizuya Records which has also Lycaon and AvelCain. Really hope we won't be hearing any more disbandment news from Shimizuya Records...

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