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Posts posted by paradoxal

  1. I don't want to make this a huge pissing contest or anything, but when Mejibray's Raven was released, it was downloaded during the next few weeks over 1,500 times. I just checked and now it has been downloaded 1,838 times. I haven't seen any other uploads around than mine and I have really checked because that download count was really mindblowing. I don't mind that much that my links get reposted (though reuploading would of course be a lot better), but the amount of people that downloaded that single even though it can be bought very easily was a lot higher than I would've assumed.


    And that single costs a whopping 3,99€ in iTunes Store...

  2. Any ballad from Kagrra would make my list to be honest. But if I had to pick just a few I'd go with the following songs:


    Kagrra - Utakata

    Kagrra - Irodori no Sanka



    But to be honest I tend to be disappointed by ballads on VK albums. I think they often feel very uninspired and unfitting to the rest of the album, and that they're made and included just because it is an "unwritten law" that you have to have at least one ballad on every album. The ballads themself are often very underwhelming and forgettable.


    I agree with you 100%. Utakata is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and actually I agree with you also that usually VK ballads tend to be very disappointing.

    But still I do have some favorites:


    Lycaon - 愛はきらめきの中に ~Acoustic Ver~

    X Japan - Crucify my love (ok this one's cheesy as fuck but it's soo pretty!)

    Para:noir - December 24


    Out of those three my favorite is probably December 24. It's so freaking beautiful.

  3. Welcome to MH! Did you btw catch any Miyavi shows while he was in Europe? I attended his Helsinki concert and was really impressed how great he was (though that was the third Miyavi concert I've been to...)


    Applied physics sound so interesting! :D

  4. I'm studying chemical engineering, my major is process technology and my minor is industrial management. I study in the same technical university as Pretsy, which is the Helsinki university of technology or Aalto University. :D


    I've studied only two years so far and I'll probably get my bachelor's degree in 1,5 years. After that I'll automatically study my master's degree because here in Finland we always study master's degree right after bachelor's. I find it really odd that someone would stop their studies after bachelor's, I'm quite near graduating and I feel like I don't know anything about my field. I wouldn't definitely feel comfortable starting my career with only bachelor's degree.


    ARE YOU ALL RICH? (or am I just too poor?)


    I wish though to spend more money on japanese CDs and rarez once I may get a job and a stable income.


    I think you answered your own question :D If you have a stable income it is very likely you are able to afford to buy a lot of CDs.


    I think that at the moment I'm using probably 50-100€ per month to CDs. Though my only income is my student allowance, I've been using my savings a lot recently...

    But once I really get to start my summer job full time I could easily spend almost 1000€ in CDs per month (without saving anything ofc). Not that I'm really going to do that even though I wanted to, in my opinion that's just insane :D I'll rather save for an apartment of my own and put some money aside for a possible Japan trip in the future or something.


    But I think the thing with affording or not affording to buy CDs is just the matter of prioritizing - how do you personally want to use your money.

  6. Yeah you can just drag the video folder to your computer but I tend to use DVD Decrypter since I had a few problems with that first mentioned method with one DVD, whereas DVD Decrypter has worked for every DVD I've tried so far.


    Yeah that's okay, I'm fairly new to ripping too and I had my fair share of problems with DVDs when I first started. But eventually you will learn, and it's not like anyone here in MH is going to slaughter you for making a few mistakes while ripping sth :D


    But welcome here, and please join the chat sometimes! :3

  7. Yeah, I can try ripping the DVD once I have it! What program did you use for ripping it?

    Yes please, upload the DVD from Akutoku no sakae Hiyuu version! :D And if it's not too much trouble I'd request a .vob rip!


    Well I have uploaded the following releases in ALAC/.VOB and in some cases in 320 kbps too:


    Bara~Rose~ (all types + DVDs)

    Masochist Red Circus (+ limited edition DVD)

    Akutoku no sakae Yuuki ver.


    Declaration of War

    Cordyceps sinensis

    A Box in Beautiful

    Memai/mayaku mayaku ver.

    Royal Order (I'll upload the limited edition DVD probably today)


    That's unfortunately all I have, but I'm pretty sure you have something I haven't already uploaded! :D

  8. Yes!  Lycaon is amazing!  I agree, I haven't really met that many, hehe ^^;  Yes I did, I am slowly building my collection because it is so expensive haha!  Sorry for lurking, yes I love Set Me Free!  For some reason, there isn't a single song by Lycaon that I don't not like, and it rare for a band to do that to me.  But I can definantly feel the Satoshi influence in that song lol!  I am also trying to upload my Lycaon goods, that you haven't already so kindly done so <3


    Thanks!  Yes, he is a very handsome man xD


    Oooooooooh, do you have something that I haven't uploaded yet? :3 What is it? Though I have something left to upload too - DVD from Royal Order Limited edition is still to be uploaded and I'll recieve Yukizuri no onna DVD on monday!


    Yeah, that sounds so much like Satoshi it makes me laugh XD


    edit. OMG I didn't notice you had just uploaded Yukizuri no onna!!! Aargghh I can't wait to get home and watch it before my own copy arrives :D

  9. Yeaaaaaaaaah, more Lycaon fans!! :3 Lycaon is my favorite band too. It's always so nice to get to know more Lycaon fans! I noticed you have already found a ton of my Lycaon downloads from the download section :D And btw did you like SET ME FREE?


    Welcome to MH! Ichiro looks so handsome in your avatar.

  10. Let's see...


    1. Skid Row - Wasted times

    2. B2ST - Mystery

    3. 동방신기 - I'll be there

    4. DIV - 東京ネクロポリス博物館

    5. X Japan - Tears

    6. DIAURA - 禁示録

    7. Vidoll - 初雪

    8. X Japan - Silent Jealousy

    9. Slipknot - Call out hook

    10. 비 - Hip song


    This isn't a tough choice. X Japan is just that awesome.

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