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Posts posted by paradoxal

  1. ^ I think frappucino doesn't count as coffee :-(  It's basically some flavoured cyrup mixed with whipped cream...



    Have I felt like that I'm going to die or that I want to die? Answer for both is yes.



    Could you ever cheat on your SO?

  2. I totally feel that. I dont want someone to look at my username and just automatically be like "Oh they're one of /those/ people" i.e rukisamaisk4w411_98 e___e

    Especially when you're an older person on the webs, you need to be looked at with some amount of dignity! .__.


    Yeah, I totally feel you. I think a username is great if others can't figure out your main interestes, age etc just based on your username, Because otherwise your whole personality and life will be watered down to only those details. It's the same in real life. If you decide to tattoo your whole face with something idiotic, you can't expect people to not treat you differently. Your username (and avatar) is your virtual face, and if your username is plastered with stupid shit, you will probably notice people won't take you as seriously as they otherwise would.

  3. I think they are quite important for me. Here in the internetz one's username (and avatar) are the things that leave the first impression on others, and tbqh I just couldn't take seriously anyone whose username was sth like  ~^rukisamaisk4w411_98^~. I wouldn't really imagine someone being comfortable with a nickname like that. I value usernames that are easy to remember and at least in some way original. Not that my own nickname is the most original and most unique username ever, I have just used it for many years and don't feel like changing it.

  4. For the last 6 weeks at the office I've been in charge of different tasks than usually due to colleague A being sick. There are always 3 people doing those tasks, and now that colleague A was sick, his place was filled with two temporary workers, me and my other colleague B. Now colleague A is healthy again and back at the office, and now I'm stuck with my old tasks for 3 weeks - that's when my colleague's vacation starts, so then I can start again with the nice tasks. My old tasks are super boring and I won't be learning anything new, whereas my temporary tasks were interesting and I was really excited I got to do that particular job.


    TL;DR I will have to do boring shit for the next 3 weeks.

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