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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    because 38 is the new 42
  2. paradoxal

    Wow, this is the first foreign VK inspired band that I actually enjoy. I actually listened to this twice because I really liked it. You guys really know what you're doing, and please keep this thing going. Also I like your vocalist, that's one thing other foreign vk bands have been lacking - a nice vocalist. I'm really excited about your future releases.
  3. everybody pls come to the chat it's lonely here

    1. yakihiko
    2. paradoxal


      almost everybody is here now, this is good

  4. paradoxal

    I just can't, the name is so awesome.
  5. paradoxal

    Exactly. How is that any different than getting eg. sad about some fictional character dying in a film/series/book? Are you saying, that everyone who was sad about eg. death had a weak personality and therefore their sadness is silly? And now we are talking about completely fictional and made up character, whose existance you discovered by rdeciphering some man-made symbols on a thin sheet of mashed up wood. Sorry, you're totally right. It's insane to be mad about a band disbanding.
  6. paradoxal

    I must disagree with you. You think it's wrong to get attached to a band you love, since all indie bands eventually disband? That's like thinking it's wrong to love your dog and be extremely emotional about its death since all pets die eventually. Getting attached to things is life, and when something great ends, you get sad. Period.
  7. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! I'm sure you'll fit right in Haha, very high! 5/5 for リライゾ, I have been blasting them all night and I saw you were listening to them just 40 minutes ago I just bought all their CDs and preordered their newest single lolol. As beni said, please join us in the chat sometimes! There you really get to know different people. It would be fun to chat more with you!
  8. help me i just paid my rarezhut invoice, then ordered 7 CDs more and because that still wasn't enough i'm soon gonna order 19 CDs more

    1. Biopanda
    2. yakihiko


      rip money (:

    3. paradoxal


      update: i decided that even that wasn't enough and ordered 2 cds more halp

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  9. i was so busy watching a lycaon PV that i didn't notice that my puppy threw up on my leg #yolo #lycaon5ever

    1. Rize


      wow damn lol

    2. togz


      wow that's dedication.

  10. paradoxal

    Haha I think that rule is invented by fytanuki But still, if you can't even find it yourself, you def don't know enough Japanese to use it. edit// yay my 1200th post
  11. paradoxal

    WHY HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING THIS FROM ME!!!! :( Just assume that the shipping is super expensive lol, that way you can only be delighted that the shipping cost wasn't as expensive as you had thought.
  12. paradoxal

    Tutorial on how to create your own iTunes JP account.
  13. paradoxal

    Wow, I didn't know there were any current vapers here I created a thread for vaping ages ago, and one member said they used to vape but quit and others were just plain confused what vaping is. XD Please report back your thoughts on Kanger Minitank 3, I have been using Aerotank 2 for almost a year now and it has been awesome. I do need to change the coil every few weeks though, and I mean I really need to change it since it starts tasting really nasty. And I'm still baffled that I haven't broken the pyrex tank yet, I bought like two spares but fortunately I haven't needed them. I did somehow break the air flow controller though, but thank god I had a spare. Btw which mod are you using? You can find the vaping thread here, and for the sake of "staying in topic" I think it could be best if you answered me in that thread
  14. Yes, Google Translate's romaji is actually incredibly accurate. I once pasted a song's lyrics to Google Translate, then listened the song and I only had to correct like 3 words.
  15. paradoxal

    Cyber dragon metal shit just made my day XD lolololol
  16. paradoxal

    When I and my fiancé are wealthy enough to buy a bigger apartment / rent a bigger apartment, we are definitely going to designate one room for "our cave", not man cave, our cave XD I have strict plans to make it our gaming cave with movie and band posters all over the walls, with huge shelfs for all our DVDs, video games and my CDs. I'm only 21 but still I feel kinda embarrassed to hang band posters in our living room, so for the time being I'm just saving them for a bigger flat
  17. Nice to know that they didn't disband after Akito leaving! I'm really excited about their new single, their previous mini was absolutely amazing.
  18. paradoxal

    Happy Birthday everyone!
  19. paradoxal

    I voted for vistlip since I used to like them a lot, whereas I'm not intersted in SuG at all.
  20. paradoxal

    I have been following this thread without participating, and I'm glad this seems to have resolved! I'm really sorry, DarkWater, if you accidentally purchased the wrong version. But at least you know now why you can't rip the probably non-existant third track!
  21. Sounds cool! I hope I can find that in the auctions.
  22. paradoxal

    I'll just leave this here.
  23. paradoxal

    Lololol the background growls sound hilarious since they are so loud compared to Aki's vocals and other instruments XD (sample under the spoiler)
  24. paradoxal

    The set list sounds awesome! I hope they will release something new soon.
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