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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    listening to rouge because it's awesomeee
  2. paradoxal

    I think this is a great suggestion! As I follow vk bands only, it would be easier to spot the stuff I actually want to read.
  3. paradoxal

    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!! Join here!
  4. paradoxal

    Steam: amafobia Please add me, I don't have too many friends there ;_;
  5. paradoxal

    Oh god. I feel so sorry for you. I wouldn't discuss about that with anyone. I mean, it's fine to talk about eg. birth control, or how periods suck, or if you have periods atm. That's casual conversation with good friends. But imo everything that goes beyond that point is just nasty.
  6. paradoxal

    Saints Row IV because it's awesome.
  7. saints row IV, the very first open world action game i've ever played and oh god it's so good. thank you steam for letting me try it for free <3

    1. paradoxal


      i tried the third one too (since I can only play SRIV with my bf's computer, my laptop is too shitty :D), and I thought it's pretty good too. but SRIV is much more fun with all the super powers and aliens :D

    2. Metoichi



    3. paradoxal



    4. Show next comments  63 more
  8. paradoxal

    And that 1st box COULD include for example: 1. TOILET PAPER 2. coffee maker, coffee, coffee filters, a few mugs (so that you can make coffee for the people helping you ) 3. some snacks for your crew 4. something to clean the floors with (in case the previous tenant didn't clean the place that well) 5. charger for your phone (you don't wanna spend your first night opening every single box and desperately trying to find it XD)
  9. paradoxal

    The title of this single 5/5.
  10. paradoxal

    Start buying tableware, house hold items, towels and bed sheets now. It's better to buy quality towels and bed sheets instead of the cheapest ones, since the good ones will last tens of years. You can also ask your family if they have any spare plates or forks. It's useful to make a monthly budget. Always pay first your rent and bills, and then decide how much money you wanna spend on groceries every week. With groceries it's easy to exceed your budget, but by buying the cheapest off-brand items and preparing the food yourself you can save a lot of money. Good luck with your move, living alone might seem really scary at first but I promise that once you get used to it, it beats your old place 10-0!
  11. paradoxal

  12. paradoxal

    I love this kind of vk drama.
  13. paradoxal

    I love it. I need to have it.
  14. paradoxal

  15. paradoxal

    hey hey hey my avatar IS hiyuu from camera obscura era!!1 EDIT// wow this was my 1000th post
  16. paradoxal

  17. paradoxal

    Wait - did your teacher actually give you a copy of Vanishing Vision?? That's so awesome!! I'm also a huge fan of X JAPAN Welcome to MH!
  18. paradoxal

    I remember listening to デンジャー☆ギャング's (Danger☆gang) サムライ on repeat for few days when I was a lot younger. I don't enjoy their other material that much, and even this song isn't that great. But it's so nostalgic... And of course there's exist†trace. 灰ノ雪 is one of my favorite songs, and I still feel so betrayed when they changed their style to the shitty pop rock they do nowadays. When they still played good music, I was one of their biggest fans. I loved these girls so much. EDIT// Almost forgot about ネクロサァカス (NecRoCirCuS)! I was never a huge fan of them, but they played okayish music. The vocalist sounds pretty horrible though. Also DecoLa Hopping's Suiya is hella rad. She is so awesome.
  19. paradoxal

    Well that was fast
  20. oh yes, this is so cool! PERFECT!
  21. paradoxal

    Thank you so much for this honor!
  22. paradoxal

  23. paradoxal

    Yes, exactly! Give your eyes open and give everyone a chance and you will sooner or later find that special someone
  24. paradoxal

    I think I'd drop a few comments to this conversations since I have been together with my fiancé for over 4 years. I don't think that being 'picky' is a good thing when it comes to relationships, nor deciding if someone is relationship material only based on your common interests. If I had been too picky or only cared about the number of our common interests, I would have never ended up with the love of my life. I actually met him as a high school sophomore because I took a senior Finnish class. I heard him talking about external hard drives, and asked what kind of external hard drive he's gonna get. He isn't extraordinarily handsome, tall or charismatic. I wouldn't probably have even noticed him, if it wasn't for an old scar in his short-haired head that is currently just a small bald spot (skating accident haha). I actually asked him "what is that whole in your head", and then we started talking. As it turned out, he is into cars, American rap (west side yooo), Dire Straits, motorcycles, computers and gaming. Back then I was into visual kei, k-pop, dancing, fashion, make up, hair extensions. We had zero things in common, but still we hit it off and have been together ever since. I love his humor more than anything, and he got me really into cars. I wrote an essay about electric cars in my physics finals, because I had been babbling about how much they suck. I started liking the things he liked, and vice versa. Moral of the story? Don't be too picky. Don't be ridiculous and date only people who are at least THIS tall, have that kind of hair, that kind of eyes or people who like the exact same things you like.
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