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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. pURPLE STONE (2013-) Vocals Keiya Guitar & programming GAK Bass 風麻 Purple Stone is one of the most promising new visual kei bands. Sharing the same label as hyped 少年記, I think they deserve a lot more hype too. Their first mini-album NEXUS was released almost exactly one year ago, and now they’re finally back with their first single (not counting their first one-coin single Scar). 甘酸っぱいマンゴー (amazuppai mango) As much as I love NEXUS and Scar, I must say that 甘酸っぱいマンゴー (Amazuppai mango) is an amazing single. One of the strengths of Purple stone is undoubtedly vocalist Keiya’s amazingly powerful voice, combined with catchy melodies and well composed songs. Being a part of the new era of visual kei, they also utilize a significant amount of synths composed by their guitarist GAK in their songs. Add a dash of SINCREAesque metal parts, and that’s pretty much what the single Amazuppai mango consists of. The A-side Amazuppai mango is a song, whose PV and song title make you giggle, because who the hell would make a song about mangos? I’m still 100% convinced this single was created because of “I dare you to make a song about mangos”, but nevertheless it doesn’t take away the fact that this song is one of my favorite singles this year (and yes I know, I declare this fact like 10 times a year…). The A-side combines beautiful riffing and carefully placed synths, and Keiya’s powerful vocals just take your breath away. The B-side Hysterical Lady is a harder song, and the chorus somehow reminds me of girugamesh, even though I’m not that familiar with their discography. This is undoubtedly a song that is super fun live, with lots of jumping and head banging. If you can overlook the title ‘sweet and sour mango’, I think this particular single deserves 5/5 and a golden star, even though it doesn’t add anything new to the world that is visual kei. Purple stone hasn’t done anything ground breaking, nor do they deserve a gold medallion for creating something totally new, because they by no means have done that. Not every band has to be always creating something new. As generic as this single is, it’s beautifully made and definitely deserves your attention. TL;DR: If you don’t like new visual kei, don’t try this. If you like new visual kei, try this. It's awesome.
  2. Sorry I forgot to answer you! I wasn't sure if I was allowed to tell you about that, so I just totally forgot to answer you
  3. paradoxal

    Yessssss, you won't regret it! Also +1 for Canzel, DELACROIX and Royz!
  4. paradoxal

    Awww that song is so cool! I can't wait to hear the whole single.
  5. paradoxal

    Awwww, Yukine and his kids look so cute!!
  6. paradoxal

    Yes. With all that deco stuff, oshare kei style. Cat I think oshare would really suit you.
  7. Please, vote for this picture! Click!
  8. They just don't think it would be profitable. That previous single 深海に降るプラネタリウム wasn't in fact distributed during that free one-man, but during the latter one-man for which the tickets cost 3000 yens. I actually found a person to pick up that CD for me, but unfortunately she couldn't grab it for me. But I'm getting two other CDs instead, so yay for that! Back to the topic: it's very different selling something in a web shop where anyone can buy it or lure people into buying expensive concert tickets to get the CD, when they might actually buy some merch etc. It's also about creating a hype - this CD is available ONLY during this concert, please come to our concert or you won't ever get it!
  9. paradoxal

    Vidoll does it best.
  10. paradoxal

    Oh no, please come back soon finn-bro
  11. paradoxal

    Exactly. When I first listened to MONEY, I felt like I had been betrayed XD
  12. paradoxal

    Yesssssss, that's awesome!! Can't wait!
  13. paradoxal

    There's a special place in hell for people who upvote old artist pictures in last.fm.
  14. paradoxal

    Unfortunately, Dawn > End of stasis. Everything that's so amazing about Dawn is imo missing from End of stasis. The second song is my favorite, but there's just too much going on in the chorus. You have that beautiful melody, but then the instrumentals are blurred away by too much synths. I was so excited about this release, so I feel really sad to see it isn't as good as their first one :/ Let's just hope their third single will be something similar to Dawn!
  15. yesssssss i'm gonna get that new planetarium single!! i'm so happy!

    1. Tetora
    2. cirrus


      whoaaaa. i jelly :<

  16. this is @ very interesting thre@d
  17. end of stasis is in the customs now, bitches :3

  18. paradoxal

    This is me every night when I'm browsing MH.
  19. paradoxal

    Awwww, please try to do your best with your studies so that you can come back to us soon! We'll miss you!
  20. why the hell is every single email i get from last.fm IN SPANISH this is not bueno i can't spanish

    1. Biopanda


      ¡como estas, mi amigo!

  21. I don't believe in astrology because there's nothing to believe in. Astrology belongs to the same category (that is pseudo science) as alchemy and homeopathy - they were created hundreds of years ago because people were just trying to figure out the world without that scientific knowledge we have nowadays. My kind of horoscope:
  22. paradoxal

    Definitely no. People are ugly when they cry. No one cries like in the movies where they cry just a few beautiful tears while maintaining a perfectly serene face. I prefer to listen to ~*embarrassing*~ stuff in Youtube so that it won't show up in my last.fm stats and ruin them. Am I weird?
  23. this topic needs some update, i wanna see more recent stats! mods, please! ;_; http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/4964-fun-forum-facts/

    1. allisapp
    2. Champ213


      Fun fact: I looked at our statistics just a few days ago and thought about doing another of these topics. Might do it once I have some time...

    3. paradoxal


      Yes yes yes yes yes, thank you so much Champ!! :D I'm already so excited, stats rock!

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  24. paradoxal

    Sorry I know this is very off-topic, but as we are in the Toasted Waffles section, I must ask: what did happen to Mana's dress? And when?
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