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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    15.1.2014 NEVER FORGET vitun homo
  2. paradoxal

    I like them! Not every song, but some of the songs are just brilliant. And don't get me started on their newest single...
  3. paradoxal

    Why add two? Just add one subforum under 'Japanese Rock', there's really no need for two separate sections.
  4. paradoxal

    I think a new section would be great, granted it's okay to post live reports there too. Anyone can write live reports, whereas translating interviews is a whole other thing.
  5. paradoxal

    I'm pretty sure you should be sleeping right now. Is bang me interrupting your sleep now too? I think my brain will explode once this single gets leaked. And I can't wait to get my copy in November <3
  6. paradoxal

    Reblogged <3 I slipped again. I survived without bang me less than two hours. Still over 10 days to go.
  7. paradoxal

    Definitely. Do it now.
  8. paradoxal

    The plague is spreading. There's nowhere to hide.
  9. paradoxal


    Welcome to MH! Do you have a last.fm btw?
  10. paradoxal

    Today I've managed NOT to listen to BANG ME at all. Though I've been awake for only half an hour, but the struggle is real. My mouth is dry. I think my hands are shaking. How many hours can I survive?
  11. paradoxal

    I'd start with their singles ガゼルバベル and REVIVA, they're my favorites. The B-side of ガゼルバベル, LONELINESS PRINCESS, is amazing!
  12. paradoxal

    So I have been listening to the PV spot for 1,5 hours today. The anxiety is starting to build up. Will this torture never end? What if they decide to cancel the release?
  13. Is it heroin? Or cocaine? No one knows, but once you've got a taste of it, you can't live without it. It's 9 days until the release date, and probably 2-3 days more until it gets leaked. That makes over 10 bangmeless days, over 10 days of torturing anxiety and thrilling excitement. So gather up all the addicts, and let your feelings out. Did you miss your father's birthday because you couldn't stop listening to the PV spot? Is your BF going to break up with you unless you stop listening to the PV spot? Did your cat die of hunger because you simply forgot to feed it? We are not here to judge you. We are here to support you.
  14. Live-limited single "Eau de toilette-オードトワレ-" will be released at their live since Hiroshima NAMIKI JUNCTION at 2014/11/11 01.Eau de toilette 02.LoneBeauty 03.解放VOLTAGE(kaihou VOLTAGE)
  15. planetarium will distribute a new single "深海に降るプラネタリウム(shinkai ni furu planetarium)" on their free one-man live on 2014.11.09 at Doutonbori SHRIMP in Osaka. [OPEN / START] 16:00 / 16:30 [DOOR] ¥0 / ¥0
  16. paradoxal

    Oh god the previews sound amazing, I think I might have to buy both singles if I just get a chance of grabbing Eternal.
  17. I don't own any consoles. I just play Civilization and Simcity on my PC haha.
  18. SERIOUSLY BLESSCODE, JUST GO FUCK YOURSELF. A LIVE-LIMITED SINGLE?? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Btw here's the single art. My feelings towards this release are quite complicated. I think the title is so amusing, but OMFG JUST STOP WITH THOSE LIVE-LIMITED RELEASES.
  19. paradoxal

    I still haven't properly listened through the whole mini-album. But I did add this mini-album to a playlist I was listening on shuffle. When the red started playing, I was perplexed. What was this amazing song I haven't heard before? How can I have possibly missed this song? I was really surprised it was 12012 I was listening to. I have heard only a few songs in my early VK years (I mean songs like cheeky doll which is the worst song ever), and I remember downloading THE SWAN, listening to it, and not liking it at all. I'll clearly need to give this mini-album a few more listens after Pretsy praising the shit out of it. Even if the other songs were shit (because I don't really remember the other songs), the red is so brilliant this mini-album deserves definitely . Only because the red is so awesome.
  20. paradoxal

    It depends on what kind of VK you like. For someone who really likes eg. Royz, I wouldn't even compare them to GazettE, Alice Nine, ViViD or SuG. They all have their distinctive sounds. Though there are many bands that have the same synth-driven sound as Royz, I must say that you picked all the wrong bands
  21. I have a problem that's preventing me from doing anything useful. It's called BANG ME. I think I need help. (lol srsly I JUST NEED THE SINGLE ASAP)

    1. paradoxal


      but i just can't stand the name 'hymelcrout', it sounds so silly XD

    2. eiheartx



      I can't wait to hear it too :3

    3. kyoselflove


      gimme gimme gimme!

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  22. paradoxal

  23. paradoxal

    I think he meant the opposite. My favorite vocalists have that generic 'girly' voice, and I'm pretty sure he meant bands such as Royz, アルルカン, コドモドラゴン,etc. There's nothing girly in Kamijo's or Asagi's voice
  24. paradoxal

    I doubt you can get it that easily. I don't believe it's custom-made just for Lycaon, it probably can be bought in some store in Japan. I just think it might be pretty damn impossible to get it if you aren't in Japan and don't know where to go
  25. Thanks for your help with the previous pics! More help needed! VOTE UP: http://www.last.fm/music/Blesscode/+images/101502721 VOTE DOWN: pics ahead of it
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