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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    Cocturnal Cashlust fits even better.
  2. So I just found some minced meat lying on the ground where we usually take our puppy to go potty. Seriously fuck you people, I'm so freaking out at the moment I can't do anything productive. Fuck you.

    1. paradoxal


      Haha Owl I understand. Yes, we clean after him always, no exceptions. Ofc it would be different if we didn't do that, but still, WHAT ABOUT JUST SAYING SOMETHING instead of passive-aggressively hinting about poisoning our puppy. :(

    2. Nisimaldar


      I've never heard of something like that, that's horrible >:[ (At first I assumed you were vegan too (like me) and grossed out by processed meat... haha)

    3. paradoxal


      Haha no, I eat meat everyday :D In Finland we have had a few serious cases of people throwing poisoned sausages, meatballs etc on the ground, so ofc everything like that freaks the shit out of me :S

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  3. paradoxal

    DELUHI 10 Versailles 16 Megaromania 13 D 30 Matenrou Opera 29
  4. paradoxal

    My thoughts exactly XD
  5. paradoxal

    Shadow Limited edition (2,700 yen) 1. Shadow 2. Untitled track A + PV DVD Shadow Regular Edition (1,620 yen) 1. Shadow 2. Untitled track A 3. Untitled track B Source: Brand-X
  6. paradoxal

    Wow, sounds really nice 5/5. Title 5/5. Everything 5/5. Gotta buy.
  7. paradoxal

    Don't complain, just enjoy
  8. paradoxal

    Could someone help me with buying two albums from iTunes JP? They cost 900 yen each so the total is 1800 yen and I'd be willing to pay you eg. 2500 yen if you bought & uploaded those albums for me. If you're interested in helping me, please PM me.
  9. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! I like 2nd Dyz too, it's such a shame that they disbanded
  10. Aaaahhh Lycaon's gig is next week, omg my brain is going to explode soon ;_;

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Probably the reason they won't have the bar open at all is that everyone would be there while born is playing

    2. paradoxal


      Dispo, isn't the bar open?? The bar is always open at Gloria!

    3. blackdoll


      tap yuuki's ass for me.... or if you prefer the front lol but please get

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  11. paradoxal

    When it comes to casual acquaintances, their religion doesn't matter that much. But when it comes to really close friends, it really matters. I'm an atheist and I don't think I could be really close with someone who is extremely religious. And it's not like I would stop being friends with someone if I found out they believe in God - I just somehow don't become good friends with people who are religious. I just tend to attract people who share my beliefs and vice versa XD I hope no one will take my answer the wrong way. Everyone can believe in whatever they want if they don't shove it in other people's faces. Which ice cream flavor is your favourite?
  12. paradoxal

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into
  13. paradoxal

    Yes I am, I have really strong opinions XD Do you drink your coffee with milk or/and sugar?
  14. paradoxal

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started
  15. paradoxal

    Have fun, Trombe!
  16. I have Moi dix Mois's Dixanadu, the EU (limited?) version with Lamentfull miss, if you are interested.
  17. paradoxal

    I just realized how fucked up and full of courses 2014-2015 will be. Countdown to burn-out is starting right now...
  18. paradoxal

    You look sooooooooo pretty!!! I envy your hair, it's perfect!
  19. paradoxal

    Wow, that first drawing is amazing! You're so talented!
  20. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! Please join us in the chat sometimes, it would be fun to chat there with you! Your musical compatibility with Hiroike is SUPER Music you have in common includes アルルカン, Lycaon, Royz, コドモドラゴン and プラネタリウム. That's a really nice music taste you have And if you don't mind, I already sent you a friend request in last.fm!
  21. paradoxal

    Noooooo, I really liked them! Hopefully they will still release that new album tho.
  22. paradoxal

    Tbqh Lolita is a brilliant book, thank you for summarizing it efficiently for me. I have read it myself when I was 15 or so, and it definitely belongs among one of the best of English literature. Then something on-topic: The thing that I find to be most disturbing is definitely the work culture. I could never stand working overtime without extra money.
  23. paradoxal

    Count me in haha, I got 27 well, at least I don't exploit other people or think I'm superior. Authority: 7.00 Self-Sufficiency: 5.00 Superiority: 2.00 Exhibitionism: 5.00 Exploitativeness: 1.00 Vanity: 1.00 Entitlement: 6.00
  24. So 5 days ago we got a new family member :3 He's furry, weighs 4.2 kg and is the most adorable french bulldog puppy I've ever seen <3

    1. hiroki


      lol Owl XD

    2. paradoxal


      @tetora, his name is tesla! because a/c rocks

    3. Tetora
    4. Show next comments  96 more
  25. paradoxal

    Now that I've had enough time to listen to the single, I gotta say that it's the most awesome and most solid single they have released so far. Every song is well composed and keeps me interested, I just wish that single had more songs haha.
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