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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. Is there any logic behind the romanization 'boketsu' other than Google Translate choosing to use that version?
  2. Please share your wisdom with us, I'm equally confused with the romanization of the title XD
  3. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! We might not share the same music taste now, but wait until I'll start throwing some recommendations... justkidding
  4. paradoxal


    Welcome to MH! X Japan is awesome, I once counted I have spent like 3 days listening to that song according to my last.fm
  5. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH!
  6. paradoxal

    Where did you find the new single? O_O
  7. paradoxal

    I agree with this so much. Royz is so hyped overseas because they can be approached so easily - a lot of pictures of them in the internet doing funny and 'genuine' stuff, with and without make up. You really start feeling like you know these guys at least in some level. They even do that video series called GanbaRoyz where they do something silly everytime, a bit similar to the video series Alice nine does. Of course I enjoy their music a lot, and if their music sucked I wouldn't spend my evenings watching those silly videos Tbqh I really envy Royz fans because Lycaon doesn't really do those silly videos & other fun stuff
  8. paradoxal

    "The best of the best of albums will be released next year"
  9. my thoughts exactly But I'm happy that one type of their upcoming single carries some live material too!
  10. Awwwwwwww yeah a new single next week and a new album in the fall!!!!! Super awesome
  11. paradoxal

    Because Japanese is their first language, and they feel the most comfortable while they're using that specific language?
  12. paradoxal

    Google translate: Arehandoro, so yes.
  13. paradoxal

    Dark super skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt with black leopard pattern.
  14. Lol what a fucking emo, listening to FFDP and shit. http://www.last.fm/user/corpsedancer
  15. paradoxal

    I think you'd be amazed by the amount of make up things, skin care products & hair products I have... I'm a huge impulse shopper when it comes to cosmetics, and most of my stuff I've bought on sale. I'm pretty sure I have 10-15 different products that can be used before blow drying your hair XD But I do have a long hair though, so I really do need a lot of different products to keep it healthy. Nowadays I don't style my hair as much as I used to, but it would be a waste to get rid of all those products. My everyday makeup is pretty minimal and in every occasion I try to keep it pretty natural. Most days I just curl my lashes, put on some mascara and draw my eyebrows because I'm very fixated on them XD I like sleeping so much I get up like 10 minutes before I really gotta go EVERY SINGLE MORNING, so I do my makeup in the bus every single fucking day.
  16. paradoxal

    I'm not a fan of that song on Stella with the long ass title. It's too mellow and bland for my taste, basically just a very uninteresting song. The other one is Fiction, but the main reason I don't like that song that much is I keep hearing Aki singing "Taina" in the chorus which is a Finnish female name It just sounds so random haha, otherwise I'd probably like it too.
  17. paradoxal

    Arlequin is probably in my top 3 at the moment, they might even be my 2nd favorite band right now. I love most of their stuff (two songs excluded) and I hope they won't disband ever ;_; Agreed 100%. Yes, Haka ana will be released 7.30 so in exactly 7 days. I can't wait to get my own copy, I'm really digging the preview.
  18. paradoxal

    Aawwww please come back soon! ;_;
  19. paradoxal

    That was.... interesting. Though that chick is cool.
  20. paradoxal

    Ooh, a new Lycaon fan Welcome to MH!
  21. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! Nice to see dorasuteika inviting all of her friends here too. Please join us in the chat sometimes!
  22. paradoxal

  23. today i did some waifu stuff, cleaning and shit, and now it's time for a cold beer. feels good.

    1. Tetora


      What beer?

    2. togz


      Your dad is a waifu then [2]

    3. paradoxal


      nobelaner :D cheap german beer

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